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Posts posted by fxm88

  1. Wow, andyashley, you just seem to have nothing but good things to say about this tailor! They must be FANTASTIC!

    i agree with that..any tailor would probably do it for u..its part of their job to specialise in making clothes that you want..the tailor i use usually is Crown Tailors in Sukhumvit soi 8, so if ure around that area u can check it out..and again..whats the sudden need of a star trek suit? :o
    I'm a huge fan of Crown Tailor inside Sukumvit soi 8. THe guy has an incredible reputation and is reputed to never forget a customer. I know of people who've bought a shirt there and when he returned 4 years later the owner still remember his name and what he purchased!

    Really awesome service!

    I'm a huge fan of Crown Tailor inside Sukumvit soi 8. THe guy has an incredible reputation and is reputed to never forget a customer. I know of people who've bought a shirt there and when he returned 4 years later the owner still remember his name and what he purchased!

    Really awesome service!

    I'm a huge fan of Crown Tailor on Sukhumvit soi 8. THe guy has an incredible reputation and is reputed to never forget a customer. I know of people who've bought a shirt there and when he returned 4 years later the owner still remember his name and what he purchased!

    Really awesome service and quality!

    www.crowntailor.com as it says on the business card.

    The one i know of and have been using the services of is Crown Tailor on Sukhumvit Road soi 8, about 50m in the soi. I still have his business card here, so you can check out his website and email him to ask details or whatever. www.crowntailor.com

    I'm a huge fan of this shop cuz the guy has an incredible reputation and is reputed to never forget a customer. I know of people who've bought a shirt there and when he returned 4 years later the owner still remember his name and what he purchased!

    Really awesome service!

    i was reading through and realised that ure going to be visiting marty's to see if they can make the dress..im travel to bkk frequently and have been using the services of "Crown Tailor" on sukhumvit soi 8, which is about a few minutes walk away from marty's (i know cuz i tried all the tailor shops along those sois hehe)..so u could give them a try too..their workmanship for my sister's dress was fantastic, so im sure they could get yours done too..u cud check it out
    The one that i've been using frequently is Crown Tailors on Sukhumvit road soi 8. The tailor over there's been treating me very well over the years and has provided me with numerous suits and shirts with amazing prices and quality. So personally if ure in need of a tailor with good quality stitching and a guy who knows what hes talking about, try out this place.
    since ure going to be around soi 8, i got another shop for u that has suited me up fabulously over the years. Shop name Crown Tailor in soi 8. I lost the card so i dont have any more details for u sadly. But he's been doing an awesome job for me and i got good suits for good prices.
  2. My laptop only has an external VGA connector so my options were limited. From reading this page I didn't think I could just connect it to a TV. I bought a little scan converter (the Grand Hand View III) at a local shop. It was a little more expensive than I wanted, but it works pretty well, and is powered by a USB cable which is convenient.

    (I also discovered that my laptop could function in dual-head mode, which was fun because it's kind of a crummy laptop, but it isn't really fast enough to watch a video while using the computer.)

  3. i've heard so much about "building to western standards".

    all jokes aside, what exactly does this mean? especially in terms of ...

    It's hard not to joke because it doesn't really mean anything. Mostly it implies a western style more than anything about the actual construction. Building codes are either non-existent or unenforced (unless the building collapses and kills people). For comparison, here are the building codes for Las Vegas, Nevada. Inspectors actually come out and make sure things are "up to code" at various phases of the construction.

  4. CNN Headline News is back on the air here in Thailand. However, it's still reporting that "it's unclear who's in charge in Thailand". Since it's Headline News they don't really go into details. It does appear to be on a loop, since the same stories come up again and again, with no indication at what time it was recorded. This report also places Thaksin as being in New York for the UN assembly.

  5. Yeah, I would also have bet on a bigger knee-jerk fall from the Singapore traders when they opened this morning, but it's after lunch on Wednesday now and the THB is still stable at about 1% down from yesterday. Who would have thought?

    Is it possible whoever is in charge of the central bank could be keeping the currency stable by buying it on the market? The World Factbook estimates Thailand's reserves of foreign exchange and gold at $52.07 billion. Back in 1997, how long did Thailand manage to defend the baht against "massive speculative attacks" before finally devaluing? 2 months? How much did that cost them?

    Does anyone here have access to real forex market data? Yahoo just isn't cutting it.

  6. At least it has taken PCN and Pattaya People News of the air for a day..:o

    Sadly, these 2 ridiculous channels never stopped broadcasting. Surreal to catch glimpses of tanks on the web while listening to Pattaya People News' cheery reports on City Hall's new fleet of motorcycles or Tony welcoming you to his world for the Nth time.

  7. "Thailand's Stock Exchange Plans Normal Hours, Spokeswoman Says", Sept. 20 (Bloomberg)

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand plans to operate normally today in the wake of a coup, said Ladawan Kantawong, a spokeswoman.

    ``We will open the market,'' she said in a telephone interview from Bangkok.

    Stocks trade on the Thai exchange from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. local time each weekday. The benchmark SET has fallen 1.6 percent this year, trailing a 4.3 percent gain in Morgan Stanley Capital International's Asia Pacific Index.


  8. The coup was announced while the markets were still open in the States: the currency only dropped about 1%; Thai ADRs and funds a bit more. If volatility implies uncertainty then it would seem that there's not much uncertainty about the future of this coup. The Thais should be waking up within the next few hours -- we'll have to wait and see how they react to the news of a new government.





  9. Hello. This request might be a little unusual, but out of the 10,000 tailors in Bangkoko/Pattaya/etc a couple of them must make an attempt to specialize, right?

    Can anyone recommend a good tailor to make Star Trek uniforms? TOS or TNG but any at all would be good.


    Or how about Firefly/Serenity clothes? (What a great show!)


    I guess this would be more of a costum designer than a regular tailor. Thanks in advance for all your suggestions!

  10. Anyone game to do a FOIA? From http://help.customs.gov/cgi-bin/customs.cf...php?p_faqid=776

    "How can I obtain a record of dates of all my entries and departures from the US?"

    That information can be very time consuming to pull together. If you entered and exited by car, we will not have that information at all. If you wish to file a FOIA request for entry/exit information by air, please write:

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection, OFO/FOIA/CSU Room 5.5C 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20229 with the request.

    We will need your full name, date of birth, a clear copy of your passport photo page and your social security number, as well as a return address and telephone number. Please be aware there may be a charge for researching this information. If there is, you will be notified before we begin the research.

  11. I go to a book shop for books, and a coffee shop for coffee and I hope that this silly fashion passes quickly. :o

    Don't worry... as soon as Thailand gets Amazon and a reliable postal system this silly fashion of having book shops will pass faster than you can say skinny latte. Coffe shops might still be around though.

  12. How old are they? From what I have seen, the under 25 prefer Thai men, unless they are being "marketed" by a family that needs money. Over 25 & they may have been "knocked around" in a few relationships with the local "boys" and be more open to experimenting with a foreign man for a relationship.

    How long have you lived here, man? Or do you live here at all? If you do, and if what you have really seen is that women here only like foreigners if they are being 'marketed' or they've already 'knocked around', you either need to get out more or perhaps hang out with a better class of people. Maybe both.

    Sorry, but it's exactly that "better class of people" that don't particularly care to be seen with farangs! :o Seriously though, how many of the "beautiful" (i.e. white) girls have you ever seen hanging out with foreigners?

  13. Bookazine, at least, gets a pretty decent selection of magazines. From Businessweek @ 120 baht, to The Harvard Business Review @ a price that will make you choke, and lots of stuff in between. I don't know what happens to the unsold magazines, once in a while they'll put out a box of really old stuff on discount.

    Not many local magazines -- the demographics make it hard to get subscribers and advertising, I guess. One might think some portion of the farang population would try their hand at magazine publishing given that in America "roughly 1,000 magazines are launched every year" ("9 out of 10 new magazines fail"); maybe it's on the prohibited jobs list or something.

    Sadly, there's not a single Thailand-based 'zine as far as I know. (I would be pleased to be proved wrong on this point.)

  14. There's never been much reason to go to the Asoke area, and without Soi Cowboy they probably would have shut down that Skytrain station long ago. But with the new subway connection at that location it's suddenly got potential.

  15. In fact many Chinese tours operate in such a way that the local economy receives virtually nothing, so called 'zero dollar' tours.

    Hmmm... you may have misunderstood who is being taken advantage of with "zero dollar tours".

    From http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Southeast_Asia/GG14Ae01.html

    The groups are herded from one expensive jewelry shop to another, from pricey entertainment joints to expensive restaurants. Not being able to speak Thai, and virtually imprisoned within the group, they are ripped blind.

    Unscrupulous tour operators (both Thai and Chinese) and their selected outlets in Thailand reap handsome rewards - one estimate puts the loss to the legitimate tour industry at as much as US$400 million a year. Officials claim that about 90% of Thailand's inbound operators specializing in Chinese tourists are of the "zero-dollar" kind.

    Also http://www.thaivisa.com/index.php?514&...amp;tt_news=315

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