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Posts posted by kennw

  1. Whenever you decide a price based on race (Thai or non Thai) logic should tell you it is a racist based policy. Now if you want to use the Thai argument that " the money is not the same" meaning they automatically assume you are rich (or you wouldn't afford the ticket to come here) that is also a fallacy, count the number of Thais who arrive in their Mercs, BMW's etc, who pay the Thai price obviously rich Thai's. Previously intelligent authorities allowed farangs with work permits or Thai driving licenses indicating they are part of the community rather than just tourists, to receive the "locals price". Changing this concept means they have reverted back to a racist policy. So consequently those farangs who say the two tier pricing policy is ok are therefore indirectly supporting racisum.

    And that my friends is why I am against two tier pricing. Fundamentally it is wrong.

  2. Petition? You mean she posted more drivel on facebook. Oh right, I forgot, that is about all she can do. Never attended parliment, never attended meetings (of which she was the chair), never did ANYTHING. Absolutely useless woman.

    Plus she is overplaying the sympathy card.

    Never did anything, what do you mean.huh.png She went on plenty of State visits around the world (free flights 1st class), got lots of handbags and watches.clap2.gif

    I should imagine her air miles are enough to fly around the world a few times over.thumbsup.gif

    47 trips as I remember and the first ! Montegro the place that gave her Boss, sorry brother, his passport. Negligible trade with Thailand but "Trade" was the reason given for the visit. Probably why she had no time to attend the "rice policy" meetings even though by her words it was a cornerstone PTP policy and receiving many warnings about it's huge potential losses. She was negligent in not attending the meeting and to address the warnings issue that she as the PM and head of the committee should have done.

  3. Lot of USA bashing on here. Don't think its all sensible though.

    Everyone has to admit that the USA like every country in the World is not perfect. The USA has its fair share of critics and I suppose being the number 1 global economy for over 50 years this is inevitable.

    But for me I think a lot of criticism is unfair. The USA is caught between 2 camps, 1 it has a duty to do whats right for its own people above and beyond all else but 2 it has a global responsibility to behave appropriately in International matters being the number 1 economy. Thats more then a difficult line to tread and yes I suspect the US has been guilty of making decisions or forming alliances in the interests of its own country where it cold be considered abandoning its principles.

    But, if I were an American citizen I think I would want my country to behave this way and look after American interests first despite its role as economic world leader.

    Eventually America will not be the leading economy, everyone knows that and the world is chaining rapidly,, I would not be so quick to criticise knowing about the future uncertainty, but you may have a different view.

    But Sir It was the American Ambassador who chose to answer a question with the "principle" statement, the posts simply suggest it was a rather poor choice.

  4. Sir's the people do share in the profits. Hydrocarbon contracts usually have a production share clause, in some countries it is 60/40 for oil, 70/30 for gas (producer/Govt). Thus all Thais benefit because they are the owners and it is up to the government to decide how these benefits are spent.

  5. Don't know all the fact but 6 MMscfd is a small delivery. Flaring at the pre - production stage is necessary to determine the rate of flow,well capacity and the gas composition. My guess is the locals have been fired up to milk the cash cow.

    Tell them that the gas will be used to produce electricity for their region. Logic: no gas no electricity, true for everyone not just them.

  6. Why do so many people post stupid reply's. I assume the basic question was about the legal density of film permitted. The question is pertinent because if you wanted to drive you car into Malaysia their legal limit was 25% (you can check the definition) tint density. For those who don't know the answer to the question about what is legal in Thailand, don't waste your time and ours by posting a motherhood type reply.

  7. Come on you anti alcohol puritans get your priorities right, there are far more social issues that need to be tackled than those concerning people who like to have a beer or glass of wine. Or if you insist, tackle the chronic alcoholism that exists up country because of the taxing structure that makes lao cow (white whisky) dirt cheap compared to beer. Or are you only trying to bring redemption to the "chosen few"

  8. Re A$ vs US$. Don't try to do your own analyses, look at the bank forecasts, NAB, CITI etc they give predictions, compare one forecast against the other to see if they have a similar trends. generally they are correct, the variable is timing. Look at the trend is it up or down ?. Re A$ vs Baht basically it is in the same ratio as A$ vs US$. eg US$/Baht 30. ..A$/US$ 0.7 then A$ = Baht 21.

    The forecast though according to banks is that A$ will trend to 0.65 Cents/US$. Don't try to work out why unless think you know better than the bank experts. At the moment the A$ has shot up to 0.73, move now if you want to import money, this rate will not last.

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