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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Have a huge party. Let them all leave. Then cancel there passports and sieze eveything they own....

    Gone off the idea of hanging people in Siam sqare, have you?

    What's your proposal ?.

    Put them in a crowd with their wives and kids then pay some other baboon 2000 baht to fire an M79 at them ?.

    Then have a big party and cheer when you hear the news ?.

    The semi-literate hypocrites are out in force today. Either that or they left their PC's logged in and their 6 year old son's are having a go.

  2. I'm sorry PBS and Thaivisa, but, due to Thai laws, it's forbidden to publish pictures of dry fields. "Junta Leader asks media not to report pictures of parched, cracked rice fields because it'll make people depressed"

    I see you added the 'forbidden' part yourself.

    Seems the anti-junta brigade are falling back on their good old favourite 'outright fabrication' now that all their predictions of people disappearing have been proved completely wrong.

  3. I think a lot of people here don't quite understand the bigger picture here and why Les Majeste is being enforced so rigidly.

    Is it a coincidence that most of the offenders are red-shirts ?.

    The King is the one person who enjoys the confidence and the support of the majority of Thai people. It's common knowledge amongst Thais that certain people have long seen that as an obstacle to complete power.

    I agree completely that it is a draconian and outdated way of stopping efforts to solve that problem, but Thais are famous for deciding on ways of doing things which are ludicrous to the outside world.

    The communists want rid of the rich 'elite'. They make no secret about that. Someone needs to tell them that communism doesn't work. As Maggie Thatcher said about it : "You soon run out of other peoples money".

  4. Obama's only defence of this deal is : "You tell me something better" and it about sums it up. The ONLY way to stop Iran developing a nuclear bomb is to launch a pre-emptive war. And there is no appetite for that in any Western country now.

    So the situation is that Iran will get some money. Then when they want something else, they start work again. After lots of protests from the rest of the world, another deal is negotiated and they get more. We will be asked "You tell me something better" again.

    Eventually they will get the bomb from somewhere and this country which is now much more powerful because of all the aid it got will be a major player in the region - and I would say a nuclear attack on Israel is a real possibility. The difference this time is that we are talking about a country who place religion above any reasonable sense. But that is years away and politicians never think past the next election.

    The world is gambling again just like it did at Munich, in Vietnam (by supporting Ho Chi Minh at the start), in Afghanistan, in Libya and in Syria where so much of the equipment they sent is now being used against them or by the people it was meant to help against each other.

    What a disaster - with no end in sight.

  5. What a load of typical claptrap most of these comments are.

    To anyone with any sense who watched the whole thing unfold, it is pretty clear what happened :

    1) After the amnesty bill, protestors took to the streets in huge numbers demanding political reform.

    2) Pheu-Thai refused any compromise.

    3) Pheu-Thai tried to run an election during emergency law in order to use that mandate as a reason to continue as they were.

    4) They scored about 30% of the vote even though >90% of polling stations were open. That route clearly did not work.

    5) To try and get rid of the protestors, UDD terrorists were put on the streets to murder innocent people with M79 grenade attacks.

    6) Despite the large number of attacks, the corrupt police did not arrest a single one. In fact, they were seen aiding the terrorists for safe passage.

    7) Things were getting so bad, the Army had to start manning check points and do the job of the police. That's when Prayuth announced the Army were taking control of security.

    8) Pheu-Thai point blank refused to be involved in any reform unless their own cabinet had the ultimate yes/no decision for each one.

    9) The attacks continued and there was no obvious way out. There was a clear danger of the country slipping towards civil war.

    10) Prayuth got everyone together and asked Pheu-Thai is they would back down from the current position. They refused and so he announced the coup.

    This is the reality : I watched it all closely from start to finish - including social media which taught me what a disgrace the Thai press really is. The leaders in that industry are truly bought.

    Suthep surely wanted the coup because there was no other way reforms would ever happen and people would stop getting murdered. It doesn't mean Prayuth was colluding with him. I am 100% certain that Prayuth tried everything he could to avoid it. He has given up a comfortable retirement for his country and will need to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life because of it.

    Of course I realise that most red-shirts here are not interested in the truth. They just want the field of corruption open so they might get rich one day without having to earn it. It's this complete lack of ethics which means Thailand is doomed to stay EXACTLY as it is for many years to come.

  6. "The new provision bans politicians who were impeached for any of four infringements from politics for life, prohibiting them from holding any political positions."

    "The four offences in question are being unusually wealthy, performing duties dishonestly, malfeasance in the bureaucracy, and misconduct in the justice system."

    Pheu-Thai politician: " "they" were obviously trying to get rid of politicians from the Pheu Thai camp."

    I don't know how much more obvious you need it. The political choice in Thai politics basically boils down to whether you support corruption or not. The thing which still amazes me is how these people and their supporters here feel no embarrassment or shame for what they say.

  7. This is just what the Junta should be doing. Changing the rules which politicians will NEVER do themselves because the reason Thai people go into politics (and the police) in the first place is because they think they can get rich through graft.

    They should concentrate on this kind of thing and leave long term policy decisions (like railways and submarines) to an elected government.

    I see the Pheu-Thai supporters are displaying their amazing hypocrisy once more. Glass houses and stones and all that. The Junta are certainly not ideal - but they are a lot better than the Parliament of dirty cronies they booted out.

  8. Absolutely... Generally she does it with the best intentions or to cover up and save face smile.png Only little things though and I find it quite amusing as she's not a good liar...

    LOL, that's so true. You know it just happened when with typical Thai logic, you get a reason for something which makes no sense at all. Then if you 'dig in' to find out more the reason gets even less convincing until finally you get the truth out. A bright light in the face helps a little during this process.

    The most common one for me is a reason why I need to go with her if she has to go into Bangkok or something. The reason is always the same : she just doesn't want to go on her own.

  9. Stalin was just an evil SOB and there was nothing great about him at all.

    Hitler took his country from nothing to the brink of ruling almost the whole world outside the USA. He must have had some qualities to get the Nation behind him and do that.

    Things started going backwards when the pressure of war and syphilis sent him crazy and he proved to us how absolute power does indeed corrupt absolutely. And then lost the plot completely. Before that though, he did rather well. And remember he did it for his country and the German people. There is a lot more to his story than what the 'victors' have written, especially pre-war.

    Now they are using the 'EU' to do effectively the same thing. They just conquered Greece.

  10. He comes across as a whining spoilt schoolboy who got spanked when caught stealing cookies and now wants to vent some spite at the grown ups who did it.

    A bit like the comments we get from his supporters.

    I wonder if this despicable crony even realises what a hypocrite he is considering what his lot did in government. I am beginning to believe that red-shirts do not even realise what they do is wrong. I may have overestimated the average IQ : I'll knock it down a few points.

  11. LMAO. We've all seen the red-shirts 'million people'. 10,000 at best - and only if there are free busses and parties when they get there.

    These people follow whoever has the money and that's it. The only one with that kind of influence and funding is Mr T.

    Sure he is getting desperate : it's odd's on now that he will die in a hospital surrounded by Arabs, but even he will have learned that his brute-force corruption and cronyism will not work in the modern world of social media etc.

    Having said that, he would gladly send thousands of red-shirts to their deaths if he thought he could get back to Thailand and regain his power. And they will do it too because they all still believe he will make them rich as a reward. The ethics go no deeper than that. I have seen nothing in the last 10 years which makes me believe otherwise.

    If the Junta are still in power after 2016, the weight of intelligent opinion from the decent people in Thailand will force elections from the Junta by peaceful demonstrations. I'm certain of that.

  12. The restructuring of the EU into something the people want is going to be very painful.

    The politicians will not allow it and may well cause it to disintegrate rather than give up this outrageous gravy train.

    People want free markets and easy access to EU countries - not mass migration from poorer countries and laws which override those made by the elected government.

    Nothing will surprise me now.

  13. Now world famous for his unchanging constipated expression, he's finally trying a new look:

    "What smell? It wasn't me."

    Almost pulled it off, too.

    It would be pricey, but he really needs to takes lessons on facial expressions from this guy:

    What an excellent and very typical comment from a Junta critic.

    Shouldn't you be at school though with the other 5 year olds ?.

  14. Thanks Obama/Kerry for making the world an even more dangerous place.

    Unlike the wonderful world of sunshine and lollipops left to us from the Bush/Chaney presidency??? Think before you write.

    The damage caused by Bush when he destabilized the Middle East by running his "illegal war for oil money based on lies" will haunt the entire world for generations to come.

    I guess you think it would be best to just go in and start bombing Iran to hell rather than negotiating a civilized solution?

    Bomb first...think and pay for your mistakes later????

    9-11 demonstrated you cannot defend against terrorist attacks once they are hiding in your country. So they went after them in their training camps and also after governments who support them.

    If it brought down a few SERIOUSLY evil dictators then that was a nice side effect.

    The miscalculation was that the people of these countries were basically honest and would embrace democracy like people in the West. This was the big miscalculation : They aren't and they didn't. They are products of the same society as the dictator. Same reason Thailand will remain as corrupt as it is now for decades to come no matter what the Junta do.

    I wonder what the world would be like if you got to make the big decisions. A lot more dead Americans for sure. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing for an armchair critic. I bet that if you got into a debate with the people who made the decisions, they would make you look like an ignorant child.

  15. As much as I wish it were true, I'm quite certain this agreement will be another blunder by the USA.

    Iran will do whatever they can to appear to be following the agreement when in reality they don't care one bit about it. Meanwhile they will rake in aid and whatever else they can while it suits them.

    Then when the UN finally realise and start to do something about it, Iran just throw the agreement in the bin and carry on as before.

    Then the USA get them to the negotiating table and agree to give them a load more stuff if they promise to stop.

    You simply cannot trust these people.

  16. Is there a misunderstanding here or what? Usually the duties are only for travellers with goods that will end up in Thailand .e.g immigrants bringing personal belongings or thais returning from abroad.

    Foreign tourists that plan to leave the country, that is goods are imported and then exported again, typically are exempt from these duties. So don't worry about your $10000 watch or handbag. As long as you're taking it home with you.

    Not in Thailand. I looked into processing circuit boards for an American company which would involve programming cpus and calibrating sensors.

    I would have to pay import duty on the full price of the PCB (even though I would not pay anything for them) and could not claim anything back when they were exported - even though the boards would never change ownership from the American company.

    Sometimes we have to remember we are dealing with a developing country whose own industries don't go much further than farming and making stuff from concrete.

  17. Yet another law which allows farang to be fleeced.

    I imagine a lot of people are wearing more than that with jewellery and watches when they come in.

    It's a perfect setup for an official to pick someone who looks wealthy, take them aside then tell them how much they have to pay to get in. Then of course there will be a cash amount which lets them get on their way without a receipt.

    Why can't they claim it back if they show the same goods when they exit the country ?.

    This kind of thing is what I hate most about Thailand.

    I tried to find this 'flat rate of duty' on the net and it seems nobody knows it. I got a link to a Thai customs page which has no logic to the menu to find it - and every page was taking an age to download so I got fed up. Seems the tactics worked : they say they will charge you and you won't know how much until it's too late. And no doubt the value will be down to the discretion of the official with no way to appeal what he says.

  18. so now that he might be facing charges back in Thailand, it will be interesting to see how his story changes. He will now probably say that he acquired this illegal, unregistered gun while in Japan and did not take it through the Thai airport.

    Liars lie, that's what they do.

    I doubt he will be pressed too hard about an illegal gun. The press here are as crooked as the politicians : they know which people not to upset. And any friend of Thaksin will be high on that list.

    The whole subject will now be closed.

  19. I believe Sakol Chadarat is a Muslim name, so 'insurgents' killing their fellow Muslims to "create unrest".

    Muslims will kill other Muslims just for being the wrong type or for disobeying one of their medieval rules.

    People use it to say "It's not about religion". It's BS : There might be other factors like corruption, organised crime etc but boil it down to the essence and it's ALL about religion for those who do the killing.

  20. Like I have said many times, there is no way Germany will let countries leave. We have no idea what has been promised behind the scenes : it is all one big dirty game played with taxpayers money.

    It's not about the people, it's about power for the politicians on the world stage.

    Greece let it's people vote in a referendum and then went against the result. Democracy in action ... NOT.

    It's clear the government were playing a game of chicken right down the line. And the losers (as always) will be the EU citizens who have no choice but to fund this massive white elephant. In the UK, we never got asked if we wanted this.

  21. It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

    Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

    He will be shoe horned in you just know it.

    Do they never learn from their mistakes? Why am I bothering asking? facepalm.gif

    They could put a frickin shoe up for PM and it would be more popular than him.

    Yes, I'm sure a lot of you would vote for a shoe if someone told you it would make you rich.

    You must be so clever to see all those mistakes everybody else keeps making.

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