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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. I'm curious, do you think offering food and drink to a ghost is a viable form of alternative medicine?

    You want him to starve?

    Tell me. Evidence shows that the overall failure rate for mutilation, burning and poisoning, otherwise known as Cancer treatment, is 97.9%. Considering that for many individual cancers the actual failure rate is 100%, would you consider those oncologists still providing these ‘treatments’ to be guilty of grievous bodily harm and mass murder?

    How many millions of people have been damaged by psychiatric drugs otherwise known as ‘chemical coshes’? Please produce the evidence that the troubled or depressed are suffering a ‘chemical imbalance of the brain’. Where is the test? How many of them have had their sex lives ruined, due to these poisons? How many have suffered permanent brain damage? How many have committed violence or suicide?

    Which clinical trial says that millions of children who misbehave should be poisoned with psychotropic drugs?

    Which clinical trial approved the citing of MacDonalds in hospitals? Which is better? Placing junk food next to the Heart ward or the Morgue?

    How many millions of arthritis sufferers are crippled and die, never knowing that Doctors can only provide pain management? That other possibilities exist that are less toxic and can either cure or improve their lives but Doctors aren’t allowed to suggest them?

    How many millions have died from taking the properly prescribed dose of pharmaceuticals?

    How many suffering from fibromyalgia or CFS have been sent home, told ‘there is nothing wrong with them’? Do you know why most elderly dread or refuse to go to hospital? Do you have the stats of those weak or elderly who die in hospital? Or who come out more malnourished than when they went in?

    ‘Science’? Pah!

    I could write all day about the carnage caused by ‘scientific’ medicine and the rigged studies which claim they all had benefits. One of the most downloaded studies on PubMed is...

    'Why Most Published Research Findings Are False'


    If you haven't figured it out yet, ‘Scientific’ medicine is a racket.

    This subject is too big to cover in a few posts and we are already off-topic.

    The traditional systems do have ancient texts on pharmacology but if you want recent evidence for alternatives you could start here… http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/241/

    Good luck reading them all.

  2. Let me see if I understand your post. You believe Dr. Kissinger is a war criminal and you posted a video interview with Christopher Hitchens, to prove your point. Hitchens when alive, described himself as a socialist and a Marxist. If that isn't enough to raise your eyebrows, he was anti-Zionist as well.

    The only people who could possibly agree with Hitchens view of Dr. Kissinger, being a war criminal, are like minded individuals with a distorted perception of reality. Your choice of videos to support your opinion, fell way short. If anything, it portrays Kissinger as the brilliant American statesmen he is.

    A video portraying him as a war criminal, actually portrays him as a brilliant statesman.

    Right. blink.png

    • Like 2
  3. There is no cure for Ebola, yet the news reports that people recover from it. It is not a miracle.

    No one yet knows why 50% of Ebola patients die and 50% do not. There is a reason and the method of science will find it eventually. The methods of alternative medicine never find answers or reasons, they are not looking.

    I do not believe in miracles. I believe in testing my beliefs and abandoning anything that doesn't prove true.

    If you can't say the same you need to ask yourself why.

    Your faith in science and 'proof' is misplaced. I have pointed to research which shows much of the 'science' you think you can rely on, is manipulated. I have pointed out the massive numbers dying at the hands of modern 'quackery'. I have pointed out that it is impossible to test natural systems using the methodology demanded by the anti-competitive, profit-driven, western gatekeepers and I probably should point out the number of conditions scientific medicine has declared 'incurable' to show what a failure it is. Putting in a stent is not a 'cure'. Burning, poisoning and mutilation are not 'cures' because many times they kill the patient. Chemo is only 2.1% effective overall toward 5 year survival rates. If that isn't quackery I don't know what is. It is also criminal.

    Your ebola example is not a chronic or degenerative disorder.

    If you want proof that natural methods of healing work, then look up Dean Ornish. His methods, taught to him by a 'quack' alternative Doctor' in India, have been PROVEN to reverse heart disease. If you haven't heard about it, you might ask your Doctor why not? The monopolists don't want you to know there ARE alternatives that work, that is why you aren't offered it. Ornish's methods are not even the full monty. His program is a cut down version of what could be done using non-toxic, non-invasive methods. I can think of several ways healing could be accelerated.

    75% of conditions that plague mankind are chronic and degenerative disorders that modern medicine, by its own admission, can do little about. Considering the trillions spent, over the last few decades, that is not a measure of success but failure.

    To keep denigrating alternatives is either ignorance or mischief. A number of CAM therapies have been introduced into mainstream medicine. I regard them as minor but it's a start.

    You appear to know very little about the real workings of medicine and quite clearly know little of natural methods of healing.

  4. But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

    Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

    No need, you'll probably come up with another excuse not to address the question. coffee1.gif


    I thought you would get it but never mind. I would have no problem applying the same principal to Israelis, in a few decades time. Now, though, if you apply the same standard to 'Good Israelis' as you have done to 'Good Germans', they can't wriggle out of responsibility. They can hardly pretend they don't know what is going on. Can they?

  5. But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

    Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

    • Like 1
  6. Germans have no right to discuss or comment on any thing to do with Israel

    Yes, Germans not have the right. That's true!!!

    Why are you accepting this inflammatory slander? Did you have anything to do with what happened? Generations of Germans had nothing to do with crimes committed by the Nazis.

    This BS should cease.

  7. "Recent reports" by some nutjob on his personal blog. Who do you think that you are fooling? cheesy.gif

    You, apparently. His source is 'Frontpage Mag', a David Horowitz pro-Israel rag which reads like the Israeli equivalent of Stormfront.

    This piece on 'Christians United For Israel' doesn't need embellishment... http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/jim-fletcher/christians-unite-for-israel-in-washington/

    'Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the gathering, and noted his long friendship with Hagee:

    “What an achievement! I salute you. You are an oasis of support for Israel, and we have no better friends than you, anywhere on the globe.”

    When I heard Kemp for the first time, I wondered why he was cheerleading Israel's crimes. Now I know.

    He's a religious nutjob. whistling.gif

  8. If you can provide no independently verified proof of your claims then it IS quackery.

    Congratulations. You have just described pharmaceutical medicine. Who provides the proof pharmaceuticals do what it says on the tin? The pharmaceutical companies themselves.

    So much for 'independent'.

    If I tell you that before I received treatment, my joints were so painful I could hardly walk and that after treatment, the pain was gone, my circulation was restored and I could leap the garden fence, once more, you will dismiss that as 'anecdotal' and call the treatments I received 'quackery'?

    I know who the fool is.

  9. Kingsley's point is that Europe, in general, distanced itself from the association with the victims. It happened to the Jews. It did not happen to Europeans, to "our" citizens, to "our" people. The grieving process he is referring to is more along the lines of the way grief and coping with grief are dealt with in many psychological models. Kingsley words had more to do with Europe essentially skipping that grieving phase, and not with a notion that there should be continues grieving. This too, was pretty clear from the interview. It is not quite the same thing as having outer manifestation of remembrance such as museums, memorials and payments. Remembering is one thing, grieving and closure are something else. If you are unfamiliar with this ideas - have a read.

    The people's of Europe at that time were not steeped in 'psycho-babble' and did not give the same weight to feelings and emotions as we do today. If they grieved at all, they grieved for their own dead, when they weren't struggling just to survive.

    To try and instil guilt into generations of Germans, or anyone else for that matter, for an event they were not responsible for, is a sure recipe for resentment. Don't your psychological models tell you that? This issue has been raised before... http://forward.com/articles/151531/does-education-fuel-anti-semitism/

    'Holocaust education is inadvertently fueling German anti-Semitism, making it worse.'

    'Sixty-seven percent of Germans surveyed by researchers from Bielefeld University in 2008 found it “annoying that Germans are still held responsible for crimes against the Jews.”

  10. Groups tend to care more about their own troubles, narrative and suffering and see similar ideas by other groups as secondary. It is not the way of the world, at this time, to take a global view. We are still thinking in terms of relatively small groups (ethnic, national, and religious, being the largest), and always with comparison and in competition with other groups. This will one day change, but until then - why expect more of the Jews?

    That's a refreshingly honest statement. Jews only look after their own... why expect more of them? Isn't this one of the grumblings about Jews, generally. That their allegiance is to the 'tribe' first and foremost and not the nations that host them? Isn't this the charge being levelled at Muslims? 'Why expect more of them?'

    What is Kingsley expecting? That Europeans who are not part of his 'tribe' grieve for Jews? Did Jews grieve for Armenians? Isn't it enough that you have Museums, foundations, memorials, education in schools, movies and more and reparations are still being paid?

    The whole idea of Europe grieving, 70 years after the event, seems improbable. How would it manifest? Would we have a 'European Holocaust Grief Day' or Year, perhaps? 'Grief ribbons'? Would they squeeze it in during, or after, the next bombing of Gaza?

    And what about Sir Ben? Will he distance himself from the racist filth of Sacha Baron Cohen, when he's teaching others about sensitivity?

    • Like 1
  11. Alternative medicine presents its claims with no proof, or evidence. This is not somehow "better" than science. It is nothing, a non-method, it is the medicinal equivalent of gossip and rumour. These aren't two opposing systems: they are a non-system and a system.

    If you think about "alternative medicine" and its sibling "traditional medicine", they have been around for hundreds, some would say thousands, of years. During all that time infant mortality was gigantic; epidemic illnesses - black death , smallpox, whooping cough, polio, TB - swept populations and decimated them. People died of cuts, people died of bad teeth, people died of asthma. The average lifespan was decades lower than today.
    Traditional and alternative medicine was lamentably ineffective for all those years in dealing with any of this.
    Yet in the last 100-150 years, with the advent of scientifically grounded, evidence-based medicine, history making changes have occurred in human health. In developed countries where this type of medicine is applied systematically to the whole population infant mortality has fallen massively and average lifespan increased. epidemics are rare to non-existent, some kinds of cancers can be completely cured. When new diseases arise like AIDs, that were a certain death sentence in the early years, drugs have been developed that have allowed infected people to have normal life spans.
    No " alternative" medicine advances have been made that deal with any of these problems, because alternative medicine isn't based on anything. It can't "advance" because there are no scientific foundations to base hypotheses on, and so design experiments to test new treatments. Acupuncture, homeopathy, and so on don't advance, they just exist, the same now as they always were- for all those hundreds of years when they proved inadequate to make significant improvements to human health and well being.

    Are you working for a pharmaceutical company because there is so much wrong with this I don't know where to start.

    Hundreds of years of trial and error IS scientific. Where do you think modern surgery came from?

    Synthetic chemicals, derived from crude oil, attempt to copy NATURAL compounds.

    The idea that you can take an alternative formulation which may have 20 different herbs, each with multiple actions on the body and/or mind, then include detoxification (cleansing), diet, exercise, stress reduction, bodywork and whatever else the practitioner feels may help and apply that to someone who has a unique set of symptoms, constitution and medical history, THEN test that lot using the one symptom = one drug clinical trial model, that costs millions of dollars only wealthy drug companies can afford, is ridiculous. There is a good reason why 'no studies support' this or that natural approach or remedy. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CONDUCT THEM. You are either priced out of the market or the trial model demanded, excludes you.

    Standardized medicine may help with a few disorders but it is an abject failure for a myriad of chronic and degenerative disorders the medical profession pronounce as 'incurable'. Millions are voting with their feet. Because they know instinctively 'it ain't so'.

    'Scientific' medicine is a massive expensive FAILURE. Not because there is no science behind it but because the application of mostly pseudo-science is corrupt.

    Do you not think there isn't a vast library of medical text and evidence recorded in India and China, over centuries, which hasn't been translated into English or released? Remember, most of the practitioners weren't trained in Medical schools but by 'masters'. Why would allopathy want you to know about the competition, when they have worked so hard to destroy it?

    Citing Acupuncture or homeopathy is a red herring. These are minor aspects of complete healing systems that work only if you are extremely lucky. Homeopathy is fully supported in India, for instance. Why is that if it doesn't work? And if you say the 'placebo' effect, then leave it be, if it's working.

    If you want to be cured, sometimes you need the WHOLE system. Not just weak herbal capsules 2x per day, which are almost certainly useless.

    The greatest advances in human health came about with improved hygiene, less accidents at work, better nutrition and improved living standards. How may decades did it take for surgeons to start washing their hands? To ascribe increased longevity solely to advances in medical care is misleading. Try having one bath per year and defecating in the streets and stay healthy.

    Where modern medicine gets applause is in acute and emergency care. But for chronic and degenerative disorders it is hopeless. 'Scientific' medicine will never cure a damn thing until it starts to address underlying cause, instead of sticking with the more lucrative 'disease management'. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to do that in an industrialized, standardized system, controlled by profit-seekers. They will be struck off or ostracised. Sure, the current model works just fine, thank you very much. For Doctors driving their BMWs.

    The best cure is not to get sick in the first place. I have somewhere to go if I suffer an 'incurable' condition? How about you?

  12. Traditional medicines can also cause heavy metal contamination, along with other problems http://www.australianprescriber.com/magazine/26/6/128/30/.

    There's no denying the potential of some traditional medicines, many modern medicines are the result of research into natural remedies. However I'll stick to remedies with effectiveness demonstrated by science, not anecdotes.

    That is your choice, which, with respect, I find irrational. I don't see that denying yourself the possibility of a cure, is in any way sensible. The idea that Doctors do not lie, that studies are not rigged, that pharmaceutical drugs are safe, that 'scientific' medicine is backed up by evidence and that countries which cannot afford expensive western medicine have no way to assist or cure the sick, is illogical and absolutely 'blind faith', as a previous poster has just demonstrated. I have yet to find a 'scientific' preparation which says 'Cure' on the bottle. Only 'Relief'.

    One thing western medicine is good at is pointing to the splinter in others eyes, while ignoring the plank in its own. This is classic misdirection.

    The US FDA state that 100,000 people per year DIE from taking the properly-prescribed dose of pharmaceutical medicines. That is only those that are honestly reported and excludes those that are seriously injured. If you extrapolate that across the world, you are talking millions dead and injured. Vioxx alone is said to have killed up to 140,000 people in the U.S.

    There are certainly issues with 'alternative' medicine. I wouldn't trust 95% of the over-the-counter remedies on offer and an hour's aromatherapy might make you smell nice but it isn't going to cure you. Which means you need to do a little work to seek out authentic methods and practitioners. I was prepared to do that and found success. It opened my eyes about alternatives and exposed the decades of propaganda I had been exposed to as a sham. The same propaganda you are espousing. Do you think I didn't used to feel the same way as you? I am not proud of my previous stance towards alternatives. In fact I feel a fool.

    While science has done some good things, it is not a panacea. A misplaced faith in science denies people the possibility of a cure. Millions die as a result. That is not just a tragedy. It is criminal.

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