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Posts posted by healthbkkbkk

  1. hello,

    I ordered a tray of Turkish Baklave and am going to pick it up today. I also have an Ethiopian friend whose wife has returned home so I'm a little worried about him eating properly.

    I have given him prepared foods before and there were some confusion as to what he will eat and what he wont. I have done a web search for Ethiopian desserts and found images of pastries that look a lot like Baklava.

    Would anyone know if this type of pastry is appreciated in Ethiopia? If not then what would make him happy?


  2. Personally I give to any "beggar" who asks or I pass on the sidewalk. I rarely ever walk outside as I go from my car to the door of wherever I'm going to but I do give whenever my car is stopped in a traffic jam or a light indicator and they come to my window. I mention this because I don't really know how it would be if I used the sidewalks often and were faced with multiple beggars daily.

    I also tip everyone from the petrol attendant to the doorman to anyone else I come into contact with. It's just a way to give back some of what I have been given.

    We also bring food to the Temples often and the Temple distributes the food to the poor. I believe not all temples do this but where we go they have free meals for anyone who comes and I think they do this everyday.

    I understand some of the beggars are taking advantage but my attitude is "why take the risk"?

  3. Your comment is simplistic to say the least but obviously you have a need to defend a pedophile. It's your life but don't get caught by the police or a real man.

    You must not have read the entire post, only the part that excites you about pedophilia, because if you had read the entire post you would see how silly your comment is.

    Equating the condemnation of pedophilia with the condemnation of homosexuality is worrying to an extreme, perhaps you should be put under surveillance?

    Stop beating around the bush, mate: Did you know for sure he was 16 or was that a good guess of yours?

    Well gee and golly, if you can't tell the difference between a child and an adult there is no place on this earth for you. You can always try using that as a defense at your trial but others have tried and it has never worked.

    maybe the kid was 12 or 13 but what difference does it make? The point of the example was social tolerance for this type of thing in Britain but the more literate aspects of my post seem to have escaped you.

    I have no stomach for pedophile apologists but there are so many in Thailand which is one reason I wait to know who someone is before I engage in social interaction with them.

    Indeed and this would be exactly the same reason why strangers would not want to engage in conversation with you.

    Nothing personal, just a fact.......the same can be applied to me.....anyone.

    You've stated the obvious and I am happy most farrangs here do not make any attempt to addresse others including myself.

  4. Your comment is simplistic to say the least but obviously you have a need to defend a pedophile. It's your life but don't get caught by the police or a real man.

    You must not have read the entire post, only the part that excites you about pedophilia, because if you had read the entire post you would see how silly your comment is.

    Equating the condemnation of pedophilia with the condemnation of homosexuality is worrying to an extreme, perhaps you should be put under surveillance?

    Stop beating around the bush, mate: Did you know for sure he was 16 or was that a good guess of yours?

    Well gee and golly, if you can't tell the difference between a child and an adult there is no place on this earth for you. You can always try using that as a defense at your trial but others have tried and it has never worked.

    maybe the kid was 12 or 13 but what difference does it make? The point of the example was social tolerance for this type of thing in Britain but the more literate aspects of my post seem to have escaped you.

    I have no stomach for pedophile apologists but there are so many in Thailand which is one reason I wait to know who someone is before I engage in social interaction with them.

  5. Oh, so you walked over there and had the young looking male show you his ID card or you knew him from before and knew he was 16 for certain? ... Let's hope so, otherwise I'd have to place you in that 'bad farang' box also for making assumptions and being homophobic.

    Not sure what this all has to with the thread topic, now turning into fellow farang bashing. Makes a nice change from the Thai bashing though.

    In general I like to talk to strangers and it works well in my part of the city (formerly under socialist rule, which I always found to facilitate communication, note the change when crossing from Thailand to Laos) but at home we tend to ignore most folks as well, no? In time, those worth knowing will reveal themselves. Many people are just cautios, I'd say.

    Your comment is simplistic to say the least but obviously you have a need to defend a pedophile. It's your life but don't get caught by the police or a real man.

    You must not have read the entire post, only the part that excites you about pedophilia, because if you had read the entire post you would see how silly your comment is.

    Equating the condemnation of pedophilia with the condemnation of homosexuality is worrying to an extreme, perhaps you should be put under surveillance?

  6. Questions...

    1) What do you mean by unregistered form?

    2) Do you know how or where I might be able to find a grade A pharmacist here in BKK?

    3) How is taking nystatin anymore dangerous than taking other antifungals.

    4) I would like to use this for my bowels...not anywhere else.

    I found this picture of a possible product containing nystatin.


    First pic...

    Thoughts on this product?


    My assistant says the photo you show does serve your purpose but it would be best to get the medication from a pharmacy.

    To avoid losing face many pharmacist who do not have a grade A standing will not inform you of this, they will simply say they can't order that medication or will refuse to look it up.

    P and F pharmacies have grade A pharmacists and so does save drugs.

    Some Boots will have and some wont. The Boots at Emporium has a grade A pharmacist.

  7. Just a quick shot in the dark but are there any veterans from the Legion here?

    Some years ago I was standing at a crosswalk when I heard a familiar voice. I looked to my right and there standing next to me was a Legionnaire I had served with. We had both been wounded and shared the same hospital bed many decades ago. He was only here for a short time but it was good to see someone from the old days.

    I can't be the only one in Thailand, can I?

  8. One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

    Going off-topic, but 16 is the legal age of consent in the UK for gays and I believe it is 15 for Thailand (if not prostitution).

    having sex with a child under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

    Did you miss the point about social acceptance and his role in british societe?

    Please explain why you concentrate on the pedophile example? As Mel would say:" Do you have a dog in this fight"?

    I consider myself a Man and a Man will never lower his eyes to a pedophile or pretend he doesn't see.

  9. According to the Mims Thailand it is sold under the name "Nystin" and made by Polipharm.

    The composition is: Nystatin 100,000 IU, diiodohydroxyquinoline 100 mg, benzalkonium Cl 7 mg

    This is for vaginal infections so may not be the form you are looking for.

    'nystatin' is listed but there is no detailed information which means, usually, it is only available in combination with other molecules or "MIGHT"! be available in an unregistered form.

    You need to find a pharmacy with a Grade A pharmacist and ask her to see if she has any preparations containing the medication that would suit your needs.

    You do know this is a dangerous anti-fungal and should be taken with care?

  10. He is young and in love so he probably isn't thinking at all. We've all been there.

    He is not young and he ages fast. lol wink.png


    14.11.2013 "Im 45 years of age"


    23.12.2013 "I am over 50" rolleyes.gif

    Gee, when I read his post I thought he must be a young man of 19 to 25.

    It just goes to show we should never assume these things and how stupid I can be.

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  11. Why you are you even worried about the prospect? The most likely scenario is you'd end up working for a week sweating your balls off in a Thai kitchen, only to realize you put in 50 hours to make 2000 baht, and that would be the end of that job.

    Off to the closest boiler room it would be for you.

    I do wonder how much to OP is thinking he'd make in a job like this...I suspect he thinks Australian award wages apply in Thailand too..

    He is young and in love so he probably isn't thinking at all. We've all been there.

  12. If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

    Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

    Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

    Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then what are you trying to say? What does that have to do with my post?

    He got an OBE and was Knighted. You would have to ask one of his hundreds of victims if he ever did it in public. Tory MP accuses bosses of 'kicking evidence into the long grass. You can read the story but it is much worse than anything you have mentioned occurring in Thailand.


    For you to imply that those kind of things (however reprehensible) occur only in Thailand is flat out nonsense.

    I have no idea what you're talking about. No one has mentioned nor implied anything about anything and nothing I said has anything to do with anything other than the example I gave. The motives of those who imagine beyond my words are only known to themselves and their maker so I don't have a clue as to what you're on about.

    If you want to make a seperate post, topic or comment please do but leave me out of it.

    I've decide to add what many people here are thinking: I'm not the only one who expressed having caution because of the class (or lack of) of many farrangs here. Other posters gave examples of bad farrangs. I gave a small example in a much larger post about a pedophile and suddenly several members here can't stop themselves from obsessing about pedophilia and completely ignore all the other examples. That is very suspicious.

  13. If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

    Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

    Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

    Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then what are you trying to say? What does that have to do with my post?

  14. If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

    Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

    Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

    Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then that would have nothing to do with the example I gave.

  15. If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

    Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

    Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

    Did he make out with any of his victims in a public restaurant? I'm surprised the Londeners let him walk away with his health.

  16. In my culture whenever one enters a lift one looks at everyone in the eye and says hello and everyone says hello back.

    The same when we enter a room in a public place. The rules of politeness are very strict and almost everyone respects them.

    When I first arrived in Thailand I did the same as I would in my culture and this caused me years of misery.

    I know someone will insult me for saying this but I will say it all the same:

    There are so many farrang pedophiles, cheap whore chasers, drunks, fakes, perverts and the mentally ill I avoid contact with any foreigner until i know who/what they are.

    My ex wife and I knew a very nice, cultured British gentleman. He seemed to be the best of people so we wondered why he would take such a pay cut to work in Thailand when he had such a successful life in Britain.

    One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

    There have been so many disappointments, so many times stabbed in the back, so much pain that I finally accepted to do what most other Europeans do here and not make contact until I know enough about the other farrang.

    All those who like to pretend that all is perfect here may now feel free to throw their insults.


    Jus curious. How on earth did you and or your wife know the boy was 16?

    Simply amazing.

    But good for you and the ex wife!

    Or son or stepson or wife's younger brother, etc.

    I give up. My English must be so bad I can't convey even the simplest of thoughts. What does "being intimate" mean to you? I'm serious because maybe I don't get it. One is not "being intimate" with a son or stepson or wife's younger brother. In my English "being intimate" is a polite way to say some type of sexual contact.

  17. Belgium must be a good nanny state to provide those online services as they also have highest taxes (combined federal, local/state, and social security) in the world according to this CNN article: Link.

    Below is a cut and paste from that article. The Link will provide an interactive display to show the breakdown of taxes.


    I have lived, worked or studied in the first 6 countries on the list. I am amazed to see the United States slightly above the UK. Belgium is no surprise as many parts of Bruxelles look like a third world country with employers afraid of hiring due to the high taxation and low return on infrastructure. That said I should add that Bruxelles is my second favorite place on earth. I so love the women there.

  18. In my culture whenever one enters a lift one looks at everyone in the eye and says hello and everyone says hello back.

    The same when we enter a room in a public place. The rules of politeness are very strict and almost everyone respects them.

    When I first arrived in Thailand I did the same as I would in my culture and this caused me years of misery.

    I know someone will insult me for saying this but I will say it all the same:

    There are so many farrang pedophiles, cheap whore chasers, drunks, fakes, perverts and the mentally ill I avoid contact with any foreigner until i know who/what they are.

    My ex wife and I knew a very nice, cultured British gentleman. He seemed to be the best of people so we wondered why he would take such a pay cut to work in Thailand when he had such a successful life in Britain.

    One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

    There have been so many disappointments, so many times stabbed in the back, so much pain that I finally accepted to do what most other Europeans do here and not make contact until I know enough about the other farrang.

    All those who like to pretend that all is perfect here may now feel free to throw their insults.


    Jus curious. How on earth did you and or your wife know the boy was 16?

    Simply amazing.

    But good for you and the ex wife!

    What's amazing is someone like you making ridiculous comments without realizing it.

    16 was a polite way to say a young boy, under aged, illegal, unacceptable and impossible to get away with in London.

    Maybe he was 13? You happy?

    Simply amazing but I knew someone like you would come up with an insult which begs to wonder about your attitudes towards "boys". Would you like to explain your “norms”?

    I personally think that Men and Boys should not be intimate with each other. I know that this somehow makes me an intolerant fascist but hey, that's the way I am.

    As such conduct is illegal in Thailand I don't feel the need to apologize to anyone for my condemnation of his behavior.

    Now please explain your tolerant views on the subject.


    I'm going to politely answer you friend.

    I merely asked you a question and I get something incredible back.

    Your comment about age already implied someone did something inappropriate. I suspect you are not an expert on age verification in Southeast Asia. Is that true?

    Please refrain from assertions which are unfounded as you just made toward me regarding age tolerance. Completely amazing!

    You know nothing about me and we'll keep it like that. I'm finished with anything further you have to say. Remember if you speak loudly everybody knows how truly ignorant you really are. 555

    You kidding, right?

    Do you really think making this last post somehow erases what you said to mine?

    Your comments are there for anyone to see.

    I don't accept apologists for pedophiles and I don't care what anyone has to say about that.

    If you don't want your position to be questioned then don't make rude replies to posts made by other members and then pretend to be the victim.

    It's the farrangs like you that make me cautious about other farrangs here. I do not want to enter a conversation with someone and then hear them give an apologist's view on pedophilia. That has happened to me too many times for me to ever want to hear it again. I'm not saying you're a bad man but I don't want to spend my time discussing pedophiles or the rights and wrongs of the subject.

    If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

  19. In my culture whenever one enters a lift one looks at everyone in the eye and says hello and everyone says hello back.

    The same when we enter a room in a public place. The rules of politeness are very strict and almost everyone respects them.

    When I first arrived in Thailand I did the same as I would in my culture and this caused me years of misery.

    I know someone will insult me for saying this but I will say it all the same:

    There are so many farrang pedophiles, cheap whore chasers, drunks, fakes, perverts and the mentally ill I avoid contact with any foreigner until i know who/what they are.

    My ex wife and I knew a very nice, cultured British gentleman. He seemed to be the best of people so we wondered why he would take such a pay cut to work in Thailand when he had such a successful life in Britain.

    One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

    There have been so many disappointments, so many times stabbed in the back, so much pain that I finally accepted to do what most other Europeans do here and not make contact until I know enough about the other farrang.

    All those who like to pretend that all is perfect here may now feel free to throw their insults.

    My god that would freak me out. What culture says hello to everyone in the elevator?

    In my culture it would seen more as a bit rude to speak to unknown people without reason.....I would also like to know which friendly culture is greeting everyone? Maybe a friendly place for holidays....

    Maybe it's my poor writing skills or someone's poor reading skills, I don't know. I said we say hello to, I didn't say we speak to them.

    "monsieur, mesdames" is what one is expected to say when one enters a lift or a public room. Those in the lift or room will respond with "monsieur" or "madame" depending on the greeter's gender. It is the general rule for public politeness just as we shake hands each morning with everyone in the office and will often shake hands with everyone when we leave for the evening. That isn't the Anglo way but not everyone on Earth is an Anglo. I have been told countless times by Brits that I am too polite yet in my culture I wouldn't be considered so. I have also noticed that Australians are very friendly and open people and tend to say Hi to just about anyone in earshot. They are so friendly I tend to feel inadequate around them.

    The point of my mentioning it wasn't to say how one should behave in public but to explain my continuing the habit when I arrived in Thailand.

    The point being that I honestly explained why I, and many Europeans I know, avoid contact with unknown farrangs and I believe that anyone who has lived here for a time knows this and pretending not to is disingenuous.

  20. In my culture whenever one enters a lift one looks at everyone in the eye and says hello and everyone says hello back.

    The same when we enter a room in a public place. The rules of politeness are very strict and almost everyone respects them.

    When I first arrived in Thailand I did the same as I would in my culture and this caused me years of misery.

    I know someone will insult me for saying this but I will say it all the same:

    There are so many farrang pedophiles, cheap whore chasers, drunks, fakes, perverts and the mentally ill I avoid contact with any foreigner until i know who/what they are.

    My ex wife and I knew a very nice, cultured British gentleman. He seemed to be the best of people so we wondered why he would take such a pay cut to work in Thailand when he had such a successful life in Britain.

    One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

    There have been so many disappointments, so many times stabbed in the back, so much pain that I finally accepted to do what most other Europeans do here and not make contact until I know enough about the other farrang.

    All those who like to pretend that all is perfect here may now feel free to throw their insults.


    Jus curious. How on earth did you and or your wife know the boy was 16?

    Simply amazing.

    But good for you and the ex wife!

    What's amazing is someone like you making ridiculous comments without realizing it.

    16 was a polite way to say a young boy, under aged, illegal, unacceptable and impossible to get away with in London.

    Maybe he was 13? You happy?

    Simply amazing but I knew someone like you would come up with an insult which begs to wonder about your attitudes towards "boys". Would you like to explain your “norms”?

    I personally think that Men and Boys should not be intimate with each other. I know that this somehow makes me an intolerant fascist but hey, that's the way I am.

    As such conduct is illegal in Thailand I don't feel the need to apologize to anyone for my condemnation of his behavior.

    Now please explain your tolerant views on the subject.

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