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Posts posted by kennw

  1. For those who have not been here so long, some background. Originally every taxi negotiated the fare, then the authorities decided that traffic congestion would be reduced if meters were introduced thus alleviating the time spent negotiating the fare. This led to taxis displaying "taxi meter" to differentiate from those that did not get have a meter. Of course this being Thailand greed surfaced again and that is where we are now.

  2. In IT server rooms fire suppression is achieved by filling the room with an inert gas which displaces the oxygen - the hardware remains functional. Guess it's one of those systems.

    A friend said Thai language report indicates the fire suppression system was activated and doors automatically locked, released by finger print activation unfortunately no one with authorization was there so it seems they were asphyxiated .

  3. It seems to me there is a principle involved here, the FBI wants to see what is on the phone of a mass killer. Should Apple put their commercial interests ahead of assisting in the fight against terrorism. Surely in a single case they can in-house access the data under court order and then destroy the means to do so. Or is Apple afraid that it cant control security within it's own organization. If so its only a matter of time that a rogue will work a way and then sell it to whoever.

  4. It just shows how the American political representation miss read the political situation here. Christi palling up to Yinglak, never mind the corruption and undemocratic governance. If the US had accepted that the house needed to be cleaned and had adopted a more helpful attitude things may have been different. But maybe we underestimate the power of the lobbyist hired by the Dubai fugitive.

  5. "Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

    Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


    Well he hasn't started any new wars, And he has brought troops home, And he has rescued the economy and raised the employment level, And health and .................and yes he hasn't been able to stop Americans shooting themselves.................

  6. he had the standard excuse for many wrong doings in this country, i was drunk. then he just needs to give some B.S. excuse for why he was drunk, girlfriend left him or something like that. in my 9 years in thailand, living and working, i have found it very rare thais admit to their mistakes or apologize. this is just my personal experience. i actually remember the one time one of my thai staff apologized to me, remember it because it was the only time it happened.

    The wrongdoing was being drunk. He didn't use being drunk as an excuse for being drunk.. He has manned up and admitted he was drunk. Kudos to him for being honest. No kudos for you for trying to slag off Thais

    Get your ethics right, he is a public figure, great example for others including children. Why are so many posters not able to determine right from wrong as a basic principle

  7. I'm not a visitor here, I'm not a guest here. I'm a person who has chosen to make a home and a life here. I contribute to the community and economy in all sorts of ways. Where I live people know me, are nice to me and never overcharge me. In fact my local noodle shop don't charge for the ice and tea that I see other local customers paying for. I save 2 baht by this which means nothing more than it makes me feel valued.

    It is NEVER about the "couple of quid", it could be 1 baht or 1m baht, I'd feel the same. It is ALWAYS about right and wrong. If you feel you're a guest here, fine but I don't. I feel like I live here and with that I feel like I should be seen as just another person, not special, just a person.

    I don't know why so many posters here don't get it.

    Well done! you have hit the nail on the head. And while we are on the topic of, right or wrong, extend it to why so many of the road laws are ignored.

  8. Pretty obvious it is not an official UE invitation if it had no seals or stamps to indicate it as such. Given the world sees YL and even Thaksin as political targets it is easy to make the assumption that this invitation has nothing to do with the UE. At any rate, with YLs pending court hearing she should not be allowed to leave unless the current gov sees it as a way to be rid of her. In which case they should make her pay a surety bond of a few hundred billion baht.

    Its on official paper. What do you want? Candlewax and a cygnet ring?

    Believe it or not, unlike in Asia, not everything has to have a stamp to be official......If you think PTP is going around forging letterheads, then they really are playing with fire.Letters from Mps, Presidents and PMs all over the world are sent with no stamp.

    A signature is sufficient....

    Did you see the EU presidents signature on there ?.

    The point you are missing is that it is not an official invitation from the EU Parliament. It is from two blokes who work there asking her informally.

    I'm afraid you missed the point once again. Nobody is saying Pheu-Thai have forged the letterhead. They are saying these two guys have been put up to it. The most compelling evidence is that the language they use is more like Asians style rhetoric than anything I normally see in the West, but I wouldn't expect any Thai to realise that.

    No one said it's an invite from the EU parliament.

    In their positions they can request who the hell they like to come and pass by. There is no obligation to go. It's not a court. This request isn't personal, it is in line with their responsibilities and jobs.

    Are you claiming they didn't write it? Are you claiming they have no right to write such a thing? All they ask is that whenever it's convenient that she visit and discuss.

    I don't see why everyone has their nickers in a twist. It's a committee member covering Asia asking to have a meeting when it's convenient. It's not a summons.

    They will probably ask Abhisit next as a member of the opposition. Not sure they will ask Prayuth. This of course is also made all the harder since basically they can't meet her in Thailand because politics is frozen solid there.

    Of course the two EU guys could have decided to come here to get their information, they could also have met both " sides" and thus be better informed. But the cynic in me see a different motivation in the background.

  9. There are plenty of arguments and discussions for and against Dual Pricing, either in restaurants, markets etc or National Parks....

    Ultimately - all arguments are correct - anything can be justified when we think about it deeply enough...

    However, do we really believe any business who practices dual pricing has really thought about it beyond simple 'opportunism' ?

    Where the practice of dual pricing is applied, rightly or wrongly, agreeably or not, there will always been some who are offended by it and some who are happy with paying less.

    Ultimately it is a system accepted by those it doesn't effect or those too lazy to avoid it or disagree with it. It is argued against by those it may financially impact. Of course there are those who find anyway to support and justify anything which happens here and those who seem to fight or complain about almost anything even remotely objectionable.

    For the most part I'm in the 'just suck it up as a part of living here' group, which means for the most part while I do my best to avoid Dual Pricing and sometimes stand on principle if the practice is carried out in a way which is directly insulting, but, I don't let it effect my every day life....

    It is what it is... I don't like to make a big deal of it, but I don't think the practice of Dual Pricing should be defended either...

    Dual Pricing clearly isn't right... but IMO there bigger issues to be concerned with - Most balanced minds would agree but as is often the case on a web-forum the discussions often slip out of balance and become exaggerated in text.

    Mr Richard - Smith 237, well said, also my sentiments. Kennw

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