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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. I tell you what chocs if you are so offended hit the report button old mate & I will gladly a suspension or whatever providing you accept one for your narrow minded bigoted views. It wasn't that long ago that people discriminated against negroid people just because their skin pigment was different. By holding bigoted views against gay people and your own son for crying out loud actually speaks volumes about you.

    I'm not gay and I'm not a bigot but I don't mind calling one out. Gays have been discriminated against for far too long & there's counter to that.

    Have a nice day & I will stand by for my pending suspension.

    I'm not offended, nor do I feel any need to use the report feature. 'Bigotry', according to the dictionary, is described as: 'stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own'. If you can point to 'complete intolerance' in any of my posts, please do so. Think of another word that doesn't show YOU to be completely intolerant of my opinion. Good man.

  2. nor was there any plan for 'extermination camps' in 1942.

    You are correct. By 1942 the plan was already established and implemented.

    Operationally, there were two types of death camps. Initially, gas vans producing poisonous carbon monoxide exhaust fumes were developed in occupied Soviet Union and at the Chełmno extermination camp in occupied Poland, before being used elsewhere.[11]

    The camps at Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór were constructed during Operation Reinhard (October 1941 – November 1943), for the extermination of Poland's Jews. Prisoners were promptly killed upon arrival. Initially, the camps used carbon monoxide gas chambers; at first, the corpses were buried, but then incinerated atop pyres. Later, gas chambers and crematoria were built in Treblinka and Belzec; Zyklon-B was used in Belzec.[12]


    Try taking a few battlefield tours. You might find them humbling and educational at the same time.

    No battlefield tour necessary for you, I see. I'm humbled by your Wiki 'education'. clap2.gif

  3. You might want to read "Mein Kampf" and document yourself about the Wannsee conference.

    "Achtung! The rigid and imposed Holocaust narrative is NOT to be questioned." Oh, the irony.

    You seem willing to only document the bits you want to hear. Neither Hitler, nor any of his ministers were at the conference, nor was there any plan for 'extermination camps' in 1942.

    Which Jewish newspaper in 2012, when talking about Wannsee said this... “decades of Holocaust research could not find a clear and explicit command made by high-level Nazi officials to engage in systematic mass extermination of Jews.”

    • Like 2
  4. All I've learnt in this thread is chocatistic's son takes it in

    The blurter, got hiv and is a bit bitter about it.

    You could have learned so much more but I accept your limitations.

    People need to learn to live and let live, it's as simple as that really.

    Militant homosexuals and Russians disagree with you. If it were that simple a decades-long struggle would not have been necessary. There are always consequences for our behaviour. If you are dying of AIDS, experience bigotry or come to regret you will never have children, you may wish it were more simple but it isn't. Is it?

    Most of those that protest too loudly have something to hide I suspect, are you having kinky dreams choc ? Your tvf handle seems to indicate so wink.png

    Crude, insensitive and now baiting. I have been suspended for less.

  5. LOL

    So your hate group won't express their true feelings? Or are you suggesting that the 99.67% of all pediatricians in the US that won't join your hate group are afraid? Your hate group is in favor of reparative therapy.

    You claim that it is easy to lead the masses but strangely your bigotry isn't shared by the majority....

    Your claims regarding the urban dictionary link actually did make me laugh out loud!

    BTW... Poppers don't cause AIDS. A virus does.

    Thank you for that scholarly work.

    Read my previous posts. I'm well aware poppers don't cause AIDS. But thanks for raising the question.

    It IS remarkably easy to lead the masses. Ask the gay community. Tom Hanks and the health industry made a fortune pretending the side effects of poppers were AIDS. The gay community were completely taken in. Then they demanded AZT, also based on 'junk science', which turned out to be not only useless but a killer. The gay community were completely taken in. AIDS spreading through the heterosexual community was another myth, based on 'Junk Science'. Most of us were taken in by that one. 'The Swiss Study' is but the latest example of 'Junk Science', once again enthusiastically welcomed by the gay community. Hey. No need to use condoms. Your absolute risk has gone from 0.00009 to 0.000018. Big deal. Please take these (profitable) shiny toxic pills and cross your fingers they don't kill you. When it comes to incontrovertible science, if you ever find a live AIDS virus in an AIDS victim, please let me know.

    Pity the SPLC doesn't investigate junk science 'terrorists'. They have killed far more Americans than any Muslims will ever do.

    Since you have decided to abandon discussion in favour of juvenile responses, welcome to my ignore list.

  6. Younger people like myself are indeed waiting for people like you to go to your grave. The world will be a kinder and more accepting place.

    Thank you for demonstrating what is wrong with many homosexuals. The aggression they show and viciousness with which they attack critics, or even those who simply defend their own sexual preference, is shameful. High-fives if you are on-board the program and vilification if you are not.

    The majority will will support anything they have been conditioned to accept. It's easy to drive the herd, once you have control of the media.

    Holdouts reject gay marriage because they reject homosexuality. I don't see their resistance as less legitimate than your need for acceptance. Mostly I think heterosexuals reject gay men because they refuse to act normally...


    'their androgynous personalities, cross-dressing/drag queen fetishes, feminine behavior, Gay Pride Parades and strange speech will continue having their group receive the hate. Act like everybody else and stop promoting your sexuality.'

    Anal sex is practiced by both heterosexual and homosexual couples. It must feel good otherwise they wouldn't do it. Whether they SHOULD do it is another question.

    This article points out the disproportionate incidence of disease amongst gay men, compared to heterosexuals. http://factsaboutyouth.com/posts/male-homosexual-behavior/

    'Anal intercourse is the sine qua non of sex for many gay men.4 Yet human physiology makes it clear that the body was not designed to accommodate this activity. The rectum is significantly different from the vagina with regard to suitability for penetration by a penis.'

    I think I have stated my son is HIV-positive. He took Amyl Nitrate (poppers) to relax his anal muscles to assist penetrative sex. Please explain to me how this is 'natural'. Now, he and his partner wish to adopt children. Again, explain to me how this is 'natural'? It isn't.

    You cannot get around the physiological drawbacks of homosexuality. Until you do, you will NEVER get universal acceptance.

    Consenting adults can do as they please as long as they don't harm others. But if my son dies from either AIDS or the toxic meds, please don't come knocking on my door asking if I approve of gay marriage.

    You use a site that attempts to bolster their lies by tearing down actual medical associations.

    There is not a single significant medical association in the Western world that supports the insanity stated in your first link

    The AMA APA etc are all against reparative therapy. The same for all the major Western. pediatric medical associations. The group your link was created by has a membership of less than 200 pediatricians (out of 60,000 in the US) that's .33%..... You may wish to see what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about your hate group.

    Your second link, the urban dictionary, in case you missed it, is poking fun at the idea of the "gay agenda".

    Lastly, I don't need your approval for marriage equality. I am married to my partner of 12 years. The US population has grown past your bigotry, and the SCOTUS is likely to legalize marriage equality throughout the country this summer.

    My gay son is married and did not need my approval, either.

    'Bigotry'? Please desist from personal slurs. I support my son and I support the right of homosexuals to do as they choose, unless it harms or infringes on the sensibilities of others. Just like heterosexuals. Unless we live in a homosexual dictatorship, expressing or defending one's sexual preference does not automatically mean you 'hate' those who make a different choice. The hate-filled rhetoric of tormented 'heterophobes' who seem to have lost all balance, in their desperate need for acceptance and parity, goes too far.

    You malign these Paediatricians, then refer to the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose very existence and funding depends on them finding 'hate groups'. 'Junk science' is a major problem in medicine. The site claims its views are supported by FACTS. If the facts are wrong, then please state how. Mentioning 'reparative therapy' is a deflection. Paediatricians are no different to anyone else. They aren't going to express their true feelings, in a political environment that is toxic. The influence of political correctness is obvious. The Medical Associations need tearing down. They are corrupt.

    The urban dictionary description is accurate. There is nothing 'normal' or 'natural' about being overtly camp. It is a learned behaviour which many people find objectionable.

  7. Here is what I posted a month ago on this subject that the Russian trolls and you ignored then and act like you don't know about now when making such statements.

    It would help if you didn't insult members.

    The IMF deal would have seen Ukraine plunged into debt-slavery, to the West. Just as has happened with many countries before it. The model is well established. "Join us and we will make you fabulously wealthy. we will let you keep the money and you can stiff the people with the bill". Privatisations, welfare cuts, increased taxes.

    After the violent overthrow of the democratically-elected government by Neo-Nazis, the 'democracy-loving' banker bandits said we will still give you this money but only if you pacify the restless Eastern Ukraine. 'Pacifier' battalions were sent in. Russia had a 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). Right?

    Btw. Russia is owed more than the amount the IMF was going to loan, by Ukraine, so Russia has a rightful claim to the money. That it hasn't pressed the claim shows just how wicked and evil those damn Russkies are. rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Can't blame the west for trying to escalate this into a full war.

    This is just business as usual for the Masters of the Universe. They have been destabilizing, ousting democratically elected Presidents, (or secular governments in favour of Islamist) and basically resorting to violence to expand the merchant and banking Empire, for the last 100 years or more. Pretexts can always be found to present to the domestic audience. The Red Menace worked beautifully, then Islamic fundamentalism, R2P, 'humanitarian' causes, and so on.

    Those who keep swallowing these pretexts... this time it is Putin... need to snap out of their marketing-induced trance.

    And those who wish to direct hate at the West should trying taking off their blinkers and see the full picture. The real world is not as simple as the one you live in.

    Sure the West play world politics just as every other country does - but your innocent victims are far from innocent.

    Ready to use nuclear weapons for the sake of one man ?. This guy is unstable and a danger to all mankind.

    I bet you think the Americans shot down the passenger airliner as well eh ?.

    If there had been evidence of Russian involvement, you can be sure it would have been provided by now.

    As for directing 'hate' at the West, not sure who you are referring to, I did not use the term. Having said that, much of the world regards the U.S. as the greatest threat to world peace, far in excess of any other nation, including 13% of Americans.


    What 'full picture' am I not seeing?

    Putin has already said he would use nuclear weapons, in war, since his conventional forces are no match for the U.S. Nothing controversial about that. As for the headline...'Russia was ready to bring its nuclear weapons into a state of alert', what state would that be? Yellow, Amber, Red? What system do the Russians use? Nor did he actually do it, he just considered it. So, it is a bit of a non-story, don't you think? A manufactured 'crime' in order to spew out the rest of the Putin-bashing.

    • Like 1
  9. Can't blame the west for trying to escalate this into a full war.

    This is just business as usual for the Masters of the Universe. They have been destabilizing, ousting democratically elected Presidents, (or secular governments in favour of Islamist) and basically resorting to violence to expand the merchant and banking Empire, for the last 100 years or more. Pretexts can always be found to present to the domestic audience. The Red Menace worked beautifully, then Islamic fundamentalism, R2P, 'humanitarian' causes, and so on.

    Those who keep swallowing these pretexts... this time it is Putin... need to snap out of their marketing-induced trance.

  10. Younger people like myself are indeed waiting for people like you to go to your grave. The world will be a kinder and more accepting place.

    Thank you for demonstrating what is wrong with many homosexuals. The aggression they show and viciousness with which they attack critics, or even those who simply defend their own sexual preference, is shameful. High-fives if you are on-board the program and vilification if you are not.

    The majority will will support anything they have been conditioned to accept. It's easy to drive the herd, once you have control of the media.

    Holdouts reject gay marriage because they reject homosexuality. I don't see their resistance as less legitimate than your need for acceptance. Mostly I think heterosexuals reject gay men because they refuse to act normally...


    'their androgynous personalities, cross-dressing/drag queen fetishes, feminine behavior, Gay Pride Parades and strange speech will continue having their group receive the hate. Act like everybody else and stop promoting your sexuality.'

    Anal sex is practiced by both heterosexual and homosexual couples. It must feel good otherwise they wouldn't do it. Whether they SHOULD do it is another question.

    This article points out the disproportionate incidence of disease amongst gay men, compared to heterosexuals. http://factsaboutyouth.com/posts/male-homosexual-behavior/

    'Anal intercourse is the sine qua non of sex for many gay men.4 Yet human physiology makes it clear that the body was not designed to accommodate this activity. The rectum is significantly different from the vagina with regard to suitability for penetration by a penis.'

    I think I have stated my son is HIV-positive. He took Amyl Nitrate (poppers) to relax his anal muscles to assist penetrative sex. Please explain to me how this is 'natural'. Now, he and his partner wish to adopt children. Again, explain to me how this is 'natural'? It isn't.

    You cannot get around the physiological drawbacks of homosexuality. Until you do, you will NEVER get universal acceptance.

    Consenting adults can do as they please as long as they don't harm others. But if my son dies from either AIDS or the toxic meds, please don't come knocking on my door asking if I approve of gay marriage.

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  11. You know they don't really regard GW seriously. If they did they would deal with the problem, at source, instead of taxing and criminalizing the public. Polluting industries would stop polluting the moment you start jailing CEOs. Exchanging pollution for a forest in Botswana is just silly.

    Most supporters of the GW scam, only support it because of concerns about environmental pollution. Without this conflation there would be less public support. If your grants are dependent on finding warming, you will find it. If the media are all on the GW team, the public will believe it.

    Now they are... beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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  12. While I am open to having fault found with U.S. Actions in the past and present, as an American, I will stand with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, etc. and certainly the Ukraine in saying the Ukraine, including the Crimea is not "Soviet territory". I do not recognize that Ukraine's independence is " messing with Russia on its own soil". Putin overstepped in seizing sovereign territory of another nation. The motivation was a move by the Ukraine to become closer to the European orientated nations.

    I thought the motivation for the violent overthrow of a democratically-elected President, by Neo-Nazis, supported by the U.S. was because the President decided NOT to go with the European bribe offer. You didn't find fault with the years of US and NED destabilization efforts that played on East/West divisions in the Ukraine? Or its current support for the Neo-Nazis or their 'Punisher' battalions?

    Is there such as thing as 'Soviet' territory'? I thought the Soviet system collapsed years ago and Russia was a capitalist country, with the same capitalist structure as the US., where the f***s at the top steal from all those beneath them. Otherwise known as a 'Kleptocracy'.

    What territory has Russia 'seized'? If you mean Crimea, the Russians were already there and Crimea held an election. Just like Western Ukraine held an election and couldn't wait to be led by violent fascists. Both elections were suspect but hey. That's the beauty of democracy. Doesn't matter who votes. It's who counts them. whistling.gif

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  13. 'The families said there were no signs that the girls were interested in extremism or had planned to go abroad.'

    But the media wave 'Jihad' at the public anyway.


    I could write this stuff...

    'There were no signs the girls were participating in beheadings but a member of the Syrian ISIS Beheading Think Tank have been informed, by an anonymous source, in the heart of Al-Shifty, that radicalized women have been present'.

    "Oh, no!" Thinks the spellbound reader.

    "Sean! Nip upstairs and check your sister is still in the bedroom, will ya."

    Keep hiding under the bed folks.

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