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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. Yeah sure. That's why there has been a mass exodus of westerners from the country the last couple of years. They left because they were too darn happy!

    Still plenty of farang faces round here. Sure, some run home with their tail between their legs after they mess things up here. But plenty more arrive.

    The expat demographic is shifting. The old guard may not be so content here any more, but Thailand isn't just a retirement home for horny westerners.

  2. Understanding women is easy. They're just people, not some exotic alien species.

    Pretending otherwise is just a refuge sought by the emotionally underdeveloped.

    John Grey and the millions that bought the book disagree with you.

    I'm aware that there are a lot of people who share your problems, yes.

    You know nothing at all about me and are verging on flaming.

    You're incapable of understanding women - I know this because you stated as much yourself just up the page there.

  3. Understanding women is easy. They're just people, not some exotic alien species.

    Pretending otherwise is just a refuge sought by the emotionally underdeveloped.

    John Grey and the millions that bought the book disagree with you.

    I'm aware that there are a lot of people who share your problems, yes.

  4. Don't you like a bit of humour SB? No, I thought not.

    Are you lonely or something? It's a thread about a bar. Stop trying to chat me up.

    Yes, I am a bit lonely just now, Mrs Possum is out working, so a debate with you should help me pass the time. Our debates seem to go on long enough.

    Please carry on. Oh wait! "chat you up"?? noooooooo, a nice debate would be fine. laugh.png

    Soi Biker why don't you visit Lolita's,Soi 8 to relieve some of that tension?

    Because I don't buy sex.

    It's a BJ bar so it's not sex. Can go home to the Mrs with a clear conscience [emoji3]

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Ah. The Bill Clinton excuse.

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