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Posts posted by healthbkkbkk

  1. Down south the TOPS supermarkets carry a couple of brands, San Remo from Australia and Agnesi from Italy. Having bought some awful San Remo pasta I would never buy their couscous. At around 85 baht for a 500g pack of Agnesi couscous it makes more sense to prepare your own veggies to go with it.

    Preparing and cooking some veg isn't that much work and tastes much better than the shop bought stuff.

    Here's a quick recipe;


    I know the roast vegetables taste much better but if you're short on time or have no oven then throwing some veg into a pan with some olive oil isn't too difficult is it?

    Thanks for the kind words; you're just too good to me.

    I will spend many hours in the kitchen to make a boeuf stroganoff or a coq au vin but I won't to roast vegetables for a couscous and I hate cleaning vegetables to begin with.

  2. It took me many, many years before beginning to understand when anger in public is acceptable in Thailand.

    I finally devised a plan that protects me from just about everything:

    I never go any place without my assistant and she takes care of any misunderstandings and in the more aggressive situations my driver is a very big man and very loyal to me.

    I usually don't run into a lot of trouble here but I did in the beginning before I understood how to live, survive and get along in this country.

    I am still a firm believer that when we are a guest in another country we have to adapt to their ways and when in doubt just smile and walk away.

    • Like 1
  3. What a load of nonsense. Even Israel has officially recognized that Islam, Christians and Jew all worship the sam G_D.

    Is there only one God? Have you been all around town to count them? Maybe there are no Gods, and we're animals, and when we die we decompose - and those molecules get used to build other living things, or just mix with soil. Oh, but we don't want to believe such an unheralding idea. Better to create elaborate myths which depict ourselves as 'image-of-God' beings which live forever. And while we're at it, let's paint ourselves as the crowning of creation, so we can use all other species (which are inferior, of course) for our needs.

    There is a 2nd God, and Her name is Gertrude. Hone up on Her.

    And the point of your comment is?

    It’s hard to keep an academic, adult conversation going with someone who.............................. I'll leave it there or I might break the forum rules.

    But really, what are you trying to say? Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the G_D who created Adam, the G_D of Moses and Jesus, the G_D in the Torah and the Bible and the Quran. This is a fact and no amount of bickering will change it.

  4. Anyone can read the koran in English or Arabic, copies are freely available.....read it and draw your own conclusions! This is what the grey headed men are afraid of....critical appraisal of their "holy" book!!!wai.gif

    Actually no, they can't. It is written in such a way that one chapter will contain one paragraph of a story and another another paragraph and another yet another paragraph. Without knowing where to find the entire story one can't understand it.

    The book is a book of religion but also of history so it is easy to confuse the history lessons from the rules imposed.

  5. To say that the followers of the Moon goddess of Arabia (that's the real basis of Islam!) have made a set of rules for desert dwellers to live by makes a certain kind of sense......a 1000 years ago!

    To expect human beings to follow a set of rules that are so anti-human boggles the mind!

    Is there anyone on earth, not suffering from a serious brain disorder, who believes in the "rightness" of sharia law and would be enthusiastic to have their pre-pubescent children and grand children punished/married/stoned/mutilated/executed by some grey headed old men whose only authority comes from younger men who hope to take their place one day??

    Degenerate imbeciles! sad.pngwai.gif IMHO

    What a load of nonsense. Even Israel has officially recognized that Islam, Christians and Jew all worship the sam G_D.

    Get your skin head idiocies away from adult conversation.

  6. It is their country. They are free to exercise whatever religion they want. However backwards it may seem to normal people. Well done to the Sultan and his subjects. Enjoy !

    Coma. whistling.gif

    Sure. Just try and find a church or a temple. You won't find any since they are forbidden in practice. Brunei is the only country that demands visitors state their religion upon entry, isn't it? Reassuring? Nope.

    A simple web search and some common sense (and maybe some education) would have told you that freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Law in Brunei.

    The country has an area of 2,200 square miles and a population of 380,000. According to government statistics of citizens, there are 171, 892 Muslims, 8,901 Buddhists, 3,530 Christians, 372 Catholics, 32 Baha'i, 131 Hindus, 23 Atheists, 22 Taoists, 18 Sikhs, 17 Jews, and 3 Nasrani; as well as 32 individuals of other faiths and 7,884 who did not state their faith. Among permanent residents, according to the same statistics, there are 13,911 Muslims, 9,088 Buddhists, 3,088 Christians, 322 Catholics, 40 Baha'i, 99 Hindus, 11 Atheists, 18 Taoists, 15 Sikhs, 13 Jews, and 2 Nasrani, as well as 31 of other faiths and 6,910 who did not state their faith. These statistics did not cover a large expatriate population of temporary residents that included Muslims, Christians, and Hindus.

    There are 109 mosques and prayer halls, 7 Christian churches, 3 Chinese temples, and 2 Hindu temples officially registered in the country.

    • Like 2
  7. Reading the comments here I see many of the members don't really know what Sharia law is.

    AND, if it is real Sharia it is only applied to Muslims who, by the fact of calling themselves Muslim, accept it.

    That said there is a lot of practice going around certain parts of the world that is being called Sharia which isn't even close to real Sharia law.

    It will be interesting to see if real Sharia will be implemented or something of a more political and extremist nature.

    I can see a certain number of "celebrities" calling for a boycott are lesbian/homosexual. Although these acts can be punished with death in real Sharia it is only if the act is displayed in public can anyone even be accused of a crime. In real Sharia no one has the right to invade a private dwelling so there is no way to check if anyone is homosexual or lesbian and the same applies about extra-marital sex. In other words it is only a crime if it is done in public.

    I hope they don't do a perverted form as is the case in parts of Iran or the Sudan.

    Is this a joke? Are you trying to explain why Sharia law is OK? <deleted>?

    I guess you are either intoxicated or don't know how to read yet I intentionally kept my vocabulary at a primary school level. Now do all the <deletes> you want but please get some education.

    Are you really just trying to pick a fight because you like fighting as many members here apparently do or can you really not understand what I wrote?

    I can read what you have written, thanks for keeping it to primary school level. That makes it much easier to understand the need you felt to justify or explain a system so totally devoid of any form of humanistic element, so corrupt in its teachings that I don't know where to begin. So basically, because a lesbian advocates keeping clear of this mad monarchs investments, that makes it unworthy of consideration. But not to worry about being stoned to death if you are a lesbian, just keep it behind a closed door and you'll be fine. You really do believe in fairy tales eh?

    So you're an intellectual therefore explain to us about Sharia Law on an academic level with references and where they were obtained? Simple enough for someone pretending to know all about it or did you get your education from watching the BBC, FOX and CNN?

  8. Interesting. A few questions.

    • What's the total of that bot?
    • Which specific store?
    • Does one need to program the mapping system?
    • How long does the set up take?



    I paid 10,000 baht at Power Buy, Central Bang Na.

    No programming is required. The machine will map the room automatically and if set to auto will decide the best route for cleaning. There are also presets but I haven't used them.

    Out of the box It only requires a 1 hour charge and then it is ready to go. No set up is required.

    • Like 1
  9. This is an honest question - Does anyone here know, can Brunei's citizens (regardless of religion) seek asylum in another country, citing oppression, persecution or violation of human rights brought forth by the introduction of Syariah laws?

    You must be kidding. Most Occidentals would be much better off as Brunei Citizens than in their own countries. Free everything and no worries.

    Please, explain to me what you know of Sharia and Brunei on an academic level.

  10. Last Evening I was walking in Power Buy and saw a Samsung NoviBot Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. It was on sale for 5000 baht off the normal price so I asked for a demonstration and was impressed enough to buy it.

    It worked on my home all night and it did work so well and makes very little sound. My Chihuahuas aren't quite used to it yet but that will come. Just to say I highly recommend this particularly if one has pets.

    If you liked this topic I'll write about my Philips AirFryer next smile.png

  11. Reading the comments here I see many of the members don't really know what Sharia law is.

    AND, if it is real Sharia it is only applied to Muslims who, by the fact of calling themselves Muslim, accept it.

    That said there is a lot of practice going around certain parts of the world that is being called Sharia which isn't even close to real Sharia law.

    It will be interesting to see if real Sharia will be implemented or something of a more political and extremist nature.

    I can see a certain number of "celebrities" calling for a boycott are lesbian/homosexual. Although these acts can be punished with death in real Sharia it is only if the act is displayed in public can anyone even be accused of a crime. In real Sharia no one has the right to invade a private dwelling so there is no way to check if anyone is homosexual or lesbian and the same applies about extra-marital sex. In other words it is only a crime if it is done in public.

    I hope they don't do a perverted form as is the case in parts of Iran or the Sudan.

    Is this a joke? Are you trying to explain why Sharia law is OK? <deleted>?

    I guess you are either intoxicated or don't know how to read yet I intentionally kept my vocabulary at a primary school level. Now do all the <deletes> you want but please get some education.

    Are you really just trying to pick a fight because you like fighting as many members here apparently do or can you really not understand what I wrote?

  12. When at work and somebody asks where I Iive I say Thailand. About 10% of the responses I get are negative mentioning under-age sex. I've been visiting Thailand for years, have lived in various places in Thailand and on a couple of the islands. I've done and continue to do the bars, I've spent a short time in the temple, lived out in the sticks for a while. I had a small girlie bar for a short time and think it would be fair to say I've seen a lot of things in the Kingdom. Whether I walk around with blinkers on or simply don't see it I've never seen anything I could think of as a farang engaging in under-age sexual grooming, activity with a minor. I know a number of guys who have small children with Thai girls and they say they are often stared at when out and about alone with their kids. In most cultures there is an underground sexual exploitation of children, the UK has a lot to be ashamed of in this regard. Why does Thailand get the bad publicity?

    If you go to Paris and don't want to see a red light district then don't go to montmatre of clignancourt or a few other quartiers. In Europe I could go all my life and barely be exposed to any red light areas. OK, in Amsterdam if one arrives by train it is difficult not to see but just blink and you'll miss it.

    In Thailand red light places are mixed with conventional places giving the impression that prostitution is everywhere when in reality it isn't.

    This isn't a complete answer but I feel it is part of the problem.

    • Like 1
  13. It is their country. They are free to exercise whatever religion they want. However backwards it may seem to normal people. Well done to the Sultan and his subjects. Enjoy !

    Coma. whistling.gif

    Who do you mean by "they" when you wrote "They are free to exercise whatever religion ...?" There was no "they" ... the sultan decreed it and so thus it will be.

    Do you think the Taliban are "free to exercise whatever religion they want?" They have made education of girls illegal. And outlawed music in any form, including punishing mothers who sing a lullaby to comfort a sick child? This is not hyperbole ... it's fact and it's going on right now in the Taliban controlled areas of Pakistan & Afghanistan. "Well done" to them also?

    Firstly, how do you know anything about the Taliban?

    I remember when they were fighting the Soviets and the Americans (and all her lackeys) called them great freedom fighters and broadcast reports of how human, loving and just they were. I saw a report of how they were always laughing and making jokes.

    Once they became the enemy the same media who betrayed them as great fellows began betraying them as horrid creatures who do the things you wrote in your post.

    Which version is true? Have you been there to see yourself?

    As for any of the acts you claim in your post none of them are Sharia.

    Oh ... I see ... you're the only one with credible information here. The Taliban consider it Sharia law under their particular brand of Muslim religion. And you did say "They are free to exercise whatever religion they want." So I ask again, do you also think the Taliban are also "free to exercise whatever religion they want." Or will your "answer" again be that I don't know what I'm talking about, but you do?

    No, I never said they are free to paractice whaterver......... you can't even understand this forum so please, stop trying to understand the world. Now finish your beer, pat your belly and let the big boys ponder politics.

  14. It is their country. They are free to exercise whatever religion they want. However backwards it may seem to normal people. Well done to the Sultan and his subjects. Enjoy !

    Coma. whistling.gif

    Who do you mean by "they" when you wrote "They are free to exercise whatever religion ...?" There was no "they" ... the sultan decreed it and so thus it will be.

    Do you think the Taliban are "free to exercise whatever religion they want?" They have made education of girls illegal. And outlawed music in any form, including punishing mothers who sing a lullaby to comfort a sick child? This is not hyperbole ... it's fact and it's going on right now in the Taliban controlled areas of Pakistan & Afghanistan. "Well done" to them also?

    Firstly, how do you know anything about the Taliban?

    I remember when they were fighting the Soviets and the Americans (and all her lackeys) called them great freedom fighters and broadcast reports of how human, loving and just they were. I saw a report of how they were always laughing and making jokes.

    Once they became the enemy the same media who betrayed them as great fellows began betraying them as horrid creatures who do the things you wrote in your post.

    Which version is true? Have you been there to see yourself?

    As for any of the acts you claim in your post none of them are Sharia.

    • Like 1
  15. Reading the comments here I see many of the members don't really know what Sharia law is.

    AND, if it is real Sharia it is only applied to Muslims who, by the fact of calling themselves Muslim, accept it.

    That said there is a lot of practice going around certain parts of the world that is being called Sharia which isn't even close to real Sharia law.

    It will be interesting to see if real Sharia will be implemented or something of a more political and extremist nature.

    I can see a certain number of "celebrities" calling for a boycott are lesbian/homosexual. Although these acts can be punished with death in real Sharia it is only if the act is displayed in public can anyone even be accused of a crime. In real Sharia no one has the right to invade a private dwelling so there is no way to check if anyone is homosexual or lesbian and the same applies about extra-marital sex. In other words it is only a crime if it is done in public.

    I hope they don't do a perverted form as is the case in parts of Iran or the Sudan.

  16. People who say maybe they don't understand English is just given a stupid excuse. Everyone knows how to say hello, or just a nod of the head. why make it such a big deal. No one is asking you to have a conversation with anyone.

    "just given a stupid excuse"? On this forum? No, not remotely possible.

  17. fun without alcohol...that is an alien concept...burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    (I actually stopped drinking and smoking a while ago.....but since then I am an healthy old grumpy cynic.....no belly, happy liver but no fun....

    No alcohol!? Who's the Pinko Commie Radical that came up with that idea?

    Actually I don't drink but I have often wondered how many heavy drinkers remain slim.

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