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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. In 2008 I was day trading the NASDAQ using Thinkorswim at $5 per trade. Then I was told Thai-based investment accounts had to close and was forced to quit.


    Would like to dip a toe back in the water. Wondering if that is still the case today? What platforms are available to those based in Thailand? Cost of trade?


    On the news side, Trump said yesterday this crisis could go on for 18 months with regular waves. Not sure how he knows but there's a whole heap of possibility in those comments. Markets could be roiled by riots in the streets. Bank failures. China retaliation. Lots of ways the market could fall further.


    Tucker Carlson on Fox is lamenting that the U.S. moved all its manufacturing capacity to China and it needs to come back as a matter of national security. Is this the hidden geo-political agenda? Who would want to invest in China stocks?


    There seems to be plenty of 'agendas' being spoken about. I have no idea what's coming down the pipe but this is definitely different to previous virus 'cattle drives'. I will mention just one.


    Seems to me crypto currencies could be wiped out overnight if the banksters force us all onto digital currencies and end cash, pushing their own crypto currency.  18 months with the principal players 'locked-down' seems like the ideal opportunity for the banks to 'reset'.


    Apologies if this has already been discussed.


    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, aslimversgwm said:

    Excuse me saying so but that's not what the original post was suggesting.

    I have already done what you suggest but the original poster was saying one didn't need to keep re-filling out the form as other posters have said is happening and has happened to myself - 1 for extension of stay on retirement and a 2nd for a re-entry permit in my case. 

    The original poster was suggesting just having to change the date after 'digitising' the form.

    My question was/is: how do you 'digitise' the form in order to achieve this!

    Downloading the form doesn't allow you to enter anything on one's computer as it downloads in jpg format - i.e. like a picture - so you have to print it out, as you say, and then manually enter the required information. 

    How can one change the downloaded form from jpg format into a format that allows one to simply change the date as was suggested?




    You don't have to keep re-filling in the form or convert to or from a jpg or anything else. If it is saving as a jpg, install acrobat reader. It is free. 


    1. Complete THIS form (It's an editable pdf)

    2. Save it as YourDocName_01.pdf

    3. Next time you need to complete it, load YourNameDoc_01.pdf and you will see the previously completed fields were saved. You then only need to change the date each time. Save it with the same filename or with a new filename each time. Up to you. 


    Hope that makes sense.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, rosst said:

    I have made the move to the Philippines,  very simple visas and I have been treated exceptionally well by immigration at 4 different offices.

    I spend a couple of months each year in Thailand and I love it.  I have never had a problem with immigration,  I get a sixty day visa in Penang and leave on time.  Everybody is always nice to me.

    Agree on immigration. Dress cleanly, stay cool, do as they request and it's plain sailing. I was in the Philippines many years ago, enjoyed it but the food was awful, roads a shambles and crime a worry. Has it changed?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    This is all part of the Orwellian control-grid that has been long in the planning (hence Orwell, with his British Intelligence connections, was aware of it in the 1940s) - not just in Thailand but all over the world. The idea is to control and watch every aspect of our lives - so as to neutralise any threat to the faux-elites that the billions of 'the masses' might be deemed to pose. Those with power at the top (the tiny minority) are now paranoid about the billions of the rest of us who, thanks to the Internet, have seen through their pathetic but evil game and resist to the maximum.


    A group of rulers at ease with themselves and others do not need to turn their nation into a prying and probing prison state - but increasingly that is what Thailand is becoming, not only for foreigners, but also for dispossessed and disenfranchised Thais. 'Rulers' with fragile and frightened egos (but who act big and wield tank-size weapons) are control freaks who are deep-down terrified that 'the worm will turn' and say: 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!' and rebel. And nothing is more dangerous to such an oligarchy than those who QUESTION what is going on and dare to think CRITICALLY. This must be countered at all points.


    So: keep foreigners well under surveillance and control; keep the populace dumbed down and stupid, so that they do not even realise that they are prisoners in their own land. Throw mindless entertainment (complete with bells and whistles and bongs) at the masses, to keep their minds infantile and unaware of the tightening noose around their neck. And for Heaven's sake - keep those nasty foreigners, with their tradition of freedom of thought, critical thinking and liberty of expression, securely bound and gagged inside the prison walls of the 'hide-the-truth-at-all-costs' nation.


    It's all for your own good, you know. If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide. The 'good men' who rule over us know what is best for the nation. Who needs pesky foreigners anyway? They are a dangerous irritant. Oh - is that a watchtower I see being constructed just across the way, with a nice concentration camp attached to it? Lovely. I feel really safe now.


    God bless our beneficent rulers!


    Thailand is doing the right thing. While other nations are being swamped by mass immigration (for reasons I am sure you understand) Thailand is perhaps anticipating problems and tightening up. I don't think they are after decent folk, since I have yet to hear of anyone being deported. Those who abuse Thai's hospitality only have themselves to blame.


    I am not sure Thailand is fully on the globalist team yet, hence kicking and keeping Mr T out. 


    What seems a little ironic is people getting paranoid about Thailand requesting this info when everything we do and say online and near our phones, is being recorded and archived and has been for years ("Collect it all"). There are so many catch-all laws, they can get you for anything they like or simply pick you up without charge and you are history. I also think it is sensible of Thailand to maintain paper records. 


    I also have concerns about what's coming down the pipeline but it's not for this topic. 

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, aslimversgwm said:

    Please send instructions how to digitise the form . I haven't a clue. I know how to scan it into my 'puter, but then what?

    I only worked in IT for 25 years but having retired in 2008 'digitising' forms wasn't readily available then - it really wasn't!

    Download it to your hard disk, fill in the relevant fields, then print.


    Here's a link http://www.nvtpattaya.org/nvtp/images/Handig/NVTP-2016-06-22-Foreign-National-Information-Formulier.pdf

  6. On 10/09/2016 at 8:50 PM, Jim walker said:

    The Thais are winning the battle to get rid of foreigners / tourists from Thailand its their country and Thais  don't need anyone else here. go away and stay away   

    I have been in Hua Hin 11 years and the only crooks I have encountered have been foreigners. Dealing with officialdom is better than my own country where the police in the UK were notorious for doing nothing. Cautioning delinquents, failing to go after burglars, not getting out of their flash cars, while allowing members of the 'funny handshake' and paedophile clubs to play unmolested. You cant draw breath without committing a crime, there are so many laws. Give me Thai police any day. The worst they have done is fine me for no helmet. 200 bt still makes me smile. When I left it was 120 Euros. Thai police have a better clear-up rate than most because uneducated peasants usually can't keep their mouths shut. In the Songkran video incident the guy kicking the old lady and punching the son, was first hit by the two Brits, who should have been charged with assault. I was there that night. It was an amazing evening. You couldn't get 10,000 drunken british youths to be as polite and friendly as the young Thai men were.

  7. What a pity. I was there that evening and remarked to friends about what a fantastic atmosphere there was. After 11 years of Songkrans, I have never seen such an influx of young men all in one place and most were very polite dabbing powder on my face. Bintabaht and surrounds was bursting to the seams.

    It is easy to get paranoid about attacks like this but I don't know of any other incidents that night and would still rather be here than among the feral youths from sink estates, in the UK. I could not imagine British yobs being as friendly.

    Maybe these people did not know but it pays to repeat it. NEVER EVER get involved in an argument with a Thai. There are no Marquis of Queensbury rules and there is no such thing as a fair fight.

  8. The Swiss Cohort Study showed that the risk of sexual transmission is insignificant, while the side effects of medication are serious. A 45% rate of clinically serious side effects.

    'The use of antiretroviral drugs has been associated with several toxicities that limit their success. Some acute and chronic toxicities associated with these drugs include hypersensitivity reactions, neurotoxicity, nephropathy, liver damage, and the appearance of body fat redistribution syndrome and the different metabolic alterations that accompany it.' http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20216907

    Personally, I would not touch the meds in the absence of symptoms. Boost your immune system in healthy ways.

    • Like 2
  9. When I first started visiting Thailand,almost 20 years ago, it was very rare to see an obese or even over weight Thai person.

    I remember when seeing a large person from a block away in Bangkok and thinking...it must be a farang...and was ususlly correct.

    Now, obesity, especially with young children in school is pretty common.

    I wonder if the westernization of the diet ( Pepsi, Mc Donalds, KFC, Chips ( chrisps ) , french fries, pizza and the like has caused this ?


    Most Thai are obese from eating to much sugar and rice as they have more money

    Western food to expensive for these poor people In Western Food Restaurants in Thailand they tend to weigh less and are richer than the ones eating the junk on the street

    We are designed to consume 1/2 teaspoon of sugar per day, yet we are eating 70x that. 128lbs per person per year. This is nutritional suicide. When you go to the villages you still see slim Thais because they are eating the protective foods. The bitter greens. In the western diet, these protective foods have largely been eliminated. Disease is guaranteed.

  10. Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

    I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

    I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

    Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

    So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

    I see the same mindset as yours with those on cholesterol meds. We now know that only 2% benefit, while the other 98% only get the side effects. The people you are maligning always knew, whereas the endocrinologists you set such store by, didn't. Those 98% will fight tooth and nail to tell you they absolutely are benefiting and will trot out Mercola et al, just as you have. It might impress your buddies but it doesn't wash with those who can think for themselves. By all means spend your life managing your disease, that's your choice but to dismiss methods you have never tried is rather silly. That you are so willing to accept what the orthodox Doctors tell you without question shows you have a long way to go.

    An endocrinologist doesn't treat lipids related problems, that's primarily the function of a lipidologist or a cardiologist!

    Stop twisting my words to suit your prejudice. I know exactly what endocrinologists do. I merely make the point that the High Cholesterol theory was/is generally accepted across orthodox medicine. No matter what specialization. That you missed it is no surprise.

    making links that aren't there. The endocrinologist comment was making a general point about the knowledge 'experts' have. It was Still thrashing around I see. Read the previous posts. The endocrinologist comment was a wry dig at a previous post.

  11. Here's a case study which spells out the situation with diabetes:

    I was diagnosed several years ago, that diagnosis came after two consecutive FBS readings of >126, not high normal, not pre-diabetic but full Type II.

    I consulted with three different endocrinologists and read everything I could on the subject, the doctors advice followed very closely what I had read and that is to check your blood frequently to understand what happens when and why and to exercise. Over the next six months I checked my blood sugar levels up to eight times a day, after fasting, before and after three meals a day and before going to sleep, that allowed me to understand the impact of different foods in different quantities taken at different times of the day - any time my blood sugar was too high I went for a run to burn it off.

    Now some years later I don't need to test so often because my diet and lifestyle changes mean that I can manage diabetes solely through diet and and exercise, instead I spot check from time to time and am only very rarely higher than high normal, two hours after food or after fasting. BUT, I know that if I change my diet and go carb heavy with simple carbs, my readings will sky rocket, something as simple as an over ripe banana will do that. Am I cured? No way, I simply manage my condition, like most diabetics do.

    So, the endocrinologist I see every six months is very pleased and there's never been a thought about me taking medication, ergo Pharma's, big or small, don't have a role to play in my care and FWIW there are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing exactly the same as me. Big Pharrma conspiracy theories, book and course selling MD's, nonsense diet and exercise works for most!

    I see the same mindset as yours with those on cholesterol meds. We now know that only 2% benefit, while the other 98% only get the side effects. The people you are maligning always knew, whereas the endocrinologists you set such store by, didn't. Those 98% will fight tooth and nail to tell you they absolutely are benefiting and will trot out Mercola et al, just as you have. It might impress your buddies but it doesn't wash with those who can think for themselves. By all means spend your life managing your disease, that's your choice but to dismiss methods you have never tried is rather silly. That you are so willing to accept what the orthodox Doctors tell you without question shows you have a long way to go.

  12. You seem unwilling or unable to read and/or understand the study you posted and what it entailed plus you dismiss the conclusions of all the leading medical authorities on the planet.

    We're done, until we meet on your next conspiracy theory topic!

    Not quite. The leading authorities on the planet have been drowning in pharma cash for decades. Doctors aren't in charge of medicine. Pharmaceutical corporations are and they are all as bent as a 9-bob note. Go back and study the history of medicine. Even the official history recognizes the role of Flexner and his Rockefeller/Carnegie backers. Last time anyone checked it was found 81% of U.S. doctors accept kickbacks from pharma companies. Today they are on the payroll before they even qualify. Especially the lead doctors you seem so impressed with.

    I asked specifically whether the reported restoration of pancreatic function in the individuals in the study was a lie? Instead of answering you respond with 'guff'.

    What I cannot support in any shape or form however, in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet, is the author/showman doctor who sells very expensive hope and is clearly not interested in healing as much as he is in marketing and economics.

    Sounds good but where have you been? NO conventional Doctor is able or interested in healing. They are hogtied by 'Standard Practice' and can lose their licence to practice if they dare defy the AMA, which is a criminal syndicate, dedicated for the last 100 years to the elimination of all competition. Just like the Mafia. They were outed when they tried to destroy the Chiropractic profession and they were outed again in the 1953 Fitzgerald Report. Haven't you read the history of medicine? Nor will they be able to cure anyone until they address underlying cause. Has conventional medicine healed any chronic or degenerative disorder in the last 100 years?

    Doctors today are nothing but drug dispensers. You might as well be visiting a vending machine. Enter your symptoms, out pops the drug. They can't patent nature so we get cheap, inferior chemical substitutes. Conventional medicine is officially the third biggest killer after heart disease and cancer.

    It doesn't matter what conclusions were reached in an 11 person medical study of anything!

    A conditioned and rather bizarre point of view. If only ONE person is cured of an 'incurable' condition it should be shouted from the rooftops. Stop regurgitating what you have been fed and try to raise your level of awareness. When my car is playing up I don't go to the mechanic that says it is irreparable. I go to the mechanic who says he can fix it. I have walked the earth for 60 years and not once have I ever heard of a cure from conventional medicine but I have seen many family and friends die at its hands.

    We live in a capitalist system. Follow the money.

  13. The Mayo Clinic is one of the top five medical research facilities in the US and on the subject of diabetes research it's only bettered by Johns Hopkin, "quackwatch" my arse!

    Diabetes UK is supported by a number of foundations including Cambridge University.

    The American Diabetes Association,supported by The W.H.O. formed the expert committee on Diabetes which reported here:


    All of those bodies said exactly the same thing, diabetes is not reversible, pre-diabetes may be so in some individuals.

    Friend Gabriel and his ten thousand dollar scams can take a long walk, come back when you learn the difference between pre-diabetes and full blown Type II, something you clearly don't have a clue about presently.

    EDIT to add: And brother Mercola, Gabriels pal can also go walk, only an idiot would not understand that Mercola is a writer who makes his living writing and selling books and also happens to be an MD. His products include every aspect of health and then some:


    And the FDA has done their best to get him to shut up but still he keeps quacking, read this if interested, it's hugely enlightning:


    The FDA does not work for you or I but its pharma paymasters. That you resort to Quackwatch shows how little you know. Do I need to spell out all the devices Barrett uses to mislead? You need to read what he says carefully.

    Nor am I the least bit impressed by mainstream medical sites which cannot or refuse to cure anything despite decades and trillions of dollars. Yes, they are eminent. In treatments and not cures. If you are impressed by failure that is up to you.

    Mercola? How long before we get to Alex Jones?

    This is not about individuals but whether particular methods of healing are worth investigation. I pointed to a conventional study, which stated pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. Are you suggesting that pancreatic function was NOT restored in the people who completed the study? That the report is a lie? Or did, they, too only have prediabetes and not real diabetes? When you make these wild accusations are you acting as a qualified endocrinologist? Please refute THAT study and I will listen to you.

    There have been several articles in the UK's Telegraph from those who have successfully reversed their diabetes. Here's just one from a Scottish member of Parliament... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/wellbeing/health-advice/i-reversed-my-diabetes-by-changing-my-diet/

    As far as examples are concerned, do a search for Carlos Cervantes on YouTube. He was 305lbs, facing amputation and on insulin when he went on a calorie-restricted diet, inspired by the Newcastle Study. Of course he didn't really have diabetes. He is just making it all up.

    Are you Type 1 or Type 2? If Type 2, have you tried the Newcastle Diet or Dr Cousens, which is really just calorie-restriction and nothing unique. I suspect you might have given it a go and failed to complete it. Or you are so locked into the 'incurable' trope, you never will. Just sitting on message boards telling everyone what a crock it is. You would not be the first.

    That's the last from me. I have found over the years that these exchanges are a waste of time. I wish you some relief from your suffering. wai2.gif

  14. The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

    Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

    It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

    I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

    I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

    For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


    Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

    Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

    The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

    A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

    I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

    You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


    Personal smears and dismissive airy waves don't really support your claim to knowledge. Quite the opposite.

    Sorry. The Mayo Clinic ranks alongside Quackwatch in credibility.

    To YOUR knowledge 'diabetes is not reversible'. You didn't refute the conventional study I posted, which said that pancreatic function in Type 2 diabetics was restored. If that isn't reversing diabetes please tell me what is? Curious attitude you have since it has been in the diabetes literature since 2011. There are numerous anecdotes that have been posted as to its effectiveness but you keep chewing that thistle, fella.

    Gabriel Cousens has a 100% cure rate of pre-diabetes within 14 days and an 88% cure rate for non-insulin-dependent Type 2 diabetes within 21. I would provide more stats and some of my own but your response shows you are a rather closed individual. I find that rather dangerous to your own health and well-being but you clearly don't see it.

  15. The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

    Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

    It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

    I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

    I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

    For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


    Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

    Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

    The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

    A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

    I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

  16. It's sugar stupid! The coca-colonisation of the population. Too many sugary drinks (try buying sugar free sodas), too much sugar used in cooking, sugar in bread, etcetc.

    No. 'Sugar-free' sodas have aspartame or fructose corn syrup. The rise in diabetes and epidemic of obesity follows the introduction of these toxic chemicals. Now difficult to avoid them.

    fructose corn syrup is sugar....so a sugar free something has no fructose.

    Aspartame is for sure more healthy than sugar...but I don't get why people need so much sweet. Buy soda water instead and squeeze a lemon in it....

    Fructose corn syrup is not natural sugar. It has been chemically altered and they will not release the formula. As for aspartame being 'for sure' more healthy than sugar where did you get this? Aspartame is a completely unnatural 'excitotoxin' (destroys brain cells) and researchers hold it responsible for a whole host of chronic disorders.

  17. It's sugar stupid! The coca-colonisation of the population. Too many sugary drinks (try buying sugar free sodas), too much sugar used in cooking, sugar in bread, etcetc.

    No. 'Sugar-free' sodas have aspartame or fructose corn syrup. The rise in diabetes and epidemic of obesity follows the introduction of these toxic chemicals. Now difficult to avoid them.

  18. There but for the grace of God...

    Have seen some who are very good people but who made poor business decisions and ended up on the street. They try desperately to keep their business afloat, hoping it will turn around and then a bomb goes off in Bangkok or there is a murder in Koh Tao and that's the end of that. Try to differentiate between the deserving and the undeserving. Nobody gets married to get divorced, nobody starts a business to lose their shirt and not everyone is the sharpest knife in the drawer. Some people are a walking train wreck, while others you just cannot predict.

    Callous bunch.

  19. According to a list given me by immigration there is a requirement for the full 800k to be 'seasoned' for 3 months. However, on this list it makes no such requirement for pension + cash. I, basically, get 600k from pension and have 200k in cash but this has only been banked for 2 weeks before renewal.

    Can anyone provide a categoric answer or is it up to individual immigration offices?

    If they decide I'm not in accordance with their regs, I can use a visa service (costly) to obtain the visa but if I decide to take my chances, what is the likely penalty?

  20. I have the same problem with weight. Found out there were no microvilli on my intestines (malabsorption). Could be tropical sprue or celiac disease. Do you have any other symptoms besides weight loss? Food sensitivities? Tiredness after eating? Foggy thinking.

  21. What utter nonsense people spout. We do not have democracy in our own countries. Just criminal cabals looting the country in plain sight providing a circus called elections. Two wings of the same corporate bird. The Occupy movement were clubbed like baby seals. Protesters are corralled into 'Free Speech Zones'.

    Non-Thais should pipe down and let the PM keep improving the country as he is doing. wai2.gif

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