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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. I saw your "list" as a sneaky provocation, a crafty way to publish here (for the 100th time) "reasons" that "other people / not me!" hate Jews.

    You would. I made it clear I was talking about the criminal elements.

    There are no "reasons" for irrational racism. Period ... end of story.

    There are always reasons. Exercising censorship because you don't like being faced with them, won't make them go away.

    Jewish paranoia is understandable considering the decades-long, Zionist, fear-based campaign to drive Jews to Israel and bind the 'tribe' together in mutual security. I don't hate Jews. I pity them. Having to go through life manipulated by fear, is no way to live a life.

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  2. The second paragraph of your post and the list of of 16 reasons which you said count because people allegedly believe them (and which I edited out), are diametrically opposite to what you said in the first paragraph and therefore make no sense in the context of your post. Please feel free to bring them up for discussion one by one, in separate posts, in relation to the subject of this topic, ie an increase of antisemitic incidents in the UK, with citation of references to aggressors who said they believed the particular reason to be true. This would then be an on-topic discussion.

    Apologies. I wasn't aware of any rule requiring lists to have separate posts.

    The report only deals with allegations in general terms, probably because any abuser is hardly going to itemize multiple beliefs they may hold, to the individual being abused.

    I hope one day to see the establishment of FAAST (Foundation Against the Abuse of Skinny <deleted>). Being beaten as a youth for being a lanky streak of p**s has scarred me for life. 'anti-skinnyism' has no place in polite society.

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  3. I did not "admit" to anything.

    When I make my mind up on someone's opinions it is usually after having prolonged exposure to what he expresses on relevant topics. Usually try not to jump to conclusions, unless its too obvious to interpret otherwise. What I meant was simply, that relying on such comparisons is often indicative of antisemitic bias. It may not always be the case, it may be less pronounced or less obvious, but its there. If someone wishes to simply criticize Israel, there is no specific need to allude to the Nazis - many more fitting examples for comparison. The extra bonus of resorting to the Nazi comparison is aimed at robbing Jews of their right to say anything when antisemitism raises its head.


    'Israel and the Diaspora Jewish establishment automatically tag any criticism as anti-Semitic. It’s an old trick – the burden of guilt is shifted from those who perpetrated the Gaza horrors to those who are tainted with so-called anti-Semitism. It’s not us, it’s you, anti-Semitic world. No matter what Israel does, the whole world is against it.

    This is nonsense, of course.'

    Taking phony offence at even a teensy-weensy bit of 'antisemitism' is the height of hypocrisy, coming from those busily whitewashing the brutal murder, torture and land theft of innocent and helpless civilians. That the whole propaganda PR apparatus would elevate this 'crime' above the treatment of 'non-human' Palestinians speaks volumes about some Jewish values. Non-Jews showing just a 'hint' of anti-Jewish feeling, are the lowest of the low, yet the Israeli State quite happily elevates Jewish citizens above all others.

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. http://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-yosefs-most-controversial-quotations/

    Other Rabbis and political leaders have made similar racist and supremacist statements.

    Are Nazi comparisons unfair?

    The Nazis called themselves 'The Master Race'. How is this different to Jews calling themselves 'The Chosen Ones'?

    If you want to do something about how Jews in general are perceived, make a start by putting your own 'anti-Goy' house in order. wai2.gif

    The first link is an opinion piece by Gideon Levy of Haaretz (not sure what was the point of linking it through the truetorahjews.org website, does not add much credibility), a well known holder of radical position on things Israeli. Not the most balanced perspective there.

    I don't know that people are taking "phony offence" - that's your opinion, and some of the incidents detailed are hardly "teensy-weensy bits of antisemitism" (obviously, still didn't bother having a look at the report itself). It is not clear if you mean that the people the report mentioned as being targeted by antisemitic incidents or posters on this forum - but either way, the criticism is a deflection. There is no indication of the political activity and position of the people mentioned in the report as for posters in this forum, their positions are hardly uniform. The notion that denouncing one wrong comes at the expense of another is an imaginary construct, and this fake balance, or comparison does not really exist.

    The second link is aptly titled "5 of Ovadia Yosef's most controversial quotations" - by itself a little hint that this is not necessarily a general position, unless one truly believes that all Israelis and Jews follow these views (which even then, does not make this a reality). Do many UK Jews adhere to these notions?

    The difference between "master race" and "chosen people" is that for starters, one would have to be a religious Jew of a certain creed in order to take "chosen people" seriously. Another difference would be that it does not necessarily denote control over the rest of humanity, in many interpretations it is depicted as more of a burden - albeit one to be appreciated.

    His 'balanced perspective' has already been confirmed by an Israeli ex-minister (...as if the 'trick' isn't already well understood).

    Calling someone 'anti-semitic' who isn't, IS phony.

    The 'teensy-weensy' comment was in response to your post... '...relying on such comparisons is often indicative of antisemitic bias. It may not always be the case, it may be less pronounced or less obvious, but its there.'

    How far do you take this? Is calling a Jew, a 'Jew' indicative of 'anti-semitism'? Apparently so. I've met those who have to use 'Israeli' because they fear saying 'Jew'. Or a British MP stating a 'Jewish Lobby' exists. Everyone knows it exists. Yet saying so is 'anti-semitic'... http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/10/13/tory-mps-anti-semitic-slur/ The smear of the MP, at the start of the article, is shabby character assassination.

    Suppressing dissent and smearing critics is anti-free speech as well as a cause of resentment.

    The Rabbi made no religious distinction and his party has influence in government. It isn't whether Jews adhere to these views or not. It is the effect of such views on non-Jews, who don't have the benefit of a forum lawyer, explaining away the Rabbi's views. I am glad you are principled enough to assert that Jews in general should not be blamed for the extremist views of a few and look forward to you offering similar challenge to those who smear all Muslims.

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  4. It's not really "in droves" but certainly there is an increase in Jews leaving Europe for negative reasons. There is nothing wrong with deciding to leave Europe if you're attracted someplace else but if the main reason you're leaving is that you don't feel safe living in your home country, that's a problem.

    You don't need to wear a strange cap to know the UK is violent and thugs roam the streets. If you don't want to be a target, then don't draw attention to yourself. This is basic street smarts. Like not wearing gold chains in Thailand. Your average UK thug has probably never met a Jew but if he does, his first thought is 'who is this weird-looking [expletive] with the daft hat?' Get him!' Is this 'racism' or is it tribal + envy + unreasoned violence?

    I agree there is growing anti-Jewish feeling, which is unrelated (or only partly related) to Israel, or some intrinsic ancient hatred. More to do with a political and criminal Jewish element, doing immense damage to Jewish reputations, as a whole. These people confirm, in the minds of others, that Jews are predatory and corrupt.

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  5. Netanyahu’s well-funded Jewish conservative backers say they may use their funds to draw attention in the districts and states of any Democratic lawmaker who is not present at the US Capitol.

    A similar threat was made during Netanyahu's ludicrous 'Speech of a Lifetime' where he received 29 standing ovations and showed to the world the U.S. is absolutely in thrall to a foreign power.

    'AIPAC staffers who prowl congressional offices daily, let it be known that videos of the Members listening to Bibi would be kept on file and insinuated that how the Member’s performed during his speech to Congress would be taken into consideration when planning this summer’s Jewish fundraising events.'

    This piece explains how Bibi got his 'spontaneous' standing ovations... http://mycatbirdseat.com/2011/05/franklin-lamb-is-the-arab-spring-spreading-to-us-congressional-staffs/

    I do hope Netanyahu attends. The damage he did to U.S. prestige around the world (as if there were any left), last time, was colossal.

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  6. British Prime Minister David Cameron said Monday that the lawmakers’ report was “hugely important,” Reuters reported. “No disagreements over foreign policy or politics can ever be allowed to justify anti-Semitism or any other form of racism, prejudice or extremism,” he was quoted as saying.

    Unless you are UK MP George Galloway, beaten in the street by an Israeli.

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  7. Faked. Right. Not that you bother to support this with anything, but to be expected.


    Do a search for 'fake hate crimes' or 'hate crime hoax'. Whether Jews, Muslims, Blacks or Gays, there are enough incidents, reported by mainstream media, to warrant more thorough checking of reports.

    Of course Israel's actions in Gaza would cause a backlash against Jews generally. How could it not be?


    'Did Bibi Netanyahu and his cabinet give even a moment's thought to the concern that the war might put Jews outside of his country in danger and arouse anti-Semitism worldwide? No, there is no doubt that our welfare doesn't enter their calculations. On the contrary, if anything they benefit from danger to Jews in other countries in the form of immigration to the State of Israel. So how long will we, Jews of the world, continue sticking our necks out for the Israeli leaders?'

    Instead of berating those who actually possess a moral compass, on Thai Visa, Jewish defenders should get back to their own leaders and ask them to stop fuelling 'anti-semitism' and desist from slaughtering the innocent.

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  8. liquidate the country and sell it off in bits to pay the creditors, thats what they do to bankrupt businesses and people. whistling.gif

    Yep. Stock banker scam, played for decades. Individuals and nations are seduced by easy money, until they are borrowed to the hilt. Then, irrational exuberance heralds pulling the plug and calling in the loans. Homes, businesses, land and physical assets are transferred to the bankers, in exchange for 'money', they pulled out of thin air.

    First inflate, then deflate. Call it the innocuous sounding 'Business Cycle'. Rinse and repeat.

    How long before you own the planet? Couple of hundred years?

    Greece is not the first, nor will it be the last. They are trapped. Selling off national assets to private hands means there is less money available to service loans. Cuts are forced and taxes go up. Austerity for you. Bonuses for Goldinmysacks.

    And while your attention and anger is directed towards a few scary media reports on Islamic extremists, financial terrorists are making off with their swag.

    What a racket.

  9. Except anti Muslim hate crimes are falsely exaggerated, both here and in the U.S, which is why Tell Mama lost its government funding for fabrication. It is predictable to see Muslims who are by and large the perpetrators of antiSemitism trying to piggyback on it to play the victim card themselves though.

    Do you have a government source for Tell Mama losing their funding 'for fabrication' because Gilligan's Telegraph hit pieces and Wikipedia wording reads more like spin than fact. Tell Mama is still in operation and their response to Gilligan's mischief is here... http://tellmamauk.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/gilligan-reductionists.html

    It is illogical to think anti-Muslim sentiment isn't on the rise. How can it not be with the degree of Islamophobia being whipped up?

    It doesn't surprise me that you think Muslims don't merit a dedicated hate crime reporting setup, similar to Jews, when their numbers are only 10x the Jewish population. rolleyes.gif

  10. These kinds of stats are likely to be vastly under-reported. Thugs and yobs don't need much encouragement to abuse anyone. They certainly have enough cause, with the Mavi Marmara, 'Cast Lead', 'Pillar of Defense' and 'Protective Edge'.

    The Muslim equivalent of The' Community Security Trust' is called 'Tell Mama'. http://tellmamauk.org/ They, too, are reporting a rise in anti-Muslim attacks. With the media fuelling paranoia and bigotry, it's hardly surprising.

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  11. Of course most of the people that will harass you are not religious "muslims" but for sure, they are of muslim origin and more important, and that's my point, of muslim culture, evolving of what has became their own muslim enclave.

    From the comfort of my 'farang' enclave, I agree with this. Birds of a feather...

    When I was attacked by a gang of young Pakistanis, in the UK, a few years back, none of them were shouting 'Allah Akhbar!' Gang culture was allowed to develop with Police refusing to respond to calls from the public, unless you went to the station and made a written complaint... thereby setting yourself up for retaliation.

    Go to any 'sink-estate' in the UK and feral youths have turned life for ordinary folk into a nightmare, with drugs, theft and thuggery. There may be a few extreme examples, which the press are only too happy to whip into 'Islamic Caliphate in Camden!' but the deeper malaise is the same as it has always been... poverty = crime.

    The religion mostly responsible is that of political correctness, where parents and teachers were denied the ability to discipline children ('abuse') and police only issued cautions to thugs. The end result was predictable. Out of control immoral, illiterate, children, encouraged by Hollywood to have zero respect for authority. You can't blame Muslims for wanting to establish re-discipline.

    Those who turn children into prostitutes have nothing to do with religion. If they really had religion, they wouldn't do it. Turning to so-called authority in the Koran is the same as quoting the worst of the Jewish Talmud. These are criminal acts.

    The 'Islamaphobia' hysteria, deliberately whipped up by the directed media, can only lead to internal strife, as communities respond to feeling threatened. We are supposed to turn to the State for protection, ignoring the Machievellians who caused the problems in the first place.

  12. Quiet frankly: I am disgusted at the comments made by many of the Posters here ! ! !

    1. The Holocaust must NEVER be used in a humorous manner.

    If this were true moderators and right-minded souls would be all over it in a heartbeat.

    The Holocaust should NEVER be used for political or financial gain either. But it is. Humour is a less confrontational way to make a point than calling them liars and scammers, directly.

    'I am Charlie'. Right?

  13. Your reference "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False" identifies the fact that many research papers are published by people with insufficient knowledge of statistics, which can lead them to false conclusions. The correct solution is to improve knowledge of statistics among researchers, not to abandon research.

    Nobody mentioned abandoning research. It is not 'many' but 'most' and the period covered was 20 years. Are you so naive to believe that 20 years of misleading the public and regulatory bodies was due solely ignorance? How many pharmaceutical companies have been fined for illegal practices like rigging studies and bribing Doctors, since that report was published? There is no improvement.

    Research what happened with Vioxx. The level of deception is staggering.

    Your link to the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that there is real research into the benefits of some forms of alternative medicine, but that doesn't mean I'm going to treat appendicitis with herbal tea.

    How many times do I have to mention the difference between emergency, acute, chronic and degenerative?

    It's interesting that you would post "‘Science’? Pah!" then post links to science websites to support your argument against science based medicine.

    Where are you getting this? I am not against science-based medicine. I am against the corruption of science. YOU demanded evidence. I showed you it exists. I make no judgement as to its veracity.

    You argue that modern medicine should be abandoned

    I do not such thing.

    You have been understandably vague about the benefits of alternative medicine, a medical approach that by your own admission can't provide proven benefits and must be accepted on faith.

    Stop making stuff up. I don't accept anything on faith. I don't like wasting my money. Nor do I wish to risk my health any more than anyone else. I TRY it and if it works, then I accept it. After years working in healing retreats, I have tried them all.

    Go to a Doctor who gives you 3 minutes, punches your symptoms into a computer and prescribes a toxic drug he may have been paid to prescribe and knows cannot cure anyone. You might as well be going to a vending machine.

    Real healers understand that healing is as much an art as it is a science. If you really want to find authentic natural medicine, stop reading the propaganda on Quackwatch and go and seek it out, as I had to.

    Feel free to reply. I'm done.

  14. I haven't found any results but am wondering what impact the Hasbara apparatus has had on public opinion?

    Are you really wondering or do you just love to repeatedly invoke the word Hasbara as if providing information about the good things about Israel is the most evil thing going in the world today?

    There is good news on here about Israel? I have yet to see it. Only those who 'just love to repeatedly invoke' 'rockets', 'hamas', 'holocaust', 'anti-semitism', 'muslims' and so forth. I mention hasbara 2 or 3 times and your radar goes off like a siren.

    Yes. I am genuinely interested in whether the efforts made by pro-Israelis to counter anti-Israeli feeling have borne any fruit. Hasbara trolls, in my opinion, cause more harm than good. They do not allow an honest dialogue and they arrogantly dismiss justifiable feelings about Israel's behaviour. 'You aren't justified in your feelings. You anti-semite'. Do you really think that approach is tenable? What do the psychological models say?

    Those spreading the 'good news' otherwise known as 'bullying', should have some system of feedback to see if their 'changing of hearts and minds' actually works. In Germany or elsewhere.

    America can be excluded. It's a propaganda basket-case.

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