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Posts posted by fxm88

  1. As for ganja: Things are changing in America.

    Thursday March 15, 2007

    A woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges, a US appeals court ruled yesterday. Angel Raich, a mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumour, chronic nausea and other ailments, had sued the government pre-emptively to avoid being arrested for using the drug.


    The US supreme court ruled against Ms Raich two years ago, saying that medical marijuana users and their suppliers could be prosecuted for breaching federal drug laws even if they lived in a state where its medical use was legal.


    Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2034319,00.html

  2. Two old Farangs are strolling down the soi one day when they happen to walk by a Wat. They see a big sign posted that says, “Covert to Buddhism and get 1000 baht.”

    Knut stops and says, "Niels, I’m going to do it" and goes into the Wat. He comes out twenty minutes later with his head bowed.

    “So,” asks Niels, “did you get your money?”

    Knut looks up at him and says, “Is that all you people think about?”

  3. Try to establish Linux in the office again.

    I recommend you first come up with a business case for switching to Linux.


    I think Linux is great, but your description reads like you're planning to fail:

    • "Try to establish Linux in the office again." [again?!]
    • ... choose the weakest computer..."
    • "...performance of the company is most important and price wise it does not make any difference..."

    If you just want to mess around with Linux that's fine, but don't be disappointed (and don't blame Linux) when you're encouraged to stop wasting time and get back to work.

    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_case :

    A business case is a structured proposal for business change that is justified in terms of costs and benefits. It is a typical prerequisite for the initiation of a large project and is explicitly required by many Project Management Methodologies.

    The Business Case addresses, at a high level, the business need that the project seeks to resolve. It includes the reasons for the project, the expected business benefits, the options considered (with reasons for rejecting or carrying forward each option), the expected costs of the project, a gap analysis and the expected risks.

    In almost all cases the option of doing nothing should be included with the costs and risks of inactivity along with the differences (costs, risks, outcomes etc) between doing nothing and the proposed project.

    It is from this that the justification for the project is derived.


  4. Some studies on illnesses caused by swimming shows it's actually not from contact with the water, rather from contact with the beach sand that usually carried a pretty heavy bacterial load.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. The city regularly tests the water and if there's too much bacteria or pollution they'll post warning signs (which are impossible to overlook, although beach vendors have been known to take them down). Unfortunately they don't put these warnings up on their website, so you won't know about it until you get down to the beach. :o

  5. Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation? Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?

  6. I'm not sure if the water-works treats water before putting it into the system. But even if it does, there's still a very good possibility of the leaky sewage system cross-contaminating the leaky fresh-water system -- especially given Pattaya's frequent water shortages. Or there could even be something funky growing in your building's storage tank. And does your building have all its backflow prevention devices installed and tested? (Of course, the bottled water has been found to have its own problems.)

    But with a little luck, someday, maybe, Pattaya can have a water system to rival Phnom Penh's?

    See also:






  7. Sounds like stealing to me..

    For moral guidance on the issue, see Gleaning of the Fields.

    Interesting read...

    I guess this is still popular in France; there was a recent movie about it The Gleaners And I. It was mentioned in the Bible, Leviticus 23:22 "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger". I can't find too much other information. A farang would probably need a work permit before he could go picking! Oh, and course this painting:


  8. To go back to my original question, it seems that many of us are stereotypes. It's just so easy to do so - it requires no thinking and it's comfortable.

    Which "stereotypes" are you even thinking/talking about? If you've defined them I do apologize, but I must have missed where.

    In any case, the biggest stereotype of anyone watching television news is that they're old: "Fox News Channel and CNN are two of only three leading basic networks (the other being the Hallmark Channel) whose median viewer age is over 60. Headline News rings in next at 59.9, and MSNBC is still on the rickety side at 57."

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