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Everything posted by kennw

  1. But, much of what he says is correct, after all he has a past life experience.
  2. It used to be required even if you were returning to your own condo not doing so, fine B800 I think not necessary now.
  3. And if I chose not to use a phone for payments and banking?
  4. Focus on the facts, prior to the election Taksin said he would come back, Taksin always the power behind PT, e.g. Daughter made leader of the party. Number 1 party objective win election form govt/PM give Taksin get out of jail free card. Problem, PT didnt win, cant get MFP to agree to PT number 1 objective, solution, form a majority without MFP, problem solved. What about the will of the people? What's that in Thai politics?
  5. Are you familiar with the concept that increased claims result in increased premiums for everyone?
  6. May be the minivan driver was lucky, had the other vehicle he offended been driven by a rich local he may have shot
  7. Taksin was expecting a get out of jail free card but MFP upset that, the "coalition" is a charade to make it seem PT tried and avoid the protests. Watch to moves now (no pun intended) new coalition will be as Chuwit predicts PT/Pot party/Watch man/military
  8. Maybe you should listen to what he is saying and wait a while to see it happen.
  9. No need they will have their Chinese submarine then and if still operable bring out their aircraft carrier, (without the VTOl planes of course).
  10. What? stronger Baht = cheaper imports (oil,etc) and more return on exports. Or is your only concern the rate at which your foreign pension is converted?
  11. Are you a Mor Du ? (fortune teller) how can there be "no action" when they are not yet in power. Your bias is showing.
  12. And just maybe the landlord depends on the rent for his/her living money.
  13. The law on foreigners not allowed to own land still exists !!!!
  14. Look at what the question asked, Yes relative to previous elections.
  15. No Damage, a step in the right direction both for Thailand and the normal Burmese population
  16. How do you measure production in horsepower? surely it should be litres or gallons
  17. Agreed.
  18. Just take a look at the VTOL planes they bought to use on their "aircraft carrier" I hear it's a good tourist attraction and they sell nice hats and drink glasses.
  19. Obvious what will happen now, no agreement with MFP, Pua Thai joins with new group now the lead part and can nominate the PM, early pardon for Taksin the get out of jail free card. Visit to Dubai just to work out which group to invite in.
  20. And to be really sure wash the car. 555
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