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Posts posted by Lancashireman

  1. Eat, drink and be merry.

    You are adults. You can read or ask for details from the menu...it's allowed?

    Nevertheless, I hope it was a fine dining experience...

    'I love fish'...

    The prices were on the menu. It said 200 baht. Only it didn't say 200 baht per ounce. Do you get it now?

    Who is the subject? Does 'who' get it now...

    'I love fish. Still...'

  2. I was robbed in Geneva once and on another occasion in Amsterdam. My colleagues briefcase was snatched in Paris.

    U.K and the U.S have numerous cases of robbers and the U.S of course is notorious for gun violence.

    T.V has an abundance of Thai Bashers, who ae only there to make callous remarks. Their only pleasure in life seems to be attacking Thais and Asians for that matter by looking at those profiles.

    These are sick individuals are losers who have no other satisfaction in life

    Agree. Weak people 'attack' the perceived weak. I have experienced 'theft' crime in other areas of 'our' world. Seems that the experts on TV, exclusive though they are, simply dwell on negatives. It's their thing of course...

  3. I have previously said .. the only solution to the refugee problem is allow and make 3-4 islands in the Indian ocean become there permanent home. Build cabins, water treatment plants, power, roads, transport.

    Have them work to establish a viable community with the long term goal of self sufficiency. They can grow there own food, farm there own animals, fish & whatever else is needed to feed them.

    Each country puts in say 2% of their GDP to funds this project for the first two years and then after that it stops and they have to become self sufficient.

    After 2 years you would have viable communities living and supporting themselves.

    This is the way to go imo..... wai2.gif

    So long as it's not your island, eh!
  4. I want to share a reverse story and perhaps it has value. I met a thai girl while living in Dubai. She flew for EK Airlines. I made great money. We dated and pretty much lived together for about a year before we went to BKK together. Whenever checks, or dates, or bills she would variously offer to pay, or I would insist telling her "when the day comes I do not have the money I will then ask you to pay, for now I got it." I tended to say this a lot; a typical western man.

    We took a taxi to her home, got out, she paid the taxi while I got bags. I then looked up and the building and asked which floor was her family's? All of them, silly. The building was surrounded by a solid steal fence with cameras. As we approached the gate it opened automatically. There were 9 late model cars in the driveway yet the place seemed dead- it was sunday. We entered on the first floor and this appeared to be the business. I asked incredulously, "this is all one business?" No silly, and she pulled a wooden board from the desk which listed 47 different real estate companies. The family was filthy rich. Each person had their own floor; Gma/gpa, sister, brother, mom dad, her. etc. House in back for staff, cook, driver, etc. I had presumed over the past year of falling in love with this woman that I was perhaps the best thing for her, and immaturely took a degree of pride in finding someone I loved, and could whisk away on my western white horse. In the end, it could not work and when confronted with the final, unassailable reason why, I was shocked- "How could you ever pay enough sinsod to my parents?" she said "How would you explain to my father how you could care for me the way he had?" All true, but brutally painful. This is how a 2+ year love affair ended, with the money being the distinguishing characteristic of a possible future.

    She never told me about her money because it was simply none of my business, I suppose. I am glad I did not know. Before it was over, when her grandpa died, all the g kids were given one million USD and the 5 aunts and uncles split a fortune, a really big fortune with her dad getting the most because he ran the business. I realized then that changed everything. I would forever feel her money behind my thoughts and hopes for the future and while her later explanation of sinsod hurt, it was the realization she had so much money that choked me to death realizing my i could never meet that expectation.

    Do not tell her about your money unless directly asked; if directly asked, you had better appraise the context and reason. Its just not necessary. In your case,, everything above is reversed and the same societal pressures opposite. But do you really need to tell her? I did not know and in retrospect am happy I did not know.

    Thank you. Very interesting story.

  5. ....I seriously doubt that ......ANYONE.....' jogs on the beach at night '....

    ....and not in canvas shoes....

    ...and 1000 baht seems a little meagre....

    I do? My shoes are sometimes canvas, and I always carry a few quid too! All very plausible in my opinion...although I am not 68? You may be onto something, smart guy...CSI, eat your heart out!
  6. When I was 7, my family lived in a fairly large house in Liverpool (yes, it does have those). There was a spare bedroom my parents rented out to a copper (policeman) who had a bowl in his room full of threepenny-bits, sixpences, and pennies. I was 7, and had not yet understood that I had no right to take, but at the same time I knew I was doing wrong.... instinctively. I still took three pence a day to go to the shop and buy either a Caramel or a Topic bar. I got caught out when one day he hid in the wardrobe. I shat myself.. and cried. Did he tie me to a pole? Did he hit me? No! He sat me down and talked. I never stole again (until video players (VHS weights) and the Scouse 400m Olympics was introduced, running with one under each arm was invented, of course cheesy.gif ).

    Chastising without explanation is useless. It's almost like hitting a dog for shitting in the house 1 hour after finding the turd. It means nothing to the dog. To tie a boy to a pole and let him muster over why he is there when he may not have even recognised his error is despicable. wink.png

    You might have nicked my VCR? It's ok it was Betamax, I realise reading was difficult back 'in dem da days!'

    • Like 1
  7. .. limit the possible sentence to 5 to 7 years.

    This comment seems quite bizarre seeing as the o/p states "Police plan to summon and interview B after receiving the forensic report on the babys cause of death."

    * how do you come up with such a sentence? Are you qualified to pronounce such in some way or other?

    Yes, looking for the clue myself. Another hypothesis gone awry!
    • Like 1
  8. and that is the BOMB squad ?

    A couple old tires and a bag or 2 of ????

    since they are in green uniforms are they Army ?

    Scary to think these are the guys who will protect us if there is a terror attack

    Green? I think you need to calibrate your graphics card. And what do you think an EOD squad is going to use to contain damage from a device they're working on, in case it blows up and kills them? You think they're going to lug one of those special trucks up the stairs? Normally it is not a good idea to move a suspicious object around very much, so a couple of sandbags and a couple of old tires work quite well. Also, it couldn't have been very large, so you wouldn't actually have to build a wall of sandbags around it.
  9. His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too.

    He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality?

    What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... unsure.png

    I agree with you Barin. The look in his eyes is very disturbing.

    Yes I know it's just a photo and a photo is one fraction of a second.

    Yes I know people can act.

    I know, I know... But nevertheless, it's disturbing.

    Disturbing also to read the posts which immediately brand him as the culprit, just because he is suspected and arrested ... And it happens all the time here on this Forum.

    Any of you guys ever heard of 'Les Tricoteuses' (the knitters) ? During the worst years of the French Revolution, known as 'the Terror', when hundreds of people were guillotined every day on the Place de Grève (now Place de la Concorde at the foot of the Champs Elysées), these ladies sat there on a chair they brought with them every morning, and they knitted and happily chatted together while enjoying the show.

    Definitely, they didn't care about guilty or not guilty, they were just there to enjoy the non-stop decapitation show.

    If worse came to worse and this kind of situation were to happen again, I feel that quite a few would-be knitters would emerge from this Forum, leave their keyboard and take their chair (and knitting and picnic, no doubt) to wherever the guillotine might be set up ...

    Chang is the new knitting...self-righteous gloaters, who wax lyrical of mice and men...

  10. Just after David & Hannah were murdered with a hoe (allegedly), there was a Norwegian lady diver on Koh Tao who died after being hit on the head by the propeller of a boat. When I read about that the first thing that occurred to me was how similar the physical profile of a propeller blade and a Thai-style hoe must be. Both made from sheet steel. Both around 2mm 3mm thick with sharp edges. In fact, I would imagine that if you hit someone on the head with a hoe with enough force to kill them, then put the body into the water it could easily be accepted that the injury was caused by a propeller blade.

    I wonder how many times "Struck by propeller blade" has been accepted as the cause of death for fatalities involving foreigners on Koh Tao...

    Except of course, that she was hit by the propeller in the water while diving with other people, from where she was rescued by a boat, but don't let facts get on the way of a conspiracy theory.

    AleG...well pointed out. I wish people would read the 'whole' story before commenting...!
  11. There will NOT be an inquiry in the UK - guaranteed.

    The autopsy carried out in Thailand will be sufficient in this case.

    Someone doesn't have to be old to die of natural causes - babies that die of cot death aren't exactly old are they!!

    If you have access from data on the internet then why don't you try using it properly.

    You are a funny guy, anyone dying unexplainably undergoes an autopsy, stop deluding yourself.

    And of course won't a Thai autopsy be enough, just think about the language used in the autopsy report, will it be in English or Thai. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    I will NOT respond again because now this is becoming ridiculous.

    Despite the serious nature of the story, enjoyed the use of English: 'unexplainably'. I would have chosen 'inexplicably', but I'm English!

    Sorry, me Svedis whistling.giftongue.png
    Hey, no problem...quite a cool alternative really!
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