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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. They messed the bed. Let them lie in it.

    The Bremainers lost the vote and STILL can't accept it.

    Between the two of you, you've damned the entire nation then? Those who voted to leave have brought it upon themselves and those who voted to stay should just shut up and deal with it?

    In any case, losing a vote in no way means you have to accept the result. If you believe it is the wrong decision the best thing to do would be to keep fighting.

    Which is exactly what Farage said he would do if the vote had gone the other way by a similar margin.

  2. I guess that's what you call cutting off your nose to spite your face.
    No, most people in the UK don't care about expats living outside it.

    And the exchange rates don't affect them either, except a little bit on their annual 2 week holiday.

    It really doesn't make that much difference to normal people with British nationality living in the UK.

    If the British pound is, say 25% down by next year, I'll just stay in my home in the UK.

    If your income can't take a 10% currency fluctuation, you shouldn't be living abroad.

    I was referring to the expat pensioners.

    Sorry to hear you're that close to the poverty line here, though.

  3. Filter bubble, innit? I don't know anyone who voted leave. You must hail from some bleak provincial place full of bigots, I guess.

    Queensway, just across the Bayswater road from Kensington Gardens.

    Mind you, I don't speak to the foreigners in the area.

    But you live in Thailand, don't you, how many English Londoners do you speak to on a regular basis?

    Bayswater. London's command centre for dreary basement massage parlours (...'er so I'm told). Prostitute central of London (notwithstanding Soho). Land of backpackers and drifters and awful Arab caffs. Welcome Deary! One can just imagine some historically preserved geezer/geezerette having spent the last 40 years twitching the lace curtains as the neighbourhood has progressively gone to pot and hookers and hookahs. And now its payback time!

    They do have London's oldest laundrette, though, so that's something.

  4. Filter bubble, innit? I don't know anyone who voted leave. You must hail from some bleak provincial place full of bigots, I guess.

    Ah yes, this is what one of your young educated London remainer pals looks like, I wonder what her degree was?

    She's probably just practicing for her lead role in Pygmalion.

    I'm not particularly young, or especially well educated.

    Although everything's relative, I guess.

  5. Filter bubble, innit? I don't know anyone who voted leave. You must hail from some bleak provincial place full of bigots, I guess.

    Queensway, just across the Bayswater road from Kensington Gardens.

    Mind you, I don't speak to the foreigners in the area.

    But you live in Thailand, don't you, how many English Londoners do you speak to on a regular basis?

    I lived in London for 15 years before moving to Thailand - so quite a few.

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