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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. No. I'm just one of the 90% or so of British men who never pay for sex.

    Weird that people round here seem to think their minority pursuit is the norm.

    You have any links to proof that number?

    Google it.

    Thanks, so i understand that was just a number taken out of thin air, as usual with your claims.

    Nope, it's pretty much in the middle of the various figures you'd have found if you'd actually bothered to google it.

  2. Don't you like a bit of humour SB? No, I thought not.

    Are you lonely or something? It's a thread about a bar. Stop trying to chat me up.

    Yes, I am a bit lonely just now, Mrs Possum is out working, so a debate with you should help me pass the time. Our debates seem to go on long enough.

    Please carry on. Oh wait! "chat you up"?? noooooooo, a nice debate would be fine. laugh.png

    Soi Biker why don't you visit Lolita's,Soi 8 to relieve some of that tension?

    Because I don't buy sex.

  3. This is an example of the mind set that separates generations...

    Older generation were willing to work hard and study hard...doing menial tasks...while waiting their turn to legitimately enter the workforce and become a productive citizen...

    New generation wants instant gratification...no hard work or education...just give me money for showing up for work so I can have a good time with no thought to the future...

    Does not bode well for the human race...

    Sorry, but that's complete nonsense which does a grave disservice to the youngsters who are studying today. Previous generations enjoyed free tuition and supportive grants that allowed them to treat being a student as pretty much a three year piss up, often without concerning themselves unduly with study. By contrast, today's students are painfully aware that they're burying themselves in a mountain of debt to be where they are, and consequently tend to take their studies a whole lot more seriously.

  4. I know that Paki's are from Pakistan, that is the point! Racists don't know the difference. I hear it chanted all the time. Two weeks ago my wife was shouted at in the street. "Go back to Pakistan, you're not wanted here!" My wife is from Thailand and light skinned for a Thai. Our Vietnamese friend was told to go back to China where he came from. He is a doctor at St. Georges Hospital.

    You can't cure stupid!.

    Sadly, the referendum seems to have given some racist dolts the impression that they have a mandate for their hatred. Its visible on here as well as in the real world.

  5. If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

    Thankfully, the English aren't racist - just an unfortunately rather vocal minority of which you appear to be a member.

    How's the assimilation into Thai culture going, by the way?

    Wonderfully thank you ,married to a wonderful Thai with a son who has finished university,I have the best loving Thai family a man could wish for,thanks for asking

    I didn't.

  6. If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

    Thankfully, the English aren't racist - just an unfortunately rather vocal minority of which you appear to be a member.

    How's the assimilation into Thai culture going, by the way?

  7. The term racist has been hijacked by the extreme left and their liberal dupes to attack anyone who didagrees with their PC lunacy. I wear the term with pride now. Anti white and anti English racists won't acknowledge their deluded ideology has been corrupted.

    You're proud to be a racist?

    What nice people this forum attracts.

    Like all the left. You twist things ,he did not claim to be racist ,but shout away ,

    I'm not twisting anything. He starts the post by referring to the term 'racist' and then says he's proud to be called one.

  8. Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

    Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

    Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

    Any more silly questions?

    So someone who lives in Pakistan ,is a Pakistani and that's a race,but if your Irish or Welsh ,your not a "race" well ,well,

    You've completely missed the point I was making - that people use the term 'Paki' as a catch-all term for those from the Indian Subcontinent.

  9. I'd say that's better value for money then an actual, legit degree.... since they're both equally worthless.

    Strange how those who don't have a degree think they never needed one...

    I find mine comes in quite handy at times.

    Sadly, anti-intellectualism seems to be on the rise in these times. Look, for example, at the recent 'ignore the experts' attitude in the UK referendum campaign.

  10. Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

    Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

    Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

    Any more silly questions?

    What like your silly answers?

    Would you like to elaborate on what you find 'silly' about them? Or is this just playground stuff now?

  11. Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

    Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

    Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

    Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

    Any more silly questions?

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