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Everything posted by kennw

  1. My thoughts also, a weed selling shop on almost every corner as well as online promotions including is not the way to go. Let the pot heads have access, and if as some of them say alcohol and gigs are dangerous and need restrictions then just impose the same on pot, including the tax component.
  2. And they request visit programs so the all dont come at the same time
  3. Prawit just testing the waters, seems now he has the answer, not a good idea at this time.
  4. Could it be that Thailand needs conscription because with so many generals there is not enough soldiers for them to share around. Or without conscription the generals would have to pay for their own servants.
  5. Then just impose the same restrictions on weed as exist on alcohol, selling times, locations, taxes etc.
  6. Sorry for her BUT was she wearing crash helmit ? Please tell all women that wearing a crash helmit protects your beautiful face as well as the brain in your head, for women that seems to be the order of importance, no offence meant.
  7. Dismiss from the service more appropriate.. NOT to inactive post. all ranks.
  8. Look back to the CAT/TOT fiasco that spooked the coup and who went to jail.
  9. Thai politics .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Sorry but I would not recommend braces unless they also incorporate rubber isolating dampers. Just install new rubber dampers at the base and check the fan for dirt build up, it may be causing the vibration due to out of balance. Clean it. Solid dampers to the wall will simply transfer any vibration to the wall.
  11. Just apply the same rules as apply to alcohol, and cigarettes. Including allowable selling times.
  12. And lets hope that MFP have listened to the sensible advice given to them, about their attitude. Stop acting like spoilt brats and focus on things that affect the people; the economy, daily living costs, policies to attract inward investment and regional employment.
  13. Sounds like you should have just saved you money and gone to Soi Cowboy
  14. Maybe the poster does understand the VISA has a validity. Say for example the visa is obtained outside of Thai land then the person must use the visa within the validity period.
  15. And we dont know if he was wearing a helmet,
  16. It's good advice and Pita should listen, the way he is going he will deny his supporters their wish to see his party in power, after all is'nt that what they want?
  17. Cant see anything positive or sensible coming out of comments like this.
  18. So it seems that you agree that both are problematic.
  19. I hope Pita can do it but his form so far is not so good, he seems to have forgotten that Thais like to compromise and have respect for elders or more experienced. Saying on BBC that if the Senators do not support him they will pay a big price, this is confrontational and disrespectful.
  20. If Prayut was speaking the truth when he said after the coup in which he took power. when he said that he did it reluctantly to bring stability and normality to the country, then he should now instruct the non elected senators to respect the will of the people. And particularly note that the policies of the parties were clearly stated BEFORE the election so the result reflects what the people want, for the senators to deny this is anti democratic. Come on Khun Prayut speak up and do your duty.
  21. Are you comparing this to the double world price for rice that Taksin gave and subsequently created an enormous debt for the country, as another poster has said some have selective memories. Personally I appreciate the stability Prayut brought, and good to see how he paved the way for this peaceful election and good end result.
  22. Maybe you have forgotten the years of stablity that has allowed a calm election to take place. Have you also forgotten the chaos of Taksin's red shirt years. Today's result is good for Thailand just keep Taksin out or lock HIM up.
  23. Alcohol and driving/riding can be solved by real policing law enforcement. Second part; alcoholism up country, improve the lives and prospects of the people there.
  24. They will lose it, great news because you just have to look at who are the people behind that money.
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