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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. That foolish, over the top rhetoric is ridiculous. Gaza has luxury hotels and restaurants and one of the biggest obesity problems in the world - some "concentration camp." crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

    'Gaza is a concentration camp, and it’s an American delusion not to recognize that'


    A luxury hotel, with brunch, to watch industry, agriculture, infrastructure, hospitals and schools being demolished. No thanks.

    Obesity is no longer an indicator of proper nutrition or affluence. Too much sugar and trans-fats are a global problem. How many Gazans are below the poverty line? Last time I looked it was around 70%. How many are dependent on Food Aid? A million?

  2. The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

    Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

    Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

    I enjoy your posts but with respect you do tend to reflect whatever memes are being peddled by the US Ministry of Truth. Some of them really silly.

    The Chinese Foreign Minister said... "No country in the world is entitled to impose its own will on others or to topple the legitimate government of other countries,". (Unless its Tibet).

    The US has clearly been doing this for decades. Either through hard power, or soft... colour revolutions... humanitarian bombing.. the responsibility to protect pretext doctrine and of course, one of the biggest frauds of all, the 'global war on terror'. The list of governments overthrown or destabilized is long. Yet, your reply suggests he meant Putin.

    Such is the power of propaganda and DOUBLETHINK. The US is a militaristic beast that NEEDS to be fed. Without war and international tension its economy would collapse. It also has to maintain the petro-dollar and is clearly fighting a resource war around the planet. Corporations like Monsanto want to control the global food supply. 'Full Spectrum Dominance' mean anything to you?

    US politicians are renowned for accusing others of criminal behaviour THEY are indulging in. For an American to accuse Putin of having 'megolamaniac grand designs', is simply one more example.

    Here's one of Putin's designs...


    • Like 1
  3. Oh dear, the 'Z' word should have some of our esteemed members frothing at the mouth. Indeed if their take on what Zionism means we're true the election would be in the bag for Netanyahu already.

    I would be more concerned about those who aren't 'frothing at the mouth'. It shows they have neither conscience nor humanity. The 'Z' word, according to the settlers, means concentration camps, collective punishment, more land theft and ethnic-cleansing.

    Who are you voting for?

    • Like 1
  4. 'In September 2012, the New York Department of Health unanimously ruled that the practice of metztizah b'peh should require informed consent from the parent or guardian of the child undergoing the ritual.[64] Prior to the ruling, several hundred rabbis, including Rabbi David Neiderman, the executive director of the United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg, signed a declaration stating that they would not inform parents of the potential dangers that came with metzitzah b'peh, even if informed consent became law.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#The_anti-circumcision_movement_and_brit_shalom

    Wonderful. They ignore the law and authorities aren't enforcing it. With Orthodox Jews apparently making up 40% of New York's 1.1 million Jewish community, what chance does any new initiative have?

    • Like 1
  5. The Talmud is Satanic?


    The blatant antisemitism here goes on and on.

    BTW, if you're a satanist, fine, enjoy yourself, but the Talmud is not satanic.

    It's Jewish.

    Only an antisemite would push that kind of hate promoting garbage that Judaism and Satanism are the same thing.

    For those interested in learning about the roots of the Talmud and other Jewish peculiarities, I suggest this excellent t.v. program:

    The Story of the Jews.


    The topic is about sucking the blood from the mutilated penises of infants. Does 'The Story of the Jews' cover this?

    Criticism of the few sick Rabbis who do this and state the Talmud as their justification, is legitimate. Of course it isn't ALL the Talmud. Just as ALL the Quran isn't devoted to Islamist violence. The language I use isn't academic but so what? I've seen 'outrageous' comedians use far worse.

    'anti-semitic'? This is your obsession. Any other culture that indulged in this practice would be regarded as deviant and if it was Muslim Imams or Catholic Priests, I would treat them in exactly the same manner.

    • Like 1
  6. Richard Hawkins is a personal hero of mine.

    Not much of a hero if you can't get his name right.

    Obama has perverted humanity with his kill lists. Hypocritical atheistic governments have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens in the name of their gods 'Money' and 'Power'. Yet you don't hear much about it from the media.

    When religions have been destroyed do you really think we will all live in peace and love? Or isn't it more likely that when religion is no longer available as a pretext for mass murder, the powerful will simply find something else.

  7. ...there is a big difference between the results of a "poll" compared to massive opposition by Muslims through the media or manifestations. Their silence is chilling.

    The media have a narrative that must be followed. Since when have they given a fair hearing to moderate voices? They didn't do it with the Christian Church. Why should they do it with Islam?

  8. Same story, different perspective: Worth reading to compare and costrast.


    Thanks for posting this. A little different to the messages being spewed by Fear Inc'...

    'Overwhelmingly, Muslims around the world reject ISIS, they reject ISIS’ flavor of Islam, they choose the 21st century over the 7th, they choose the Prophet’s message of love and the Hadith and the schools of jurisprudence and centuries of wisdom and thought, over an illusion that we are somehow still a ragged and persecuted minority at the edge.'

  9. Even if the premise they are hate speakers were true, which I don't accept, there is a clear double standard in the UK where anyone perceived as being far right is quickly muzzled. Whereas Muslims routinely get away with preaching hate in the Universities and their (forward command centers) Mosques.


    Very early on, it was incomprehensible as to why these speakers were/are allowed to operate. There are no shortage of laws on the books that could have been used to shut them down and throw them out. The conspiratorial-minded might be forgiven for thinking the gubmint WANTED to keep these guys up front and centre so they could wag scary Muslims at the masses and justify more draconian laws. shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQscSXB5r

  10. Putin is doing exactly what I would do in his position so it is difficult for me to fault him. But, I don't like him.

    He is far more likeable than the bought and paid for scoundrels in Washington.

    The extent to which people swallow, then re-gurgitate, this anti-Putin nonsense is breathtaking.

    Q. Do you agree the media and politicians lied about Iraq WMDs and that this required collusion on a massive scale?

    A. Yes

    Q. Isn't it fair to say the media campaign was a psychological operation, designed to 'manufacture consent' for war?

    A. I suppose so.

    So why on earth, after seeing this system operate in the same way, time and again, do ordinary, decent people keep believing they are being told the truth?

    Every speech I have seen by Putin and Lavrov has been lucid, insightful and intelligent. If I never picked up a western rag or watched TV, I would see Putin as the saviour of the west, not its enemy. He has restored the Church in Russia. Tossed or neutered the Zionist oligarchs, saved Russia from the disaster that was Yeltsin and has warned the world about the dangers of a 'unipolar world'. The Pussy Riot propaganda. Nonsense. The 'anti-Gay' law. Nonsense. The 'invasion' of Crimea. Nonsense.

    Of one thing you can be sure. Whenever the western media launch a crusade. They are up to no good. bah.gif

    • Like 2
  11. Actually that is not true. In fact it is a dishonest SMEAR. His name was merely mentioned in an article about a number of so-called "Anti-Muslim Crusaders".


    "I welcome the home secretary's ban on Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from entering the country. This is the right decision. The UK should never become a stage for inflammatory speakers who promote hate."


  12. Indeed when declaring war against those who 'pervert' Islam it appears that seeding your counter-terrorism agencies with Muslim brotherhood suspected members is accepted strategy. The attempted cover up is so amateurish it makes Benghazi look polished.


    Scraping the bottom of the hate-monger barrel, aren't you? blink.png

    Written by Robert Spencer, who, with Pamela Geller, were banned from entering the UK, in 2013, because their presence "would not be conducive to the public good"

    'In an October 2010 news article, an investigative report by The Tennessean described Spencer as one of several individuals who "...cash in on spreading hate and fear about Islam." Tennessean investigation concluded "IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Horowitz pocketed over $400,000 for himself in just one year".

    With all the hysteria being whipped up, he must have increased his haul, considerably.


    Ah, the usual attempts to smear those who present facts you can't refute.

    It is a FACT you have not refuted that Spencer makes pots of money from smearing Muslims.

  13. Indeed when declaring war against those who 'pervert' Islam it appears that seeding your counter-terrorism agencies with Muslim brotherhood suspected members is accepted strategy. The attempted cover up is so amateurish it makes Benghazi look polished.


    Scraping the bottom of the hate-monger barrel, aren't you? blink.png

    Written by Robert Spencer, who, with Pamela Geller, were banned from entering the UK, in 2013, because their presence "would not be conducive to the public good"

    'In an October 2010 news article, an investigative report by The Tennessean described Spencer as one of several individuals who "...cash in on spreading hate and fear about Islam." Tennessean investigation concluded "IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Horowitz pocketed over $400,000 for himself in just one year".

    With all the hysteria being whipped up, he must have increased his haul, considerably.


  14. Simply put, most Muslim will not and do not assimilate well, sticking to their ways of

    life and frown at anybody free will to live the way they like to live, for them, all non

    Muslim are all infidels and thus death is becoming of the non believers....

    'Most'? Funnily enough I lived many years near a Muslim Community and no-one called me a non-believer or sought my death. Unless it was the local orchard owner who objected to me scrumping his apples.

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  15. All sorts of networks have already been established.

    Taking Europe as an example, with virtually unrestricted movement of people within the EU, a recipe for carnage.

    Do you suggest Ghettos? Perhaps they can all wear a yellow crescent. The Muslim women's Knitting Circle could be contained behind a 'Freedom Wall'. coffee1.gif

    You do not know the difference between a ghetto and a network ?

    Perhaps you should try educating yourself rather than posting sh!te on here.

    I know you are on a roll with your hate-mongering but not everyone cares for it. Unrestricted movement means what exactly?

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