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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. The strange thing is that none of those high quality counterfeits is produced in Thailand, but they all come from neighboring countries, merely because no Thai is able to produce something of quality.

    Now would those countries produce those counterfeits for Thailand only? I doubt that.

    Thailand produces many high quality products exported around the world. Cars and motorcycles come first to mind.

    What prompts you to write such derogatory rubbish?

    I have to agree with Anthony5.

    Most things which are of high quality and made in Thailand are under the direction of a foreign leader. Thais are just the labour.

    Leave Thais to do it and (if by some miracle they actually finish it), it is made as cheaply as possible. Any project on a larger scale has the funding frittered away through corruption and all the scams which go on (like employing family members who never turn up).

    Of course there will be a few exceptions - but in 10 years I have seen little to contradict the above.

    In contrast, my experience with people from China and Taiwan is that they are hungry for success and very willing to put in the hours and effort to get it.

    I cannot think of a single high quality product designed and manufactured by Thais.

  2. The first coup was for good reason : a bunch of dirty cronies had obeyed their master by passing a law 310:0 giving him amnesty back to 2004 and were going to take the country to civil war rather than give in to mass protests.

    A second coup can only be for the benefit of a power-crazy individual. Decent people in Thailand would not stand for that.

    Luckily for Thailand these people are prepared to go out (without being paid) and die rather than watch their country get plundered to the extreme by corrupt politicians. And none of them wear red-shirts.

  3. Seems pretty clear cut to me : a boy was raised in the Muslim way : brainwashed from birth that they are the one true faith and are superior to all the other infidels who are to be regarded as a lower species (all while, of course, growing up in a country Allah saw fit to give to these infidels). Then unsurprisingly when he reached natures fighting age he is easily persuaded to go and kill these infidels.

    Now move to the BBC coverage of this story I watched last night : you would think this boy was the most honourable and noble of people who (by no fault of his own or his family) happened to get groomed by some unspecified evil man and that is why he did what he did. It could happen to anybody.

    Not a single suggestion in the whole piece as to why these people end up pulling the string. This boy was portrayed as an innocent victim, not someone prepared to murder as many non-believers as possible for this notion of paradise he has been programmed to expect.

    Nobody dare tell the truth about these people because the racist card is on the table before the first sentence is finished. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one in the first place.

  4. My Tom Tom regularly takes me down a side road in Bangkok then insists I turn right when there is no road.

    Then other times it insists I go to the other carriageway and drive into the oncoming traffic.

    And many times I have been on the expressway while it shouts at me to take an exit through the crash barrier.

    But overall it's a godsend.

  5. Truly tragic - this is the brutal reality. A lot of people sat in their armchairs have no idea what it really means.

    We can only cry about this because we have pictures. Much worse events will have happened many times which nobody will ever hear about.

    But is this a reason to stop fighting terrorists ?. These scumbags deliberately surround themselves with children and set their headquarters amongst civilians so that if any get attacked, they will have pictures to like this to show.

    Who are the murderers ?.

    Do people think these terrorists would pause for 1 second if they could put a shell in an Israeli schoolyard ?. Killing them at source is the only way to stop them doing it.

    This is all very sad, but intelligent people must have perspective on things like this. The dumbass armchair liberals can just react to what the press put under their noses, but they go very quite when the terrible consequences of what they advocated come to pass.

  6. Let them kill each other as much as possible then go in and finish off the rest.

    Get rid of this medieval scourge on the world. They would have everybody back living in mud huts with the selected few exercising absolute power on their personal whims if they could.

    I would love to hear their justification on why Allah gave their enemies the technology and smart bombs - and why they have to use weapons made by these same infidels. Or, in the true hypocrisy of religion, they might choose to simply ignore that bit.

  7. Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

    Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

    Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

    This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

    "He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

    With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

    You must be a massively huge troll!

    You can not even half believe the bullenscheiss you spout!

    Ha ha - if you want to accuse an intelligent comment of being a troll, you need to sort out your semi-literate responses so you don't come across as the stereotype, bitter red-shirt half-wit.

  8. American boots on the ground is the only answer. Jeb will see to that as the next president. Its in his blood.

    Because it worked out so well last time? And in Afghanistan? And in Vietnam? And in Somalia?

    The press lost the war for the USA in Vietnam and are doing the same in every other conflict.

    The bottom line is that the West needs oil and everything is done in the 'National Interest'. The idea was that a friendly 'democracy' in Iraq would make the supply safer and maybe even spread around the region. The miscalculation of Islamic fanaticism was a terrible mistake, as was the belief everyone seems to have now from watching too much American crap on TV that good always wins in the end. In the real world, the evil b**tard murders the Samaritan in his sleep, steals everything he owns and lives life as a rich man.

    Thailand is a great example of the last part. The good are generally poor here.

  9. The world is trying to shield it's people from what ISIS are doing. It's hard to go to war when the press do not report things fairly. ISIS can behead 100 innocent civilians in a barbaric manner and not even make the news, but a soldier who shoots an injured enemy combatant in the heat of battle get's charged with murder and it is all over the front pages.

    So we are stuck with airstrikes and cowards on the ground who run away and abandon their equipment for the enemy if they think the planes aren't coming.

  10. Reform does need to be completed before an election and the people that are crying foul now will be the crying the loudest if the next government abuse the system to take advantage of the major flaws that will be easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests. Unless it is the 7% in which case they will ignore the abuses. It is the same people that stay silent when the previous government didn't allow protests, but were very vocal when this government didn't allow protests.

    On a side note;

    "Who is gathering [the signatures] and for what? I'm not interested. It's all about the roadmap. Stop asking me [about the matter],"

    Paryut is not back peddling. He should tell them the truth which is that he is listening to the voice of the majority...He listened to them more than the previous government did. That is what Robert Amsterdam would have told you to say..You really do need a PR representative.

    Had yingluck not been boxed up with cotton wool and only let out when a speech was prepared she would have sounded just like this when referring to the rice scam. In fact she did say this on the very very rare occasion between a prepared speech and being sent back to her box when intercepted by media scrums. Prayut needs to start adopting yinglucks style or employing Robert Amsterdam to represent him. He might be a man of the people and tool to bring peace and democracy to Thailand, but he is definitely not media savvy.

    Employee Robert Amsterdam and even the 7% will start believing he is a man of the people as well. That would be easy compared to what Amsterdam is currently "selling"!

    He is not listening to nobody, he tells them what to say and even what to think, so please stop your sh*t.

    So the idea for Prayuth is floated and when he learns it might not be what the people want, he drops it. Take your time ....

    djjamie is absolutely correct in his post. Your semi-literate reply is a good indicator of the type of people who are against the junta.

    (btw: 'not listening to nobody' means he is listening to somebody, but that level of detail is the least of your issues).

  11. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

    btw, the Brits just announced they're sending 120 'military trainers' to Iraq.

    The region now known as Iraq has had armed conflicts for thousands of years. I say 'let 'em stew in their own juices.' Conflicts are going to continue to rage there, no matter what western countries do, or how many western soldiers are sent to the cauldron. Animals have traits. Humans are animals. If some groups of humans suffer constant conflicts, particularly among men between ages 15 and 50, well, that's tough, but they've got to deal with it. They could start by dumping their archaic and mean-spirited belief systems, but they'd sooner die in misery than do that.

    A little late for that .now isn't ?

    How about if we let them "stew in their own juices"before we went in and destroyed their country?

    I think the idea was that we would bring them into the 21st century and they would embrace democracy and develop into countries with societies like ours.

    In hindsight, it didn't work. Their religion makes sure their society stays in the middle ages. There are no good options left now. I can't help thinking that sending more and more weapons is just making trouble for ourselves in the future - but politicians don't care about then next 20 years : only the next election.

    When we don't need oil any more, all of these problems will disappear. They will go back to farming goats and we will go back to ignoring them.

  12. I can imagine how he is going to welcome the guests"

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, to make sure every attendant is well entertained, nobody will lose face, there will be no criticism about any of those in power. As I already know you are tired of issues like human rights, free speech and freedom of the press I will leave issues out."

    I think you missed the point : the talk is on how Thailand got here, not where it is now.

    Hence the discussion will more likely be about mass cronyism and corruption on a huge scale, along with government terrorism against peaceful protestors while desperately clinging onto power. Then add an Army General who had to intervene to protect innocent people from being slaughtered because the Thai police were on-board with it too and you are probably closer to the mark.

  13. A quick look on the internet shows you can get flogged for many reasons over there :

    In 2006, two men and a 75-year-old woman were sentenced to flogging for "moral crimes" - they'd met members of the opposite sex who weren't "close relatives".

    A 19-year-old woman known as the "al-Qatif Girl" was with a male friend when she was attacked and gang-raped by seven men.

    The pair later received a six-month prison sentence and 200 lashes each, with authorities claiming the woman confessed to having an affair.

    In July 2014, a court there jailed a 24-year-old man for three years and sentenced him to 450 lashes for arranging a date with another man on Twitter.

    A Filipino man was sentenced to jail and 75 lashings for bringing two chocolate bars containing alcohol into the country.

  14. This article tries to infer that the red-shirts act according to their own beliefs and principles !. How amusing.

    Everyone knows that if Thaksin wants the reds to take to the streets, he just needs to send them money.

    Right now he can't get away with it because he hasn't got a crony in charge of the police. He will wait until after the elections before he starts his next moves.

    I am wondering if those people here who keep telling us about the 'uprising' are starting to realise they have been suckered. Probably not ...

  15. Yes of course : the rules should be clearly defined then enforced through law.

    This is the fundamental root of why Thailand is considered a bit of a joke by the rest of the world and nobody take the place seriously. I do everything strictly by the book when it comes to investments here (ie my house) - but I still worry that someone could bribe some court officials or cook up some other scam and steal it.

    The net result is that I will always keep one foot in and one foot out of the country and never bring in more than I need to for my day-to-day living. The country is so inward looking, they need farang to bring in experience in industry and technology to give it a jump-start and begin the process of their own people getting relevant experience to develop a capability. People like myself are not prepared to do that when I don't trust anyone I don't know.

    Thailand is easy to live in and the rules clearly defined and enforced by experience. Don't make any major purchases that you are not willing to walk away from. That is rule #1 for Farang.

    I agree, but after watching the last lot in government, it showed just how easily new laws can be made which are not based on fairness or logic. The way they used their majority to force absurd legislation through just because one man decided that was what he wanted made me realise just how fragile things can be. I have little confidence that we won't go through the whole pantomime of uncertainty again.

    I would say that at a local level where I live, the rules are pretty much well defined and applied fairly and the police only indulge in petty corruption - but I can never discount some crooked magistrate and his cohorts from deciding to interpret the law with that bizarre Thai logic which conveniently sides in his accomplices favour.

    Like you say, rule#1 = make sure you can afford to lose whatever you bring here.

  16. I think the thais have got it right, looking after their own, shame we don't do it in England instead of looking after everyone else first!

    I have to agree with this. The discrimination against foreigners is very annoying sometimes - but I can't help feeling that if the UK had done more of this, every single thing which is important would not be owned by other countries now.

    In my home country, I just feel like a tax-cow whose only purpose is to be milked !.

    That does not justify why foreigners need to loose their invesments one way or the other..

    Their laws rules needs to protect everybody...now they do not!

    Yes of course : the rules should be clearly defined then enforced through law.

    This is the fundamental root of why Thailand is considered a bit of a joke by the rest of the world and nobody take the place seriously. I do everything strictly by the book when it comes to investments here (ie my house) - but I still worry that someone could bribe some court officials or cook up some other scam and steal it.

    The net result is that I will always keep one foot in and one foot out of the country and never bring in more than I need to for my day-to-day living. The country is so inward looking, they need farang to bring in experience in industry and technology to give it a jump-start and begin the process of their own people getting relevant experience to develop a capability. People like myself are not prepared to do that when I don't trust anyone I don't know.

  17. A good start could be made at every 7/11 where EVERYTHING comes in at least 1 plastic bag and they are cheap and nasty plastic bags too.

    I get blank stares every time I say I can carry the 300ml bottle of water without a bag and no thanks I don't want a straw!

    Education and awareness is vital, but if they want to see real effects, then look at what has been done in other Countries. I saw the streets of my home cleaned of plastic within 6 months when the government brought in a 15c levy on plastic bags.

    Introduce a direct hit on everyone's pocket, in no time they suddenly become more environmentally conscious.

    So you don't need a plastic bag to carry a plastic bottle because one is bad for the environment and the other is not ?

    Another smartass TVF comment from someone with nothing better to do.

    If I put a water bottle in my bin, it won't be there by the time the garbage men come : someone local will have fished it out for recycling.

  18. I think the thais have got it right, looking after their own, shame we don't do it in England instead of looking after everyone else first!

    I have to agree with this. The discrimination against foreigners is very annoying sometimes - but I can't help feeling that if the UK had done more of this, every single thing which is important would not be owned by other countries now.

    In my home country, I just feel like a tax-cow whose only purpose is to be milked !.

  19. The most important thing IMHO is to reform the police before the next election so they are not under such tight political control and answer to some kind of ombudsman, not a politician. During the protests, they were like Pheu-Thai's private army.

    If the Junta don't do it, the next government definitely will not. They are a very useful tool to have against opponents

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