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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Good question Thaksin!......the might of the ultra powerful elite...the RTA...the RTP.......they're totally sh*t scared of him!

    However bad..or good he has been or done....I don't get it!!

    They're sh*t scared of the fact that he has the support of the people.

    Let's be frank. There's a major change coming. This bunch need to be in power when it happens, That way they reckon they are guaranteed to stay in power (that's where the analogy of the Thousand Year Reich really fits in). If the people have a say the risk that they lose power is too great. The stakes are as high as they get.

    Do you nutters seriously think there is going to be some kind of red-shirt revolution in Thailand ?. You should take more of those meds.

    Let me explain it to you : the revolution is happening now. Reforms are being written which will stop the Parliament full of dirty cronies who systematically rape the country with corruption from happening again in the future.

    Face it: Your style of 'dirty third world Asian country' is going out of date fast. You and your political heroes are dinosaurs who belong back in the time when some people thought communism was a good idea. People are getting educated to get jobs where they earn money, not steal it through corruption. The number of these people will increase whereas people like you will gradually disappear.

    You can't stop the world moving forwards.

  2. "The NACC accused them of abusing their power by proposing and passing an amendment that contravened the 2007 Constitution on the make-up of the Senate."

    If there is anything that contravenued the 2007 Constitution, it was the military insurrection by military government officers. The overthrow also contravened existing Organic Law. What is the likelihood that the NACC will charge the NCPO with abuse of power or that the Office of the Attorney General will charge NCPO with criminal insurrection?

    Abuse of power in Thailand is a mockery in Thai justice.

    If the Junta truly wants reform, let it curb its own political power first.

    Fair enough.

    But before that, Pheu-Thai must be held accountable for state terrorism and the murder of it's own people.

    Because that is what they did and that is what caused the 'insurrection' by the Army.

    Or do you choose to ignore that because it doesn't fit with your agenda ?.

    The simple truth is that the Army intervened to stop the government murdering it's own people to cling on to power. Whatever rhetoric you regurgitate, it doesn't change that basic fact.

  3. That is when he will start another protest and get more people killed. He likes to do things like that.

    It's pretty clear to anyone with an IQ over 50 that virtually all the people MURDERED during the protests were killed by UDD thugs getting paid a few thousand baht by their own government to go out and do it. And under that dictatorship (proved by the amnesty bill), only one guy could give that order.

    Your hypocrisy and lies make me sick. Go get yourself some ethics.

  4. I my experience, it's the ones who see you as a walking wallet who are the ones who are too friendly for the first meeting.

    I've noticed that it takes a long time before Thai people will warm to you and be friendly. At least 3 or 4 meetings.

    The one which always strikes me as bizarre is when you go to leave and say goodbye. Once you've said it, it's as if you are already gone. No final waves as you set off in the car or anything like that ...

  5. When these people start returning to the UK (and they will certainly be allowed back), our 'justice' will demand clear evidence that they engaged in terrorist activities. Of course there won't be any because all the witnesses were murdered and they wear their balaclavas all the time when on camera.

    So they will be given 'a fair trial' using taxpayers money for their legal aid then allowed to walk because of lack of evidence.

    It makes me sick : we should cancel the passports of anyone who goes to those places without prior approval from our government and never let them back in - but the 'European Court of Human Rights' won't let us do that.

  6. There is no true facts in any of this story, but he is still a scum bag terrorist, and I only hope that he dies before he can make his way back to the UK and be protected by all the do gooders human rights people,

    He is a dead man walking one side or the other will get him, even if he makes it back to Blighty

    This is what makes the story sweet. He is already dead and he knows it. On the run with nowhere to go and knowing someone is going to get you sooner or later.

    Assuming the story is true of course - which it probably isn't. I would have thought staying with ISIS would be his safest option.

    People from the UK know not to believe a word of what you read in the papers. I have as little respect for the press over there as I do here.

  7. Just lost our German Shepherd in the UK. She was nearly 11. Went off her back legs with arthritis.

    There is no easy way to cope with it. I'm heartbroken : she was my best friend and companion. You just have to accept you will eventually have to go through this phase.

    Therein lies the problem : the more you love them, the more it hurts when they go. Use that knowledge to appreciate having them and deal with things when they happen. Don't worry about the future now : enjoy the present.

  8. Did anyone ever hear of a story where a non-white got fired for a racist comment against whites ?. Because in my own experience, they are way more racist against others than the average white guy.

    Same as Muslims who are far more racist than non-muslims, but I've never seen one of those splashed across the headlines for what they said about non-muslims.

    What a screwed up world the PC brigade have created.

    Nah. We've always fired them just for being black or Muslim. (More accurately- didn't hire them in the first place) No racist expletives required...

    So true. I worked in a big Aerospace company in the UK quite a few years and watched my boss go through some CV's for engineers. Anyone with a foreign sounding name went in the bin !.

    If he got caught doing that now, I bet he would lose his job. And if the lefties got wind of it, it would be in the papers.

  9. Did anyone ever hear of a story where a non-white got fired for a racist comment against whites ?. Because in my own experience, they are way more racist against others than the average white guy.

    Same as Muslims who are far more racist than non-muslims, but I've never seen one of those splashed across the headlines for what they said about non-muslims.

    What a screwed up world the PC brigade have created.

  10. I think Israel have learned enough lessons the hard way with suicide bombs and terrorists. I doubt they care what people who have no idea what that is like think.

    The unanswered question is whether these people have settled there deliberately to defy Israel and cry foul when they get moved out as they knew they would.

    The article reads like it is very biased to someone who would like to know the full facts and is yet another piece of journalism-with-an-agenda.

  11. As they stated in the paper that can't be quoted, they are clearing out all the "watermelon" police/soldiers/civilians that are affiliated with Thaksin to not just an inactive post, but an inactive post they've specially created for them. They must be feeling so special.

    When will this insanity that is politics/Government ever end so we can all just move on and get on with our lives?

    "Paradorn is affiliated with the Pheu Thai Party." : Understatement of the year.

    Paradorn is a life long friend of Thaksin and was appointed illegally by the Pheu-Thai government for the express purpose of railroading an amnesty through for Thaksin via another weird rule of Thai politics.

    The audio tape showed us that, but not a single minister implicated in this planned gross abuse of power to aid a convicted criminal lost their jobs. Indeed : the Prime Minister herself stepped in to stop the deputy defence minister being questioned about it by the press.

    Anyone linked with that disgrace should be in jail, not transferred to be another adviser to the PM. Somehow I doubt Prayuth will ask him for any advice.

  12. The most corrupt organisations in Thailand, by popular acclaim, evidence and personal experience, are

    1. The Royal Thai Armed Forces (money graft)

    2. The Royal Thai Police Force (money graft)

    3. The Civil Service (money graft)

    4. The Judiciary (Policy and judgement graft)

    5. Government administration at all levels (money and policy graft)

    My opinion.

    So please give us your evidence and personal experience of the corruption in the Armed Forces. Or is that one just 'popular acclaim' with your red-shirt friends ?.

    I DO have personal experience of the Armed Forces and for sure everything they do is laced with corruption like most of Thai society.

    But do not put them on a pedestal above that last lot of dirty cronies who voted 310:0 to pass a disgraceful amnesty bill, threw away billions to their supporters in the rice scheme despite repeated warnings about the corruption and tried to take MASSIVE loans off-budget to be syphoned away.

    I sincerely hope you just put that list as typical red-shirt hypocrisy, because if you really believe it then the ignorance of the Pheu-Thai supporter is worse than I thought.

  13. Go to war now, or go to war in 15 years against a nuclear armed Iran.

    Hobson's choice. The first will lose them the next election so they choose the second and hope by some miracle that something will happen to prevent it.

    But from what I have seen of Kerry, I doubt the best deal was reached. I'm amazed he is still in this job : does he have naked pictures of Obama's wife or something ?.

  14. Who wants to block the frequencies, of what sounds a relatively benign unit, so badly that he forks out B10,000 rent, wages and for expensive radio equipment? Why?

    Do you really think he was paying for this himself ?.

    Red-shirts are a political group who are controlled by Pheu-Thai (which of course means Mr T in reality) - somewhat akin to the Brown shirts in Germany. You should be asking WHO would want to jam these signals. It almost certainly wasn't the guy who did it.

  15. "It is too early to determine whether Abdulazeez was "radicalized" before the attacks,"

    I'm getting sick and tired of hearing this phrase. It is implying that the man who pulled the trigger was in some way not to blame.

    It's use is very common in the UK now. The intent is to divert blame from the indigenous Muslim population to some anonymous 'radicalizer'.

    I read the phrase "An extremist Muslim is one who would cut your head off. A moderate Muslim is one who wants an extremist to cut your head off.". The more I read these stories and the less I hear Muslim groups speaking out about them, the more I believe it.

  16. Some reformers as well as committee members agree that the seed of the national divide lies with the politicians, not the people.

    historically, the elite and the generals have always blamed (corrupt) politicians for the country's problems in a thinly-veiled attempt to hide their own culpability.

    In your supreme ignorance, you are clearly unable to see how the Army had nothing at all to do with the running of the country right up until protestors were getting murdered and the police were letting the terrorists escape through 'checkpoints'. Prior to that it was ALL handled by politicians.

    Still : don't let truth get in the way of the rhetoric you have been programmed with. None of your friends do.

    Who are these 'elite' anyway ?. Anybody from Bangkok who has more money than you ?.

  17. The problem with populist policies is that once the money has been spent, it's gone. Thailand will have to live with the legacy of Pheu-Thai for many years to come. Thank God they didn't manage to take the mega-loans off-budget.

    Thai people live for today and don't even think about next week, never mind next year. Have they have learned anything or would they vote for someone who promised to do the same again tomorrow ?. Answers on a postcard please.

  18. so they have concluded that reconciliation = amnesty, how flawed that thinking was before and still is, total nonsense

    This country is lost and always will be unfortunately

    Are you really unable to appreciate the difference between this and what Peu-Thai tried to do ?.

    A lot of protestors (especially in 2010) were just innocent, gullible victims who didn't even realise how they were being used as human targets by someone who wanted a bloodbath. It all seemed like good fun with free food and party atmosphere - right up until the MIB started shooting.

    And then they were just abandoned by those same people. They would have been released under Pheu-Thai if a certain someone hadn't decided his amnesty was far more important than theirs.

  19. TV posters beware!

    You are no longer allowed to hate the Dubai man you all love to hate so much!

    I think the reality is that you love to think we hate him.

    The truth is that he is just one more dirty little megalomaniac in this world who would see his supporters die and his country in ruins just for his own benefit.

    You don't have to hate a man to know that. I expect you also believe every judge you have been up against also hated you. Don't take it so personal.

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