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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Bravo! This problem has been there for years and after years of empty rhetoric it is still there, and will stay there for years to come until something is actually DONE about it!
  2. Yes, the fires might spread to his cannabis plants - can't have that! 🙂
  3. When I first saw the headline I thought they were swapping tips!
  4. I mentioned this sort of thing as an example of animal behaviour yersterday when an elephan ran amok due to being scared by fireworks. How many more people have to die as a result of being attacked by these savage beasts? It seems that in Thailand the life of an animal is more important than that of a human:- "With the abbot now gone, the future of Jord hangs in the balance as the temple, understandably, fears keeping him on the premises." The dog should be put down - full stop. NO passing it on to someone who is better qualified to train it - it is beyond training! It had already bitten before this tragic event. Sometimes Buddhist logic is beyond me. If a human kills another human, they are jailed - usually put on Death Row, but if a dog kills a human - find it another owner! Doh! 👿
  5. Normally it's 500 baht a day fine:- "In order to depart Thailand, it will be necessary to pay an overstay fine. The fine for overstaying a visa is 500 Baht per day, up to a maximum of 20,000 Baht. The fine is payable to the Immigration Bureau, the Suvarnabhumi Airport Immigration office, or other departure point."
  6. ".....dogs all can act unpredictably to stimuli." True - hence all the (sometimes fatal!) attacks by Pit Bulls/XBullies on their owners and passers by.
  7. "..........Thais do not think about the consequences of there actions or about the safety, all they think about is money!" 100% correct! And the rest of your post is spot on too!
  8. Sheer stupidity to have fireworks going off anywhere near animals - especially big ones!
  9. No plomplem - there are various ways of spelling it, but they all sound the same! 🙂 P.S. My wife is from Esan there too! Wot a good idea Mach! But you might confuse the Geordies on here! 🙂
  10. "You just haven't found Isaan yet (not Isan please get it right)" - Stop being so Pompous PomPolo! :- From AI :-The northeastern region of Thailand is called Isan, but it is also written as Isaan, Issan, Isarn, Esan, or Esarn From Wikipedia :-Northeastern Thailand or Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน, pronounced [ʔīː.sǎːn] ⓘ; Lao: ອີສານ, romanized: Īsān; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issarn, Issan, Esan, or Esarn; from Pāli 𑀇𑀲𑀸𑀦 isāna or Sanskrit ईशान्य īśānya "northeast")[4] consists of 20 provinces in northeastern Thailand. .
  11. "Suggestions include installing additional signage in multiple languages to inform visitors of local customs and regulations,....." Don't pee in the sea - that's the fishes job! Well, it was until they started pumping sewage into the sea!
  12. "A foreign man has been arrested after allegedly threatening his Thai wife and child with a firearm and forcing them into a vehicle." Obviously not a Brit then otherwise the nationality would have been mentioned! (P.S. The headline does mention Swiss - maybe another rich p**t who thinks he can do as he likes with total disregard for any one else?)
  13. What measures? And it appears that they don't seem to be spurring any reaction from the police other than a few words akin to "Please stop doing that, and don't do it again,please!"
  14. Or wave to an imaginary friend, and say "Hi Jack"! 🙂
  15. Doesn't look like your typical Aussie - more like a - sorry I can't say it on here in case I might offend somebody!
  16. Yes, they need to get their priorities in order. The few overstayers are usually not of the trouble making kind, the "real" criminals probably don't report every 90 days anyway. Violent and threatening behaviour seem to go hand in hand with alcohol/yabba type drugs, and it does seem to be that it is a certain type of individual that acts this way. I (and many of my friends) have been hardened drinkers for many years (I am approaching 80 years old) and apart from one incident in my teenage years (that involved cannabis, washing up liquid, dye, and a fountain in our City Centre) have never been involved in any kind of trouble - violent or otherwise. So, yes, the RTP/Law Enforcement agencies should concentrate more on the real threats to society. Give them a decent wage and they will be less inclined to ask for backhanders to let troublemakers walk free, and troublemakers should be made accountable for their actions - a slap on the wrist and a wai is obviously not a sufficient deterrent for some of these "head cases".
  17. "It's slowly becoming boring!" "Slowly"? It's been boring for months now! As many post have already said/implied, the man is never going back to jail, and a pound to a penny, if his daughter returns, she won't either - he will make sure of that by getting the Gov't to pass/find some hitherto unknown law that decreases the Statute of Limitations for those of a certain financial standing!!! Or some similar ploy!
  18. ".....cheap quality customers....." Is that not a contradiction in terms?
  19. But you expect us to believe you "with no thought process"?
  20. Did I not read on here a while ago that some committee was investigating Thailand's outdated booze laws? Or are they still "sitting" (on the fence)?
  21. Well done on being the first one to pose that question!
  22. "Why are they speaking Chinese in the attached video of this sinking?" "Aboard were 33 Chinese tourists, two tour guides, and three crew members." 'Nuff said? Doh!
  23. Say that it's a disgrace that people should have to live this way?
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