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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Dead right - If you have the money, everything is negotiable.
  2. Police/Immigration - same, same, but different!
  3. They should concentrate on the Russians and Ukrainians (and Chinese) setting up illegal businesses which is depriving the Gov't of billions of baht in taxes rather than a few baht from Myanmar people working without a permit doing jobs that Thais consider below them, or the occasional Brit on overstay.
  4. So - Illegal entry, operating unregistered educational facilities, operating nurseries without approval, no proper work permits, employing undocumented migrants - all offences committed by 1 Laos, 5 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 8 Myanmars, and 1 Thai. The only thing they could pin on the Brit was overstay. Who are the "Bad Boys" now? And where are the crime "kingpins" in all these "raids"? I wonder how many Immigration/Police/Administration officers were involved, and how many hours were clocked up during the arresting and processing of the massive numbers (17) of people arrested?
  5. Seem to think they're entitled to be more "entitled" than other foreigners!
  6. "Ah, those Russians!" TAT wanted 'em - now they got 'em - unfortunately TAT don't have to deal with 'em!
  7. Stating the obvious a bit! That's why I always take bar stool banter with a piece of salt!
  8. "I'll show you mine if they show you theirs" !!!!! Love it! 🙂
  9. Another one of those readers that does not read the full article:- "Stallard explained that she travelled to Thailand to collect the unpaid service fee from her Thai client, who previously utilised her company’s consultancy services but failed to pay the £30,000 charge and stopped responding to communications." Consultancy charges can be expensive - especially if you are dealing with a Thai millionaire!
  10. OK - Bar Stool Banter, but I heard of a case recently where a farang was involved in an accident with a Thai. Thankfully no injuries, but there just happened to be a couple of motor bike cops passing at the time, and asked the farang to show his driving licence - which he did, but then asked the police to check the Thais driving licence. He was told "Thai not need driving licence"!!!
  11. And you won't even be able to say "I'm a WHITE Engishman! (Non P.C.!)
  12. "I'm from Japan" doesn't mean he's Japanese!!! "I'm from Thailand" doesn't mean I'm Thai although I moved here 20 years ago, and now call it home!
  13. That's why I'm here! Call me racist if you want, but I preferred England/Britain in the 60's when you could call a spade a spade!
  14. "as being British can be of complicated"? Pardon?
  15. They are still used - just not by criminal types, or first generation Brits!
  16. So why is this BRITS face not pixellated out as is usual when suspects are arrested?
  17. Obvously not British or Aussie or it would have been mentioned!
  18. "What will it take to have government leaders to act in the best interests of other than their own?" A lot more than a concerned poster on AseanNow!
  19. And that makes him well qualified to do what exactly - apart from make money?
  20. ".........eventually leading to trouble." I have never seen "potheads" causing "trouble". Whereas on the other hand, alcohol and yabba/meth.............!
  21. Do you not mean to GET the police to do their work?
  22. "Stop the smoking of weed would be a good start........." Rubbish! A good start would be on the vehicles emitting clouds of black smoke, and post photos of the arrested drivers AND owners to show that something is actually being DONE about it. I have lived here for nearly 20 years and have yet to see police stop a vehicle for emitting too much smoke, but there are plenty of vehicles doing it!
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