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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. One thing EU overlooks is the negative effects of uncontrolled immigration in some towns and cities. One thing Brexiters overlook is that immigration is needed in order to drive a modern economy.


    Showing your age.

    Noooooooooo, I never drove buses...........laugh.png

    I did have a girlfriend though that was just like a.......Sorry off topic...giggle.gif

    The 'bumbling comedy duffer' act has somewhat lost it's shine now that your generation have voted the country into chaos over some misguided attempt to recapture something that was never really there in the first place.

    Enjoy your reduced pension whilst those younger than you begin the task of cleaning up your mess. I hope you're not too upset when you realise it won't lead to all the immigrants going home and the country returning to a black & white paradise of warm beer, cricket matches on the village green, and Morris Minors.

  2. Political correctness is a method of social control that is designed to prevent inconvenient issues being addressed. Those who submit to it are craven conformists. The politically incorrect are simply thinking for themselves and not afraid to speak out. It's a new groundswell, and Trump is deliberately tapping into that.

    Political correctness is just a social construct used to protect pig ignorant people from themselves. Like if your an ignorant racist keep it to yourself. Educated intelligent and civilised people simply don't want to hear this type of bigoted nonsense. By all means get together and have a racist rant in private but when mixing with civilised people have a little respect for others. It is just common social decency.

    You've been duped. Why do you think it is called 'political' correctness?

    There is an agenda behind the desperation not to offend. Usually that is to promote 'multiculturalism', which is all about attracting cheap human labour, which is all about politicians' desperation to maintain economic growth at any cost. For the politicians, that is a question of survival, and to do so they will quite happily pave paradise and put up a parking lot - as we have seen.

    All the while, the ordinary people are bludgeoned into keeping quiet by the hysterical and often brutal application of 'correctness' now seen daily in the media. It's a creeping social evil, fairly Owellian when you think about it - but of course, PC conformists can't think about it because they've been conditioned not to.

    If you think political correctness is just about people trying to be nice to each other, that is naive in the extreme.

    And if you think bitter cynicism and misanthropy pass for wisdom and insight, you're deluding yourself.

    Many 'politically incorrect' people seem to style themselves as brave speakers of the truth, saying things the rest of us are too afraid to say - whereas they're actually loud-mouthed bigots embarrassing themselves by spouting opinions that the rest of us rejected by the time we made our way up to big school.

  3. 555

    I don't have to cough

    up a monthly retainer,

    nor do I have to buy

    gold to keep my women

    interested, mate.

    Time and time again, you

    go for the lowest common

    denominator and you

    wonder why you end up

    trudging down the road

    with your belongings in a

    shopping cart.

    You need to stop scraping

    around for roadkill in the

    boonies then you might get

    one worth holding onto.

    Time to stop losing, marko


    No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

    How do you know he wears chinos?

    Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.

    Not everyone likes the bogan look

    Also, not everyone is so out of shape that they can't wear trousers in the Thai climate without sweating through them.

    • Like 2
  4. 555

    I don't have to cough

    up a monthly retainer,

    nor do I have to buy

    gold to keep my women

    interested, mate.

    Time and time again, you

    go for the lowest common

    denominator and you

    wonder why you end up

    trudging down the road

    with your belongings in a

    shopping cart.

    You need to stop scraping

    around for roadkill in the

    boonies then you might get

    one worth holding onto.

    Time to stop losing, marko


    No you don't give a monthly retainer as you put it cos you got nothing to retain have you,how is it sitting alone,in your chino's and chelsea boots,after you have ventured out to the local 7/11.please Pal get a life before you criticise others that actually have one.

    How do you know he wears chinos?

    Cos he posted about it before them and his chelsea boots,which must be nice in this climate.

    So he mentioned something once, and you keep bringing it up?

    You don't think that seems a little creepy?

  5. I do no social media. I only post on TV. If I was stupid enough to tell them that, and what I post, I would have been taken away a long time ago for attitude adjustment.

    As for the bozo clowns that are running the nut house now, we really know what their attitude to foreigners is now ....

    "easier to catch them."

    Not find them, not help them, not take care, not be polite and welcoming. All out hell for leather "catch them".....For what ???

    Just as the justice system works here. Foreigners are all guilty, and if not, only innocent until we trump up something.

    This is social media.

  6. There is nothing wrong with having dietary preferences. I ask for mai sai pan chulott all the time. They almost always get it (seems to be pronounced many different ways), and it is no big deal. I feel better without it. Many studies have come to the conclusion it is harmful. Some of us are more picky about the foods we put into our bodies, than others. Personally, I do not taste any difference, so why eat it? It is just more salt in the food, which I do not need anyway.

    Why get down on a guy because he has food preferences? Who's life is it anyway? Eat as you please. I am not going to offer you any advice, nor criticize your actions.

    Besides, what the FDA says has little to no relevance to my life. They are a lying, cheating governmental organization that will say or do anything if enough money or influence is at stake. I do not trust them one iota.

    Ordering your food however you want it is fine. Starting a thread by telling other people how to order their food, however, is a dick move.

  7. I'm not expert in these matters, but I would imagine that for a curved screen there must be a sweet spot for the viewer distance(?). If they get the 'roll up' technology to market at a price point that people interested in this kind of thing can aspire to then maybe a variable curved screen would have much 'wider scope' (sorry) and appeal to many. It could at least create a new market niche for bezel technology.

    I would like to see something modular where you can seamlessly attach and remove multiple units, or share them around the house. There's a lot of room for growth in re-inventing the TV, but the life cycle needs to be something people can keep up with.

    I have a 'non smart' flat average screen and it's fine, and most of the stuff I watch was never recorded in a way that can take advantage of anything more than (or even as good as) HDTV, so I'm happy to watch and wait. In my younger days I used to be an 'early adopter' in the lifecycle, but now I wait for broad appeal and standardisation, and maybe in the future I'll become a 'laggard' buyer, with a basic phone with actual buttons and 15 hour talk capacity and a black & white TV (can we call them that anymore of do we have to have a politically correct term these days? Even my mother knew how many lines were on a B&W compared to Colour and understood what she was buying. I have an IT background and I'd have to spend an hour researching to understand all the terms before I even knew what it is I wanted to buy these days.

    B&W TVs had the same number of lines as colour ones - your mother was confusing things with the old 405 line service which pre-dated colour TV.

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