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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Airlines seem to be very poor at dealing wit this kind of thing. I have seen fights and aggressive drunks several times and the response seems to be for 3 or 4 cabin crew to hang around in the Aisle talking to him like a strict mother while those sat near him are wondering if they are going to cop it and have a very uncomfortable experience. It might be like this for hours until the end of the flight.

    They should have a plan to clear a seat right at the back and move him there on his own. If he gets aggressive he should be handcuffed.

    God help us if by some chance he catches one of the cabin staff in his drunken stupor. It seems any contact at all is classed as assault then he is an immediate terrorist.

    I would prefer them to Taser these knobs straight away then cuff them to a place out of sight and sound of everyone else but I expect that would not be good for PR.

  2. Putin is running this show.

    He owes the EU a black eye.

    Greece WILL be out of both the Euro and the EU by September.... tops. The remaining 7.2 Bn will not even last till half way through July and Tsipras will say 'thanks for that' then will default after.

    He knows that if he cuts pensions any more and adds more VAT, the people who voted Sriza into power will turn on him and he also knows they will likely be out on their ears by the end of the year and that will be the very last time any of them ever taste power in Greece.

    It will be political suicide, and if there is one thing that is certain in this life, a politician puts his career before everything else, no matter what the cost.

    Athens will be getting into bed with Moscow.... I guarantee that. They will return to the Drachma and devaslue it to stimulate their economy. 5 years of troika controlled austerity has not worked and will not work in the future.

    I disagree completely:

    The whole point of the EU is so that Germany and France can strut around on the world stage under the banner 'Europe' and feel like they are as powerful as the other major players.

    Greece will not be allowed to exit : it might start a chain reaction. The EU is nothing about the people : it is about centralising power.

    excellent point.very true but rust bucket is also very valid on this too.but we all agree it was never about the average person in the street or rue or strasse

    We will soon find out !.

    The world seems to be going through an extremely dangerous time at the moment. I wonder how it is all going to end.

  3. More like the US are massing weapons on Russia's border in a show of aggression.

    They desperately need this WW3 before their economy and currency completely tanks and they have nothing to blame.

    It looks like they are in a hurry for it.

    Russia will flatten them. Russia is no Iraq or Afghanistan.

    "No U.S. troops or equipment will move immediately, but instead they would be made available within 48-72 hours if requested."

    Why not engage your brain before ranting your USA-hater nonsense ?. I bet you wrote your reply without even reading the article.

  4. Putin is running this show.

    He owes the EU a black eye.

    Greece WILL be out of both the Euro and the EU by September.... tops. The remaining 7.2 Bn will not even last till half way through July and Tsipras will say 'thanks for that' then will default after.

    He knows that if he cuts pensions any more and adds more VAT, the people who voted Sriza into power will turn on him and he also knows they will likely be out on their ears by the end of the year and that will be the very last time any of them ever taste power in Greece.

    It will be political suicide, and if there is one thing that is certain in this life, a politician puts his career before everything else, no matter what the cost.

    Athens will be getting into bed with Moscow.... I guarantee that. They will return to the Drachma and devaslue it to stimulate their economy. 5 years of troika controlled austerity has not worked and will not work in the future.

    I disagree completely:

    The whole point of the EU is so that Germany and France can strut around on the world stage under the banner 'Europe' and feel like they are as powerful as the other major players.

    Greece will not be allowed to exit : it might start a chain reaction. The EU is nothing about the people : it is about centralising power.

  5. The subject of invites to official engagements with the USA has cropped up several times.

    These aren't private parties where the Ambassador's chums get invited but not the guy who upset him last week. They have strict rules about these things and leaders of a military junta are not on that list. It doesn't differentiate whether they took power for greed and ambition or to stop the last government murdering it's people with terrorism.

    No doubt we will go through this same pantomime next month. And the month after. It seems learning is not a strong point of the usual suspects who start posting like 5 year olds having a tantrum on non-stories like this.

  6. I sincerely hope that the rice seeds planted by this small group of protesters bear fruit and the whole peaceful anti-coup movement grows and flourishes. Its about time that these military robots realised that not everybody has the same thoughts. Outside the narrow confines of military obedience and subservience, there is a real world where people think for themselves. Respect those with differing views from your own! Cherish that difference as that is how democracy works. Agree to disagree but value everybody's opinion without taking criticism as a criminal act. You can silence voices, but you can't silence hearts and minds.

    What a bunch of puerile rubbish. The people who 'think for themselves' took to the streets because of the Amnesty disgrace. Where were you ?.

    And 'your' method of respecting those views was to fire grenades into innocent men, women and children to try and scare them away.

    I have never in my life come across a bunch of hypocrites like red-shirts. Try to have a little dignity.

  7. This is absolutely ridiculous.

    Amnesty International taking action because 7 students 'are at risk of being arrested' because they are daring the authorities to arrest them ?.

    It stinks to high heaven of a political stunt and AI have bared their @rse in public and shown how dirty it is.

  8. IMHO this is part and parcel of living in a country like Thailand.

    Either make sure you are squeaky clean or expect to get fleeced by corrupt policemen or other officials from time to time.

    It stinks but it's a price you pay for staying in such a fantastic place. If you can't handle it you are always free to leave. Maybe one day it will all change ... but I doubt it. Corruption is viewed as an acceptable way to make money here.

    Avoid any circumstance where you might get stung as much as possible then enjoy the rest. Thailand is very much 'rough with the smooth'.

  9. Earlier the NACC had set up a panel to look into alleged corruption in the construction of futsal pitches in three northeastern provinces.

    I thought these North-easterners were the very people who voted Yingluck/Thaksin into office to 'help' them. It looks like the authorities helped themselves instead.

    What is the Vegas Line that all the involved politicians were PTP?


    The point here is that the corruption was allowed as part of how Pheu-Thai work. People who voted for them have the dream that they too can be part of a scam like this and get rich the easy way.

    They will tell themselves that they are just stealing from the 'elite' in Bangkok who can afford it.

    Ethics, morals and conscience have no part to play in this game whatsoever.

  10. Too late Mr Somyot. Seems like the police chief has spotted a high-profile (yet worthless) cause which will divert attention away from how he is avoiding stripping Thaksin of his rank.

    He has chosen to go out from his job as someone quite pathetic. I hope the 'rewards' after retirement are worth it and can buy a whole new face because he has completely lost this one.

    Is there such a thing as a man of principle in this country ?.

  11. In the UK, his family would be giving tearful interviews asking for him to come home and the BBC would be blaming unspecified 'groomers' for radicalising this otherwise fine citizen.

    Just revoke his Australian citizenship and let him get whatever Allah sees fit in Syria. The kind of justice they deserve can be handed out much more easily (and cheaply) there.

  12. Why couldn't the police be so strict when a monk & an old mad man went on the rampage breaking far more laws than these students !

    Because a judge ruled that they are all "peaceful" and have a right to protest.

    unfortunately many consider that doing the listed things below are also perfectly ok as long as it's their people doing it and not the others cause that's not ok.

    So they were allowed to storm buildings, force workers out, destroying property, cut water supply and electricity to buildings, interrogate any person at will, have people bashed tied up and thrown into rivers, throwing bombs at police shoot civilians and any others that look suspicious,

    Grade A hypocrite alert.

    What did the last bunch do against peaceful protestors ?. Sent their UDD thugs to murder them with 100 odd grenade attacks leaving men, women and children dead in the streets.

    Do you think these students are doing it on their own initiative ?. lol.

  13. This is a terrible act - but clearly done by an individual who is insane and should be judged accordingly.

    In an interview with a local I saw on the BBC last night, if you reversed the words 'black' and 'white' in his comments, they would never have aired it because of how racist it was.

    But the other way around it's OK.

    Racism should be treated equally for both sides.

  14. They were not charged with picking mushrooms they were charged with illegal logging for they were in an area where an illegal logging gang was working and they got arrested while the loggers escaped.

    They ended in jail because they couldn't afford a lawyer to defend them and none of the human rights lot were interested.

    From memory they were completely bewildered as to why they had been picked up and had no idea what was going on throughout the trial.

    They should never have been charged in the first place let alone convicted.

    The human rights groups here are a sick joke. They are basically red-shirt politicians hiding behind a banner of 'Helping poor innocent people'.

    And our faithful BBC reporter Jonathan Head is mixed up right in the middle of them.

    I have nothing but contempt for low-life like these people.

  15. Yet again the BBC and it's lefty management proving just how out of touch they are. Evans is a self-centred egotist who craves attention like a drug. It will be a complete flop.

    While I was trying to like his radio show, I made a rule I would listen until he mentioned money or someone famous. I rarely got past the first track he played. Now I hate it and am left with Alex Lester on Listen-Again. And they have just reduce him to 3 shows a week.

    The BBC had it open for comments today and they got truly spanked over the decision. So they closed that one down, rewrote the article (thinking adding the fact that he will have a female co-presenter will make it so politically correct that everyone would be obliged to love it) and opened it for comments again. Then got spanked again.

  16. Thais should not try to write clever English : they do not have the wit and come across as someone who thinks they are very clever proving that they aren't.

    We get enough of that with that red-shirt Kong and his semi-legible bizarre rants in Bangkok Post (with what I'm sure he thinks are cleverly inserted bits of propaganda spread liberally around) : please don't let other people start trying it.

  17. ... and tonight we have the Muslim communities blaming the police because 3 women have gone there and taken their children.

    Let anyone go who wants to. If they sympathise with ISIS then good riddance I say : they have no place in our society. Then revoke their British citizenship or (if the European Court of Human Rights tells us we can't, which it will) charge everyone who returns with aiding terrorists with a minimum sentence of 5 years. Let's see how many go if they know for sure they cannot come back.

  18. Germany




    where is the free Internet?

    I presume you've lived in those countries to make those claims. You sure do sound like you want to be a Thai more than anything in the world.

    You just don't get it do you? These are draconian measures used to control their people, and THIS is what they mean by giving the people democracy?

    Sure they do!!

    You have no clue what is going on do you ?.

    Show me where anyone said the Junta is representing democracy. They are here to take control and try to sort out what the last lot did to Thailand by taking it to the brink of civil war. This includes supressing those who instigated the murdering in the first place and would do so again in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. We get daily rants from the red-shirts here who keep spraying us with foam as they proclaim yet again that a bloody battle is coming soon. They actually still believe - after everything which has happened - that if they are at the front line, Thaksin will make them rich when he comes back.

    Democracy will start once even more rules and checks-and-balances have been put in place because the people who are supposed to be 'honourable' have proved themselves anything but.

    Do try to keep up.

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