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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. ...and a 90 day wonder joins the conversation with his 1,621st post.

    It isn't about post count nearly as much as it is about post content.

    That's an area you might want to pay more attention to.

    'This is OUR turf. Got it?' whistling.gif

    Thai Visa rapidly becoming a 'No-Go' Zone unless you have at least 20,000 posts on your employer's time.

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  2. I'm always struck by the perverse logic of defending a system which CANNOT cure anyone, by attacking centuries-old healing systems which CAN. Taking away people's hope with smears and ridicule seems a rather cruel way to live one's life. sad.png The WHO fully support traditional medicine since many countries cannot afford modern western medicine. I tend to use modern medicine for 'acute' and 'emergency' conditions (which save lives) and natural methods for 'chronic' and 'degenerative' disorders (for which modern medicine only provides 'relief').

    Ayurveda cured my arthritis many years ago but I had to go to Kerala, India to find it. One of the primary treatments I received was called 'Panchakarma'... a detoxification protocol. I then went on to study natural methods of healing and have seen them curing people that hospitals had been unable to help.

    Is 'detoxing' necessary or worthwhile?

    The CDC's 'Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals' identified, on average, 212 chemicals present in blood, serum and urine... http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/pdf/fourthreport.pdf

    The non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) conducted its own two-year study to detect levels of chemicals in women... http://www.ewg.org/research/exposing-cosmetics-cover/toxic-chemicals-threaten-healthy-births

    'According to an EWG survey, an average woman uses about twelve personal care products each day, exposing herself to about 168 unique chemicals. These products don’t always remain on the skin’s surface. Many cosmetics ingredients penetrate the skin. Scientists have found ingredients such as phthalates and fragrance components in human tissues.'

    Numerous studies have identified hundreds of chemicals in breast milk... http://www.nrdc.org/breastmilk/chems.asp

    'Despite the shortcomings of research on pollution in breast milk, scientists have detected many different pesticides in breast milk throughout the world. The organochlorine class of pesticides poses the most significant threat. It includes DDT and nearly a dozen other chemicals similar to it'

    The fact that these chemicals are found in breast milk at all, does not inspire confidence that the liver is 'detoxifying' them or that they are quickly being excreted out of the body.

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  3. 20 sleeper cells, eh? cheesy.gif

    People do have short memories. Hey. If it worked the first time, why not?...


    'Neighbours were certainly fooled by the agents' efforts to fit in. One told The New York Times: "But they couldn't have been spies! Look what she did with the hydrangeas."

    The Pentagon propaganda budget is approximately $1 billion. There have been enough revelations to know the CIA control anyone of influence in the media. And PR companies we also know are heavily involved in supporting the 'official narrative', using mass media. When you're launching mass psychogical operations (psyops), it's important to drive home your message, when your audience is emotionally upset. They suck it up more readily. Hence utter nonsense stories about Internet Caliphates and Muslim sleeper cells, which, like ISIS itself, appear like magic from Aladdin's lamp.


    Someone WANTS a Muslim-Christian war because they are certainly doing their best to promote it. 5 million dead in the Congo and the media silence is deafening.

    I'm surprised they haven't picked up on this one yet...

    Afghanistan's dirty little secret


    '...why are American and NATO forces fighting and dying to defend tens of thousands of proud paedophiles, certainly more per capita than any other place on Earth?'

    Good question.

    Though as Mr Condell explains these terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

    Mr Condell is a frightened old man, reflecting the decade of TERROR boogah-boogah he's been subjected to. Pakistanis in the UK raping girls is a CRIMINAL act, not a religious one. There are plenty of cultures where men dominate and abuse women, including Asia. Nip down to Patpong and Nana or research paedophilia and incest in Thai villages.

    All 3 Abrahamic religions have used their texts to promote war and ALL 3 are still doing it. On every British warship, they rousingly singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers' led by state-authorized 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' Christian priests, every Sunday. AFAIK the Lord's Resistance Army aren't Muslims. Nor are the State 'terrorists', the IDF, whose daily murder, ethnic-cleansing and land theft has been ongoing for nearly 70 years.

    There is undoubtedly a problem with Islam and violence but why worry? The despots WE installed have been murdering, incarcerating and repressing them for decades, throughout the Middle East. Now we are turning Shia and Sunni against each other. You think they don't know WE did that to them? That THEY aren't suffering? (They 'deserve' it though, don't they?)

    The tormented Mr Condell, seething with rage, ignores that which has been nurtured and encouraged by Imperial powers.

    The attitude of the pro-Israelis on this forum is curious. You get used to them defending the indefensible. However, why aren't they supporting moderate Muslims instead of vilifying them? Jews constantly complain about the rise in 'anti-Semitism' and that the world is awash with 'Jew-hatred' (ignoring its cause), yet when they see the same phenomenon taking place with Muslims, they are in the front lines encouraging it. A bit like accusing the Nazis of persecuting the Jews, then turning Gaza into a giant concentration camp.


    'Throughout history, Judaism's religious texts or precepts have been used to promote[3][4][5] as well as oppose violence'

    'Yeah. But their violence is worse than our violence.'

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  4. What are you, a communist? Do you believe in taking money from people who earned it and giving it to people who didn't? Do you want to remove the incentive for people to be highly successful?

    Yeegads! You've exposed me. tongue.png

    You're going to wow me with 'trickle-down' economics. Right? How's that working?

    Err.. lemme see. 46 million on food stamps. The middle class hollowed out, their jobs shipped off to China. Mass immigration bringing in cheap labour and the Goldman Sachs henchmen holding up the Treasury to bail out the 'too-big-to-fail' banks. Yep. You can't get a finer example of 'taking money from people who earned it and giving it to those who didn't'. But you forgot about that, perhaps.

    I thought 'Privatize the Profits and Socialize the Losses' and 'Welfare for the rich' were pretty much Bush's and now Obama's campaign promises.

  5. He became the first governor in Texas history to be elected to two consecutive four-year terms and had very high approval ratings.

    Only because of the numbers on death row he executed, then carried on that track record into the Presidency. Not for nothing is he a member of 'Skull & Bones'.

    Don't care who gets into the White House as long as they have bleached-teeth, are Pro-Israel, continue to blow up the planet, do the bankers and Wall St bidding and loot what little is left from the plebs. If they wave a colourful flag at you, cheer furiously. clap2.gif

    On a slightly less frivolous note, what are they going to do about this...?


  6. Not true in whole. Those stings are illegal unless law enforcement which does them can prove that the perp actually wanted to do it and they just "helped."

    Have you read the report?... http://web.law.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/microsites/human-rights-institute/files/final_report_-_illusion_of_justice.pdf

    Page 45:

    'The government appears unconcerned with whether these individuals would have actually had the interest, commitment, and ability to plan terrorist attacks without informants’ aggressive recruitment or cultivation. On the contrary, in some cases where the defendant initially or repeatedly expressed a reluctance to engage in violence generally or even, in a planning stage, to go through with the plot, informants ignored those statements and instead pressed them to stay with the plot.'

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  7. Toothless bigmouths are helpless against terrorists.

    Helpless against FBI stings too...


    'An undercover informant or agent posing as an Al-Qaeda operative gives them everything they need… gives them the transportation, gives them the money if they need it, and then gives them the bomb and even the idea for the terrorist attack. And then when that person pushes a button to detonate the bomb that they believe will explode—a bomb that was provided to them in whole by the FBI—agents rush in, arrest them and charge them with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and then parade that person out to the public saying, “Look at us. We caught a terrorist. This is us keeping you safe.”

  8. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/fbi-terrorism-stings_n_5606468.html

    'The Human Rights Watch report found that all but four high-profile domestic terrorism cases in the past decade were actually FBI stings. In closely examining 27 federal terrorism cases -- including interviewing some of the targets who have been convicted of terrorism-related crimes -- the report finds that the government has gone after “particularly vulnerable” individuals, some with mental disabilities and others who were very poor.'


    "...many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts."

    There's so little real terrorism, the FBI have to manufacture it.

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  9. What a crock. The worst terrorists on the planet are STATE terrorists. The terrorism of Vietnam and Operation Phoenix. The terrorism of Fallujah. The terrorism of spit-roasting 100,000 retreating conscripts and their captive maids, retreating from Kuwait. The terrorism of invading Afghanistan on the pretext of wiping out 200 men with AK47s, who simply nipped across the border. THEN the pretext changed. 14 years of State terrorism and flooding the world with Opium. The STATE terrorism of the IDF. U.S. STATE terror has been ongoing for 100 years. Before that it was British STATE terror who invented 'divide and rule' and sent the SAS into Iraq to blow up people in markets and drive Shia against Sunni.

    Most of these Islamic terrorists are working for us. To help the Imperial powers achieve their geo-political goals. In Afghanistan against the Russians. In Chechnya against the Russians. In Libya against Gadaffi. In Syria against Assad. In Kosovo against Milosevic. They are our ASSETS. That is why we are arming and training them and 'accidentally' supplying them with weapons.

    Islamic terrorism was barely on the radar until we nurtured and grew it to replace the Red Menace and justify the massive Military-Industrial-Complex, which needs to be constantly fed.

    The incident in Paris is tragic but insignificant in the context of the millions over the years who have died and been displaced by western Christian Armies and their extremist proxies. The media are hyping the threat to make the population tremble and turn to the state for security. It's a strategy of tension.

  10. The 'independent' media have been all over this for days with conspiracy 'nonsense'. At least they are discussing it. As for the mainstream media, Maslow rightly questions...

    'The absence of reporting on the death of a senior police officer, Helric Fredou, involved in some way in the investigation of the Charlie Hebdo massacre that took place barely 24 hours earlier can too easily mean the absence of freedom – or in this case, raise the question of who is awake to important events, and who is in bed, and if in bed, then with whom.'

    I'm sure the official storyline is correct but if not. Whodunit and why?

    Where is Hercule Poirot when you need him?

  11. And even these figures for terrorist attacks are dwarfed in the USA by domestic violence

    A 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered


    US Americans are more likely to get killed by a toddler than a Muslim Extremist..

    They won't hear you.

    Fear drives out reason.

    Don't forget your Doctor. 100,000 per year die from taking the properly prescribed dose of medication. That excludes those recorded as dying from other causes and those injured. Extrapolate that across the globe and you are talking millions.

    But hey. We are talking religion, brother. We all have 'Faith' in our Doctors. whistling.gif

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  12. Who wants to dress like ZZTop and smack their head against a wall? w00t.gif

    You think most Jews are like that, do you?
    Don't be daft. Just as I don't think most Jews are like the vampire Rabbis who mutilate babies genitals and suck the blood from the penis, either. Sick but not representative. http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/israel-s-chief-rabbinate-says-oral-suction-at-circumcision-is-preferred-1.517349

    Anyway, no, the reason is that you are born into being a Jewish person based on birth and it is not a religion interested in converting people unless they themselves approach and are strongly motivated to work at it. Nothing such as "instant" conversion to being a Jew. Radically different that way than Christianity and Islam, that's a fact,

    Really? I thought the Ashkenazi Jews who are apparently now dominant were ordered to become Jews by their king who was sick of their debauchery. I think he picked Judaism by 'spin-the-bottle'. Since they never had any connection, either by birth or proximity to Jerusalem, they had to 'promise' themselves the land because they certainly didn't have any credible claim to it.

    I am with you on conversion. 'God-botherers' are tasked with going out into the world and spreading the 'Good News'. They are well-meaning if irritating. As for instant conversions. They do happen and thank goodness. Many a fallen individual has been rescued by the Church.

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