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Posts posted by Lancashireman

  1. UK police to travel to Thailand to probe tourist murders

    UK police have been cleared to travel to Thailand to investigate the murders of British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller after the country's military ruler dropped his objections.

    Miss Witheridge, 23, from Great Yarmouth, and 24-year-old Mr Miller, from Jersey, were brutally murdered on the holiday island of Koh Tao in September. Two men have been charged with their murders.


    The British are good at this, providing they have unrestricted access. I suspect preparatory work was established some time ago, and that they have firm evidence with which to work with now.

    More to follow I am sure...

  2. for a country that is 544 years ahead of everyone else they are so behind in any civilised legal fair practices

    thailand law is still the same as 20 years ago and has just got lax and more corrupt

    has not move forward with new advances

    remember you buy your way in to the RTP so i assume you just pick bit of law as you progress

    so no idea of how to investigate just wing it

    no wonder this case is such a mess with all the lies, fit ups destroying evidence, changing evidence,omiting evidence,wrong suspects

    also the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing

    i cant see the mr pryuth going against his own police so (hopefully) the suspects will get released and then the whole sorrid system will inplode

    wont have to worry about loss of face then, worry about the EGG ON FACE

    also ro ridacule of the world in every newspaper media ontlet on earth, that will last for ever

    543...but I get your drift...
  3. In other news, 400 tons of water buffalo manure was trucked to the port at Laem Chabang last seen loaded onto barges destined for Koh Samui to be used to fill the holes in the murder case at Koh Tao of two British Tourists. Prosecutors are furiously using sand pails collected from nearby Koh Phangan beach to carry said manure to the court house where they are patching up the massive defects in the current pile of bovine excrement that they call a "police investigation"

    Cynicism cuts and out bleeds truth...don't stop...
    • Like 1
  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Who in their right mind would bother with any full moon party now?

    There are plenty of hippie backpacker trash that will still go to the full moon parties. As long as there are drugs and other losers there to hang out with.
    What a narrow minded, uneducated categorisation. You know all these people personally? You walk in water...
    • Like 2
  5. Her Majestys Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

    Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

    I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

    Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I dont think so, so what the hell is going on?

    I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

    Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?


    IMO, the murderers MO was not the lame-assed story by the RTP...that these young Burmese guys wanted to take a peek (and deciding to bring a hoe with them, just in case, ya know) at two foreigners kissing. And then got all horny enough to bash their faces in and rape the girl. Are you kidding me? Follow the money, just like Walter Sobchak said in The Big Lebowski. Sorry for bringing up The Dude.

    I do believe we are in for a shock. Thousands of words in hundreds of thread posts are, frankly futile. My theory is irrelevant in the big scheme, but there has been much suggested which, without prejudice, is unhelpful.

    Young people, occasion, alcohol, drugs, deadly sins (one or more), paradise, hormones...

    Templedog, you are hovering in the right area...regards

  6. Would be great to find out how they could one of the most important witnesses leave the island. The Scottish guy named "Sean."

    Let's hope that Scotland Yard did its own research.

    There is every likelihood that Sean has disappeared off the face of the planet, i.e. "silenced"

    Every event this far can be construed as a 'likelihood'. Do you know what happened to Sean without guessing? I do, and be assured he remains very much on this planet.

    UK authorities can and do this investigative work very well. Not a 100% success rate, but damn impressive in any big scheme you may wish to project. Watch this space...

    • Like 1
  7. I keep reading the British initiated the complaints that the RTP were handling this case incompetently but i believe the Thai forums were complaining about this long before the British jumped on the badwagon

    Lets not turn it into a 'My Dad is bigger than your Dad' debate, huh.

    Not sure 'bandwagon' is a fair description.

    Britain was involved the moment these two young people were murdered...

    Forums only reflect personal views and assumptions...we are not the officials in any way shape or form, but agree that they serve to highlight much...

    I'll give my own country credit for how they have quietly and professionally conducted themselves. But this is not the end by any stretch, I maintain 'we' are in for a shock and surprise as the evidence is explored and offered.

  8. In the full TIME article re CCTV: but is circumstantial at best.

    In the USA, there have been murder convictions based upon circumstantial evidence when the body of the 'murder' victim has never been recovered.

    Yes but slightly different circumstances... Those investigations probably were not shrouded in negligence, bribery, lying by officials, torture and incompetence

    ...investigations probably were not shrouded in negligence, bribery, lying by officials, torture and incompetence...yes, that's America...

  9. And it's impossible a Thai bar girl would ask a farang for money for her sick father, if her father wasn't really sick?

    Please do not compare bar girls with the RTP. Decent Thais despise bar girls.

    This is not something you should joke about,

    Define decent.

    Many of these girls do what they do because they have no choice. Walk a mile in their shoes.

    Despicable is a person who judges others.

    Then why are you judging RTP ?

    Good morning...

    Fair question balo...

    DennisF, not sure your definition of despicable is correct? You might describe (as an adj) someone as such, in a contemptible sense, but not 'a person who judges others...'

    Coffee darling...

  10. The NHRC, meanwhile, is sending a team to examine the crime scene.

    Why does this not imbue me with a warm glow of confidence? They are Thai after-all. Thailand is still under martial law and top brass have already declared the murderers can't be Thai.


    The investigators were Thai officialdom

    The forensics were done by Thai officialdom

    NomSod, who should bea prime suspect is Thai and so is his lawyer

    The forced admission of guilt was in the presence of officialdom with no attorneys present.

    The claim of matching DNA (scapegoats and victim) was announced by Thai officialdom

    The prosecutors are Thai

    The judges will be Thai

    ....now we hear Thai NHRC is going to investigate.

    Before the Burmese scapegoats had attorneys, it was like a couple small immigrants vs the Thai national football team. Now, it's a bit better. It's a couple of small guys with one or two added players vs the Thai national football team. And guess which team the ref is leaning strongly towards?

    Odd analogy...the Thai football team are mediocre, so the 'boys' should be fine?

  11. Here's the non-suspect who fled the island the day after and has not provided a dna sample.

    Mon sot.....408749_2516699513748_939083871_n.jpg?oh=

    Taken from his fb page

    who is this man and why you say it is involved? Just asking because I don't followed the case

    This is Nomsod, or Dodo - The son of village headman Warot Tuvichien. The Thai webpage CSI LA has been working on this guy. I read Thai so I have been able to scour the site and I believe he was involved too.

    His father claims he wasn't there, and they have CCTV footage in his uni in BKK to prove it, but the CCTV footage is after 9am the next day and previously the day before. A speedboat was seen leaving the Island early and its assumed he got out to a nearby airport (samui/surat/etc).

    He is the one running on the CCTV footage with no shirt. I have looked at many differnet cross-comparisons of his gait, haircut etc and he seems to be the one.

    Also Thai people from Koh Tao, too afraid to speak out have contacted this page to say he was there that night, and other students at his uni confirmed he wasnt in for class the following day and when he did return people noticed scratches on his neck and arms.

    Him along with his uncle, the 'mafia guy' in Seans picture, and at the crime site (Mon Tuvichien) are both left handed as seen from pictures, which is consistent with the wounds to David's body. The 2 Burmese are both right handed, I noticed myself from videos and pictures.

    Don't underestimate the connections of the Tuvichien family.

    If anyone wants to know anymore details feel free to PM me.


    Well if this is true everything changes , but it's only rumours, isnt it?

    Can the UNI really confirm that he wasn't in class the day after the murders? And that he had scratches on his neck and arms?

    Why can't someone just confront the University about this , should be very easy to clarify .

    Until someone in charge at the UNI actually can verify this , it will continue to be just a rumour.

    I'm going to the uni. myself to find-out more about this class-act of a guy...police are not going to follow-up, then I will. Enough is enough.

    You are not serious surely?

    How did it go if you were successfully able to approach a Thai national...

  12. I had a slight but persistent small bodied roach problem for months and tried everything I could find in the local stores to get rid of them and nothing worked, after doing some extensive research I decided to mail order "Advion" gel bait as I couldn't source it in Thailand, it arrived in 4x syringe type tubes and cost about $20

    I placed about five spots of the stuff in strategic places - a quantity in total equal to the amount of toothpaste you would use to brush your teeth, this was about 2 months ago and within one week they were completely gone and have never come back, when I placed the stuff I checked now and again and actually witnessed the roaches filling their faces, they then go back to the nest and die and other roaches then eat the dead and die also, it is extremely effective

    I still have near enough 4x full tubes of the stuff unused.

    Hi Smedly, if you are in Bangkok, maybe I could purches 2 tubes? Pvt. Msg pls.

  13. What is wrong with some of you lot???Cynical is not the right word. You talk down the Thai legal system as if the whole thing is riddled with crooks and fools. If they were after scapegoates it would not take so long to find them.If you really distrust Thailand so much maybe you would feel better back in your own country. All this sneering and conspiricy nonsense does not show much class and is an affront to the millions of honest decent Thai's. Or perhaps some of you only mingle in the lower quarters of the country and really don't know any better.

    Exactly...'their' line between reality and fantasy is a cloudy mess of self-indulged bilge. Solved nowt, they never will.

  14. What is wrong with some of you lot???Cynical is not the right word. You talk down the Thai legal system as if the whole thing is riddled with crooks and fools. If they were after scapegoates it would not take so long to find them.If you really distrust Thailand so much maybe you would feel better back in your own country. All this sneering and conspiricy nonsense does not show much class and is an affront to the millions of honest decent Thai's. Or perhaps some of you only mingle in the lower quarters of the country and really don't know any better.

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