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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Tinnitus/Pages/Treatment.aspx


    In Europe we have good results with high dosage of Gingko. 240mg at least daily/twice daily. But to be honest you should have gone to a clinic to have a drip infusion with Gingko extract.

    Acute Hearing loss might have happened with you.

    I find a daily drink of ginko tea helps, twice a day. Available in many good supermarkets.

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  2. Salad from Australia? Long way for a lettuce to travel.

    Not unusual these days. Potatoes from Egypt appear on British supermarket shelves, and roses are picked in Kenya and are on sale the next day in European stores.

    Israel is a major source of salad vegetables for Europe, which is why you can buy salad vegetables in the middle of a European winter, something that was unheard of when I was a puppy.

    You are so right. I remember when the food everyone ate was "seasonal", which meant you looked forward to particular seasons with their different foods, e.g. strawberries. Now the food is imported year round, so fresh strawberries are available even at Xmas. However I do find that such foods tend to lack the flavour of fresh local produce. I once had to visit a large market garden to do some soil sampling and the farmer gave me a range of freshly picked veg. We cooked them that night and the flavour was do much better than supermarket imported veg. Also we should really consider the air miles the food has travelled. Even in Thailand, when my wife cooks most of the veg and all the herbs are from our farm and garden, resulting in so much more flavour. Not knocking the poor Aussies, but importing salad from Australia seems crazy. Maybe a big opening for Thais to grow more salad veg !!!

  3. While solar energy, in its present form, could contribute to reducing domestic fuel bills, it's use for industrial operations is doubtful, depending of course what the proposed industries are. However it could provide all the street lighting for the industrial park. Any more would require a significantly large area given over to the solar cells. The report is a wee bit vague, but the concept is good.

  4. The volcano is in a remote area, eeer ! but nuclear plants tend to be built in remote areas. Take Sellafield in England. West Cumbria is about as "remote" as you can get in England, but ooops ! it's on a fault line. OK only minor quakes have been recorded recently, 2 to 3 on the Richter scale, but an active fault-line never the less. Seems to be a pattern here !!!

  5. One recent example of the EU favouring the individual over large corporations.

    Last year mobile phone companies were forced by the EU to immediately significantly cut and by June 2017 completely abolish their exorbitant roaming charges when using a mobile device within the EU. The three non EU members of the EEA agreed to this as well.

    Which means that when travelling anywhere within the EEA states EEA resident mobile device users will pay the same price as at home, with no extra charges whether making calls, sending texts or using data.

    That's just from memory; I'm sure there are many other examples were one to do proper research.

    It is the small things as well as the large which must be considered when deciding whether to vote In or Out.

    But ultimately it is the lack of democracy and loss of sovereignty that will the key factor for those that vote out.

    And the fear of being left on the platform while the EU train goes steaming ahead the key for those that vote to stay in.

    So the EU train is "steaming ahead", I agree, but the trouble is where's it actually going and maybe not everyone wants to go there ?

  6. A senior customs officer once explained to me why I could not import playing cards for use playing bridge for no money.

    I explained that as no money was involved, it was not gambling. The senior customs man disagreed, he said "But you are gambling in your heart".... you can't argue with these people.

    When I finally moved everything to Thailand I sent a box with DHL ( ok I realise that was a massive error ) but the box contained a pack of cards, never actually used, rather a souvenir from an organisation I once was a member. When the box finally arrived the pack of cards had been opened and one card removed, the 4 of clubs !!!. So my wife can't use the cards to tell my fortune now !!! There were other items that were questioned, but that is a long silly story.

  7. BAE Systems is one of the giants of European arms manufactures, from Nuclear Submarines to field artillery to jet fighters to actual bullets. I find it strange that the EU delayed any action on the fishing problem and then a few days later a European company is selling them a vessel wholly suitable for fisheries management. Seems a deal was done, but I think everyone here expected similar.

  8. I'm sure on the run-up to the vote the media will be flooded with VOTE IN propaganda and there will be a slight majority voting to stay in. I voted in the original EEC vote (NO) and in retrospect I'm surprised how easily people accepted the lies they were told. I expect no difference this time as unfortunately the majority of the UK population are brainwashed by the TV and the Tabloids.

  9. I thought that was why most production lines are computerised, so you can reduce the workforce, less need for skills, lower wage bill etc. If car production in Thailand is to increase then it must be with more computers running the production lines, not more skilled workers. Perhaps someone with experience in the motor industry can answer this question, "is the language of computers in the industry in English ?". If it is the Thais lack of English will be a problem.

  10. Yet again they are again going to use the majorities, tax payers monies,

    to help the minorities,the rice farmers,this has been going on for years

    and nothing improves,there is something wrong with the whole agricultural

    system in Thailand,when every year,the Rice farmers,Rubber tappers,Shrimp

    farmers, and Tapioca growers, need financial help from the Government.

    regards Worgeordie

    Just for clarification geordie me lad, are you sure that in Thailand tax payers are in the majority and farmers in the minority. After all isn't the reason Thaksin et al won all the elections is because they had the support of the rural Thais ! I've not seen PAYE applied in Thailand, but I've never worked in a factory or a city. Most taxes I see are indirect tax. I've no doubt that Bangkok and its surrounding areas pay the majority of the taxes raised in Thailand, but the majority of the Government's money is spent there too. ?

  11. I think its the same with most foodstuffs we are offered,you would

    most likely starve to death after seeing some of the handling and

    processing of what ends up in markets,even Supermarkets,like

    the rats feeding on a meat stall in a market in Chiang Mai,that

    was on a video on the Chiang Mai forum not so long ago.

    regards worgeordie

    Somewhere out there is a video of Jamie Oliver demonstrating how hamburger meat is harvested. If you watch it you may never eat a burger again.

    Seen it, horrible ! Also saw one about corned beef, shocking ! and one about processed ham, sickening ! Turned me off them for years, but eventually hunger and the lack of alternatives means they are back in my diet albeit in a limited way. I would hate to see how the truly tasteless "sausages" served everywhere in Thailand are made.

  12. She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

    Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

    I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

    Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

    You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

    ......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

    I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

    All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

    You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

    I think that you have answered your own question rather admirably.

    This is why democracy fails in Thailand and also why Prayut, despite the unfortunate but necessary Draconian measures is doing just fine in sorting things out.

    I take it that you are not averse to the elections being late - to make sure they get things right in the charter rather than rush it and allow 'fake' Democracy to stuff the country again!!

    There are really very few countries in the world where true democracy exists. I do not include the UK in that list by the way, just look at the last election for just one of the reasons why. Democracy was a European invention and as such isn't totally suitable for all the cultures around the world. I remember when the blacks in South Africa got the right to vote, they all thought it would bring a much better life, WRONG !

    I don't care about the Thai elections, late or not, but what I am concerned about is those in power telling the people lies. As for the Charter getting things right for everyone, dream on buddy, that's not the intention, it's to keep the status quo, surely even you must see that.

    Totally agree with everything in your first paragraph.

    If 'keeping the status quo' is in supporting the election of able and qualified MP's who's duty is to serve the people and not themselves following free and fair elections, whereby cheats are barred from standing, then I agree with all of your post!!

    I trust you are being sarcastic, but if you are sincere in your comment, then may I suggest you consult the Oxford English Dictionary for the meaning of "status quo". And where in the world do you get "qualified" and able politicians who serve the people and not themselves, or their own vested interests ?

  13. She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

    Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

    I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

    Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

    You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

    ......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

    I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

    All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

    You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

    I think that you have answered your own question rather admirably.

    This is why democracy fails in Thailand and also why Prayut, despite the unfortunate but necessary Draconian measures is doing just fine in sorting things out.

    I take it that you are not averse to the elections being late - to make sure they get things right in the charter rather than rush it and allow 'fake' Democracy to stuff the country again!!

    There are really very few countries in the world where true democracy exists. I do not include the UK in that list by the way, just look at the last election for just one of the reasons why. Democracy was a European invention and as such isn't totally suitable for all the cultures around the world. I remember when the blacks in South Africa got the right to vote, they all thought it would bring a much better life, WRONG !

    I don't care about the Thai elections, late or not, but what I am concerned about is those in power telling the people lies. As for the Charter getting things right for everyone, dream on buddy, that's not the intention, it's to keep the status quo, surely even you must see that.

  14. She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

    Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

    I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

    Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

    You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

    ......and what do you suppose they think she achieved and did for them?

    I can't think of a single 'good' thing she did for them (and neither can the pro-Shinawatra camp) by the looks of it!!

    All of her populist policies (that she used to buy the vote) were either useless, disastrous or in the case of the 'rice scam' catastrophic!! Her actions during the flood turmoil were abysmal. Why? you may ask, because she was put there for the sole intention of getting the 'fugitive's amnesty and as the Cranberries song goes "nothing else matters"!!

    You've really got a bee in the bonnet. Hey I'm not Thai, I'm just a farang. Heck, I can't figure out what Thais are thinking at the best of times and that includes my long suffering wife. All I know is that the majority of my local rural Thais think that she and her brother were better for the poor rural folk than either the other parties or the junta. Why ??? who knows ! but when you're very poorly educated, living on the breadline, fed daily bullshit by whoever's in power then what do you really expect ?

  15. She bought the vote with populist policies and then proceeded to turn any semblance of Democracy on it's head by basically throwing the rule book out of the window and doing what SHE, or Thaksin, more like it, wanted.

    Article 44 was brought in to expedite urgent changes and needs that would have been bogged down in parliament - it worked very successfully indeed!!

    I'm still waiting on the benefits to the people that Yingluck brought. Are you having a little problem with that as you have completely side stepped the question, just as I knew you would.

    Now come on, what good did she bring to the peoplecoffee1.gif. If you can't name one, then the answer seems to be (as I and a few other sensible posters know) NOTHING!!

    You have raised valid points and I suspect you are perfectly correct, however, like all politicians around the world, it's not what you actually do for the people who voted for you, it's rather what the voters think you've done for them. Thailand is just one example.

  16. Why don't they just ban the chemicals that the farmers are feeding the pigs. If they state those chemicals are harmful to consumers then a ban is logical. But it's not just a Thai problem, it's worldwide. I remember a farmer/butcher/retailer in my home town in England fed his flock of turkeys antibiotics just before Xmas, apparently it makes them put on weight. But he was greedy and fed them too much of the stuff and they all died. Beef from many countries contains steroids, used to make the cattle build bigger muscle tissue. The list just goes on and on, not enough to turn me vegetarian, after all what about all the chemicals sprayed on crops, but enough to make me wary of where I buy my meat.

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