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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. Maggie had more balls than her entire cabinet. Sure some of her policies were bad, but she got a rebate from the EU. Cameron is not in the same league by miles, all piss and wind. He has too much financially in the EU pie to want to force a real deal. Smoke and mirrors. I'm old enough to remember the original Common Market vote, all those promises, total BS.

  2. How can you have a sustainable economy when the 3 main crops, rice rubber and cassava are grown in many countries around the world and so therefore subject to international pricing ? Even if the farmers diversify or go in for crop rotation they will still be subject to prices going up and down. There is no crop exclusive to Thailand that has a significant world market. Most small farmers in western Europe were forced out years ago, centuries ago in the UK. That is why France has backed the EU's agricultural subsidies so strongly, so as to keep its small farmers in business. A policy that costs the EU billions of Euros every year. Thailand is experiencing real world consequences of their 19th century agricultural policy, which far from being sustainable is the short cut to ruin for most rural families. Unfortunately for Thailand, living in the agricultural past is no longer an option in the 21st century, albeit that a very powerful but small minority would dearly wish that it could.

  3. And how much cash is being transferred out of Thailand by the rich Thais? What will the country have left after all the loot is gone?

    Taxi! Airport!

    That to me is the crunch question. Is the baht being held high so as to give certain rich powerful people time to get their money out at a favourable rate ? Then the country can implode, but not just yet, need more smoke to hide the transfers behind !!!

  4. Many thanks for the info, but what happens if you're not quite lucky enough to be in that financial comfort zone ?

    I went to Savannakhet because proof of finances wasn't required, but the visa they give you requires re-entry every 90 days. Not too much of a problem, but fills up your passport pretty quickly. Now, as stated by the original poster, if they are only issuing single entry visas does that mean I've got a problem or was that issued in a specific case ? HELP !!!

    I see don't see where it is written a multiple entry visa is no longer available in Savannakhet. The OP got one without a problem.

    Sorry, I read it wrong. In his last paragraph he mentions single entry "tourist" visas, guess when I read it the first time I just assumed he was on about his visa, which obviously wasn't the case.

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  5. Many thanks for the info, but what happens if you're not quite lucky enough to be in that financial comfort zone ?

    I went to Savannakhet because proof of finances wasn't required, but the visa they give you requires re-entry every 90 days. Not too much of a problem, but fills up your passport pretty quickly. Now, as stated by the original poster, if they are only issuing single entry visas does that mean I've got a problem or was that issued in a specific case ? HELP !!!

  6. How does that work for your 90 day across the border ? I thought you needed a multi-entry visa, 5000 baht, so you can go (or at least in my case) across the Cambodian border every 90 days to get your stamp. As I need to go again in March, advice from the experienced expats would be invaluable. Cheers

    With a non-o that has a 1yr extension based on marriage, there is no leaving every 90 days only 90 day reporting.

    Thanks for the info. I got my first non O based on marriage in the UK, then the 2nd one in Laos, now that expires in mid March. From what you say, can I go to Immigration and apply for a 1 year extension and thereafter only have to report every 90 days, not cross the border. If that's the case it would save so much hassle. Please can you or any expat with experience confirm or not that that is what happens ! Cheers once again

  7. Well as i write in another tread i don't think there will be a ban, but today i just read that Thiraphong Chansiri, president and chief executive of Thai Union Group Plc says that

    Thailand can guarantee that as of January 2016, there is no illegal labour in the Thai fishing industry, and the country does not deserve such a ban.

    Well why are the CEO's, company's and so on not in jail wai2.gif

    Maybe, just maybe he's speaking the truth regarding January 2016, but it will be back to normal in February when the nasty EU inspectors have gone home.

  8. One would of thought these plants in the river creek photo would be dead if the contamination was bad,correct?

    Not necessarily , it depends on the pollution, e.g. Copper Zinc and Nickel are major killers of most plant life. Cyanide in levels fatal to animals is not a plant killer. Areas in Cornwall in the UK have naturally high levels of arsenic, just make sure you wash your veg well.

  9. So burning of rice fields doesn't factor in to smog Oh ok Thai burning does do damage Thai's Littering well we know Thai's don't do that.

    And now we've got "black Snow" - it's sugar harvest time, everyone is burning their sugar fields, resulting in anyone down wind waking up to find their garden, drive etc covered in black ash. Can't leave washing out overnight.

  10. 30 to 35 is the usual class size in my local senior (13 to 18) school. Sounds a lot, but the number of students that actually attend can vary from 6 to a full class. There seems to be so many "other" activities that take priority over learning English, from sports, boy scouts and other cultural events. Sometimes classes are even cancelled which together with poor attendance, for whatever reason, makes lesson planning for the farang teacher a nightmare.

    Interestingly, the Head of English at the school said in her Christmas address to the school party that learning English would give Thais an advantage over the rest of ASEAN. At that point I nearly fell off my seat laughing, but I don't think the other parents or teachers would, or could see the massive joke.

  11. Handing back power in 2017. My ass is still pointing South so that aint happening. Stalling and delaying are the tactics of the day. Just buying another two years in which time events will ensure (In their logic) that they will be needed to steady the ship for a further ? years (pick a number). When Suthep cried for a few good men to run the country ( not Nicholson and Cruise) the incumbents are the ones he had in mind (after reported scheming to cause unrest to facilitate a coup).

    Civil unrest is looking more and more likely as people are now awakening to the fact, the khaki boys are going nowhere.

    I guess you're not British Australian, American etc etc by your grammatical errors. Your viewpoint is pure junta and Bangkok elite. Pray be so kind as to tell everyone what rank you hold in either the Thai military or Civil Service. It's not that I disagree totally with what you said, it's just that I'd be interested to have an indication of how you came to formulate such a radical viewpoint.

  12. Here we go again! A token conviction by a lower court, then it on bail, and an appeal that will take years to reach a verdict.

    I don't think Dr. Pakit and his sidekicks will be too worried at this stage. If things do turn to shit, they can always visit Vatana.

    The world is watching My Prime Minister, General, Sir.

    Do you have the balls, the guts, the integrity, "bottom line" are you honest enough to sort this crime against the country you say you love. This for you Sir is the crossing of the Rubicon, either sort it out or go down in history as a charlatan. Up 2 U SIR.

    Why do you want a politician to interfere with the judicial process? So that you can claim the conviction was "political" or "persecution"?

    But the current Prime Minister is not a politician, he is an army General with Article 44. So he doesn't need to follow the usual niceties, he can just go and sort it out, when and if he so desires.

  13. Here we go again! A token conviction by a lower court, then it on bail, and an appeal that will take years to reach a verdict.

    I don't think Dr. Pakit and his sidekicks will be too worried at this stage. If things do turn to shit, they can always visit Vatana.

    The world is watching My Prime Minister, General, Sir.

    Do you have the balls, the guts, the integrity, "bottom line" are you honest enough to sort this crime against the country you say you love. This for you Sir is the crossing of the Rubicon, either sort it out or go down in history as a charlatan. Up 2 U SIR.

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