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Posts posted by eliotness

  1. Fossil fuel companies have known for years that there is global warming/climate change and they used propaganda to fool the gullible public for years much like the model used by big tobacco. Law suits are being brought against them for doing so. In fact many of the so-called anti-climate change "scientists" (less than 3% of all) are hired whores for the fossil fuel industry. As to the "signing" mere words on a piece of paper. There is no enforcement mechanism. I come from refinery country, I know what it does to people. Once saw a beautiful ad for how great the oil refinery was in keeping almost pristine marsh that way. Oh, marsh grass growing, egret standing in the shallow water, refinery in background, yes quite "beautiful", except I knew that marsh and that area. Pan down and it was black, black with oil. Ahem, that's not propaganda?

    Got to agree with you on that last point. I cringe when I see the PR put out by the likes of BP stating how green they are.

    As for the "denier" scientists being whores, there are no bigger "whores" than the politicians. After all the Western powers went to war in Iraq for oil, not because Saddam had WMDs. Politicians are pandering to the environmentally concerned, whilst taking the money off the oil companies.

  2. I'm going to Savannakhet next week for my new visa with my wife. She doesn't have a Thai passport, just an ID. As we only plan to stay 2 nights in Lao, is this now a problem ? - it was OK last year, I just wonder if the rules have changed. ?

    A border pass allows 3 days of stay in Laos. No problem for her to stay 2 nights.

    The consulate will be closed Monday May 2nd and Thursday the 5th.

    Many thanks for the info. Planned to go Sunday, but now I'll travel up on Monday. Again thanks, especially about Monday being a holiday, kind of forget that sort of detail when in LOS.

  3. There is no doubt that man has harmed the planet's ecosystems with pollution (land, water and air), landscape changes, deforestation, over grazing, over fishing etc etc, but yet everyone, especially politicians, ignores "the elephant in the room" over population. All the aforementioned problems stem from this unsustainable fact. Soon the fight for land, food and water will become the overwhelming issue.

  4. There are currently 193 member states of the UN. 175 signed this accord. So what happened to the other 18 ?

    Apparently they were at a Creationist Symposium.

    I too have noticed the climate change deniers are usually the type to tell you God created earth in 6 days.

    These gullible people usually get their news from FOX and claim every other news source is mainstream liberal nonsense.

    Hey ho ! and "climate change" is THE new religion. Must be so because anyone who disagrees is called "a denier". Smacks of the Spanish Inquisition"

  5. Yeah climate is not changing, human action and his impact on natural cycles ate minimal : they didnt consume nearly 50%of the earth natural resource. There is no impact on the fauna, we don t waste chemical, we do not pollute.. this has zero impact whatsoever...

    quote "they didnt consume nearly 50%of the earth natural resource"

    I've told you a million times, stop exaggerating. Look at man's ego - he is so important and significant that he can even change the weather. Bravo.

    Yeah on the phone so types a bit too fast. The human ressources available per year is consumed faster than produced: for 2016 the human consumed already 50% of a sustainable ressource which should occur half of the year.

    Anyway if tou really believe human actions has no effect on weather and "natural cycles" even aftrr millions of facts in millions of fields (pollution, fauna,modification of landscapes with dams and other things,invasive species...) i seriously doubt we can have more discussion.. just go in your backyard burn some plastic bags, spill some oil in the river nearby..do something fun mate! Enjoy a trip to fukushina bay, go have a dive in the gange river, eat some dodo (oh no we ate them all.already) or hunt some tigers

    Pollute pollute pollute it is a ntural cyclel, there will have no impact....

    And so if the earth's human population is consuming it's natural resources at an unsustainable rate it's because we humans are reproducing at an unsustainable rate. Everything else is a consequence of that fact.

  6. Mankind can destroy the earth we live on, with pollution ( I do not believe CO2 is a pollutant, rather it is a prerequisite for life on earth ) and deforestation, but can mankind save the planet ? Not with BS, extra taxes, lies and a population estimated to rise to over 12 billion by 2100. This all about politicians joining a very lucrative club, with lots of jollies in expensive resorts around the world, with the poor dumb taxpayers funding the bill, pure and simple !!! ?

  7. My nearest Tesco hypermarket is over 100 km away. It would be great if they would build one in a large town a bit closer. As for the small Tesco shops, plenty of them, but many empty shelves "no have" and very poor selection of farang food (no cheese being my biggest gripe) and despite the number of long stay farangs in the area it seems any ability to speak English, at all, even "good morning" is not a requirement for their staff.

  8. If the government can't afford to pay civil service pensions from 55/60 then why not do as nearly every country has done and raise the retirement age. However any payment of "pension" to the ordinary peasants is tiny compared to civil servants and to raise the age for the rural poor would be a real shame, but priorities, need to buy those subs, tanks and whatever, for the "big boys" to play with !

  9. I know western countries have "classic literature", also Arabic and Indian literature have classics, has anyone any knowledge of similar literature in Thai ? Genuine question people as if so maybe I should buy some for my young Thai relations, but yes, they all use facebook or similar !!!

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