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Posts posted by kennw

  1. Ooh my oh my - stand by for a "Jonathan Head hatefest"...


    Edited to add: Drat - baboon got in first!

    The greatest exponent of biased reporting is mr. Richard Head as he is locally known. Report the facts, Yinlak is facing charges of dereliction of duty, this has nothing to do with her case re the draft constitution . BBC get rid of this Taksin leftwing loving A/hole. Also report on the cosy relationship between Yinglak and the previous US ambassador. Report on the US lobbyist employed by the run away convicted criminal operating in Dubai. Shame on you BBC. Where are your professional and balanced ethics.? We expect better of you. Or should we change to CNN?

  2. Yahoo. Good on them.

    I support the continuation of thai street vendors in every way.

    These people are making an honest living for a hard days work.

    Would the rich that want the pavements back rather they were selling drugs and stealing? ??

    Three cheers to the street sellers, the absolute charm of thai culture and life. Suu Suu! !


    I think 'the rich' would not like them to sell drugs and steal, but rather move to another part of the pavement where there is actually room for them to operate without causing a nuisance to people trying to walk.

    We can keep the street life and have common sense and consideration for others at the same time.

    Totally agree there needs to be consideration on both sides. But don't let the mafia,BIB stc control the sites and make sure people can still walk along the footpath. Unfortunately many vendors are totally inconsiderate, and so we end up having to walk on the road to our risk. Thus they bring these crackdowns upon themselves.

  3. Maybe you are forgetting that footpaths are public property. Unless officially sanctioned and use areas outlined they are generally controlled by dark or maybe grey influences. The people who suffer are those who rightly should be able to walk on the footpath with safety. I many cases the vendors occupy the space forcing pedestrians including those with small children and babies in prams to use the road. Notably Bangkok Soi 4 NaNa is a classic example. No I don't want to destroy the "atmosphere" of street vending but please have a compromise. Respect each others rights. Pedestrians have the right to (relative) safety of the footpath (motorbikes please note), and if BMA approve vendor selling areas, do so where there is sufficient space.

  4. So who are responsible for enforcing the direction against Taxi's not using their meters?. Come - on you red shirt supporters you know it is the police but you prefer to blame the Army when they can't act, and then you complain when the Army senior officers are given civil powers. Give the PM enough time and he will prevail. Rome wasn't built in a day.

  5. Murder, yes, but premeditated, I think not.

    If he was on drugs or medication of some kind, then a charge of manslaughter or even muder would be appropriate. Either way, this rich kid needs to be locked away as he is a serious danger to society.

    But then, why do I get the feeling that the police will drag thier feet once again, and nothing will be done?

    IMHO there is a slow move against people like him that is being carried out by the social media. The more it gets publicised the less chance he will have in the courts.

    I thinks that this one is being cast adrift to survive or not and most of the public are against him.

    Simply by causing the "accident" he brought up the Red Bull case and also the stupid girl who killed 9 other people in a minivan. The police are starting to ask awkward questions among the higher up echelons now.

    Personally I think that he should be given a life sentence for each death but to run consecutively and not concurrently so if he gets a 50% reduction for "confessing" he still has another life sentence to go in addition to any other punishments.


    I wonder if the police (all the police) are still hamstrung by being under the control of and frightened of nasty, ruthless, immoral, powerful and very influential people.

    Yes the top echelon of the police who are empowered the group to enforce civil law, But do they? If not who else should move in?

  6. She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

    Get a life people, It's a commercial.

    I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

    Then just go back and put your head in the sand and leave more sensible thinking people to help improve society, and that include teaching children the difference between right and wrong. Oh and just before you put your head in the sand take a Red Bull drink it might remind you of something.

  7. Try to be less pessimistic and critical, could it be that negotiating strategy is involved. China would be a major beneficiary if the line were connected to Nong Khai and on to China, but it seems they demanded too many conditions for their involvement. By taking the line only to Korat there is no benefit to China (except sale of equipment etc). Thailand on the other hand would gain experience and a system. So,lets wait and see if China comes back with a less demanding offer.

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