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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling

    and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument

    and they know it.

    Charles R. Anderson

    Are you being paid to sit on this forum and spread your message? Just asking. Because the name-calling directed at climate skeptics over the last decade and more, has been wondrous to behold. Now that the tide of public opinion has turned against the stories about the tooth fairy, 'scientists' like yourself are basically copping the fallout. It may not be your fault and you may still honestly believe in your theories and computer models but you can't spend years frightening the public to expect all sorts of catastrophes without getting a large dollop of blowback, when the threats don't materialize.

    'Carbon commies' is apt, don't you think?

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  2. The oceans are becoming more acidic. It adversely affects the bottom parts of the food chain and corals - thereby affecting all organisms including humans (directly or indirectly), which rely upon the oceans for nutrition. Excerpts below are from; http://www.wunderground.com/climate/acidoceans.asp

    In amongst the alarmism, the article says knowledge about this topic is still in its infancy and poorly understood.

    I watched the videos about CO2. It is easy to understand why some are convinced. A few glossed-over doubts until we reach... 'CO2 is the only thing that fits'. The presenter is a more animated version of Stephen Schneider, a 'star' of the climate movement, who in the 70s, was telling us a new Ice Age was coming, until 'warming' took off and he rode the wave, apparently without blushing. No worries, though. Today, re-branding warming to 'Climate Change' let's you work both ends of the thermometer.

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm sick to my back teeth of all the fearmongering. Whether flu scares, Ozone, Hitlers, Mooslims,Climate alarmism, global financial collapse.. etc.. etc..

    Bill Hicks had it right. Anyone who works in Marketing should 'kill themselves'. Likewise PR. The politicians can lead off.

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  3. Those prior events were NOT driven by CO2, but by the orbital gyrations of the planet. This time the tipping off balance is because of the insulation values of the added CO2 in the air, amplified over decades by the increase of water vapor and reduction in snow/ ice cover. Yes,the amount of added heat absorbed is set to take the planet far beyond the 2 degrees - unless we ace the issue now. Nature does not negotiate its laws of physics.

    See the 2 attachments.

    Bravo for being so non-confrontational in your responses. Refreshing. I shall press on regardless though with my brief foray into the murky waters of TV GW land.

    When it comes to 'gyrations' the planet can't hold a candle to the zealots. 'Warming' when it's hot and 'Warming' when it's chuffing freezing. Still waiting for a weather event not laid at that door.

    The CO2 argument reminds me very much of medical marketing, which relies heavily on the public's ignorance of 'relative' versus 'actual' risk. The media print headlines such as 'Breakthrough!! Eureka!! 50% reduction in HIV transmission, if you take this shiny new toxic pill!'. They fill many a daily paper with 'relative' reductions which are invariably sent by labs or 'scientists' panhandling for grant money. What they don't tell you is that an 'actual' risk of 0.000009 is now 0.000018. In other words, bugger all. None of these 'breakthroughs' ever materialize because they are simply marketing deceptions.

    In one graph you posted it stated that C02 levels had increased from 290ppm to 390ppm.

    "Oh no! Run for the hills!"

    Hang on a minute. That is 0.00029 to 0.00039

    I am not a scientist but I have to say both these numbers are negligible.

    Did you actually read the article you posted? That the Insurance Industry is looking into extreme weather events shows that there may be money to be made. It is full of the usual caveats and holes. They are using computer models and we know what happens there. Garbage in, garbage out. Enter the 'adjusted' NOAA numbers and hey presto! Increased risk of extreme events. It doesn't state it has sold a policy yet and they are simply assessing the risk.

    They try to sell the twaddle that insurance companies are neutral about profit, when they find many a reason not to pay out to policy holders. A decision to sell a climate risk policy is a commercial one. If enough people are convinced the end is nigh, there is a market opportunity. There is no mention in the article that man is responsible for the increase in Hurricane activity and this sentence renders the whole piece, speculation... 'The fact that the frequency of some catastrophic weather events MAY be changing due to climate change...'

  4. Choctastic - cheap shots as to my humanity. What I've done and continue doing to protest, slow, defund. vote out those imbedded in the Military/Industrial Complex has been consistent since the 60's. Same goes for decrying the use of glyphosate poison and GMOs from those same industries. The problems grow because the systems greasing the global civilization require constant growth from our finite planet (including in population.) The ecosystem suffers, gets destroyed and any attempt to save what is natural gets bulldozed by the prevailing culture. ...at least it will until it collapses if its own complexity and upon its own waste. The only person I know who both grasps that demise and seems at peace with it is a friend who has more completely adopted a Buddhist philosophy than I can manage. Though I never had children, I've married here in Thailand and now have step-children and grandchildren. For their sake, I still seek a solution.

    Why? Scientists aren't supposed to be political activists and you are old enough not to be frightened yourself, or to frighten your children with Polar Bear horror stories...

    'The role of scientists is not in speculating on the probabilities of events that cannot be directly measured and tested, nor in promoting a pseudo-scientific “precautionary principle”, nor in engaging in activities which are the proper function not of scientists but of risk managers.'

    The rest of what Vaclav Klaus says on this topic should be required reading...

    'The Manmade Contribution to Ongoing Global Warming Is Not a Planetary Emergency'


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  5. Supplying reports of scientific analysis may have assisted a few of the TV readers.

    Good. For their benefit my prior posts were worth the effort.

    For those who insist upon supplying their opinions without consistent evidence

    - you're lucky if you're old enough to not live to see what lies ahead.

    Wishing later that you'd investigated now will be too late. closedeyes.gif

    Where is your humanity? Where is the precautionary principle when it comes to today's problems? NO sign of it when the Empire is blowing up country after country, irradiating the soil and forcing a death and sickness-inducing, industrialized mono-culture, which destroys diversity, on the global population. There's no 30's style dust-bowl in the U.S. today yet we are told it's the hottest ever. Pah! Scientific credibility has been shredded by exaggerated claims, the suppression of dissent, 'climategate', captured government agencies fudging date, zombie sensors, the unscientific IPCC and lead scientists busily 'hiding the decline'. It doesn't matter how many studies are wagged in front of the public. They no longer believe you. Instead of doubling up on a busted flush, you should simply shut up. China and India aren't buying it, so end of.

    The problem isn't 'climate change'. It is environmental destruction and pollution. Who cares if temperatures are going to rise 2 degrees when our bodies are poisoned by hundreds of industrial chemicals, our soil is toxic and deficient, our relationships are being undermined, our debts are piling high, our freedoms stripped, our homes have been repossessed, our sons are being maimed in banker 'wars' for control and resources and billions in the thrid world are still living in poverty without electricity and clean water? In the U.S. tens of millions are on food stamps. These are far more pressing issues than having to buy a new pair of swimming trunks.

    Instead of waiting another 50 years for the oceans to rise and Noah to return, why not appeal for the far more pressing problems of TODAY to be addressed, that desperately need the trillions that will be shamefully wasted on what still is an 'hypothesis'.

    Lock up some bankers and corporate CEO's and watch how quickly they get pollution under control. The fact that they aren't doing that should tell you how seriously they regard this issue.

    If you are so convinced Armaggedon is around the corner, feel free to pay my carbon taxes. Good man.

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  6. I am currently advertising a small business in Hua Hin. See... http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/business/business-for-sale/hua-hin-business-for-sale-273362.html and can give you some tips based on my experience.

    1. If you are thinking of opening a small stall, cart, massage shop or kiosk, you can do it fairly cheaply and there is no need to create a company and incur the admin headache and extra costs. There are precious few taxes and these are cash businesses.

    2. Whatever you do, if you appear to be making money, someone (several) will copy you and probably set up right next to you.

    3. Location, location, location. No disrespect but most Thai village girls get starry-eyed about having their own business and the riches and status it will bring them. They don't care about location, costs or whether they will get any customers or not. They do not plan ahead, have no idea what market research is and will happily pay (or let you pay) exorbitant rents, that suck up any profit you make and enrich the landlord. Best advice. Be a landlord.

    4. If you are going to employ staff, expect theft. I sacked 7 staff before I found an honest one. Keep it in the family.

    5. If you are smitten by your doe-eyed maiden and can't refuse her request to help set up a business, despite your own reservations, prepare to lose your investment.

    6. If by some chance, you actually make money and she gives it you, marry her. Women like this are rarities.

    7. If you are buying an existing business, ensure you have a signed agreement, preferably with two Thai names. If you enter into any kind of partnership with a Thai, you may be putting yourself at a disadvantage. If you aren't sure if you can trust your Thai partner/spouse, then find someone you can trust and use them as a nominee. Or seek legal advice.

    An agreement between two foreigners is probably fine.

    When I first came here I set up a Trading company and shut it down after two years. The Chinese undercut everything I was selling, stole anything unique from my stands at Trade shows and copied it. And the Thai companies I sourced product from were, for a variety of reasons, uncompetitive. I shut it down, having learned a lesson and decided to start a small cash business, selling a product that wasn't already in Hua Hin. Works well for me and I have no regrets.

    I would not be put off by doom-mongers as far as immigration is concerned. I use a Visa service here that can tell you how to resolve almost all problems.

    Good luck!

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