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Posts posted by healthbkkbkk

  1. Hi,

    My chest and shoulders are much larger than my waist and hips so my shirts must be tapered or they are baggy and look sloppy.

    Other than Zegna, the only tailor I have found in Bangkok that actually understands and gets it right is a smallish place next to Udom Suk BTS.

    If you are interested I could try to find the name and contact details. If you're driving then you would have to park at the petrol station about 50 meters from the shop.

  2. Fine. I'll just leave it at this: Just because the Court accepts the document doesn't mean that down the road a lawyer upon taking the case won't say that I wish you hadn't done it that way.

    There used to be a sign hanging in the American Car mechanic shops:


    $10 per hour

    $20 per hour if you watch

    $30 per hour if you've already worked on it yourself.

    Did you read my original post to know what I'm talking about? It doesn't seem so.

  3. It's a matter of finding a lawyer who is going to take on the aspects of your case(s) that you cannot do by yourself in a Thai Court and have to rely on the fact that everything previously filed was done properly such that down the road the lawyer doesn't find him/herself in an untenable position do to your unfamiliarity with the Thai legal system.

    There is an office and before one can file papers the staff go over it to make sure all is up to snuff.

    If it's wrong then they help one do it again.

    The judge also wont accept anything poorly writen and will send back papers until they are writing well.

  4. So the OP said that he was able to file many of the documents himself. From that I infer that he was not able to file all of the required documents himself. That means when he hires a lawyer to handle the court procedures and documents that he could not do by himself, the lawyer may charge more to review the documents the OP filed to make sure that they were properly executed and filed with the court, than if the lawyer had filed those documents him/herself at the onset.

    It's not a question of money, it's a question of honesty.

  5. About 7 years ago I spent 3 months in a 2/3 star hotel in Bangkok. During this time I got friendly with the staff and often went out with them on their days off, temple, Royal Palace, dinner on the Chai Phraya etc. I've kept in touch with all of them and often go to visit when in Bangkok. Apart from one or two, the staff is largely the same as when I stayed there. One of the girls left about 18 months years ago to work in a hi-so hotel on Sukhumvit. I'd call it sumptious, the Sofitel. She now never contacts her old colleagues. I have popped in to see her on a couple of occasions and asked if she wants to go for dinner to see her old friends but she point blank refuses. I go to her old hotel and ask if they've heard from her but I am just met with silence. I don't enquire any further. Either they had a massive row when she left or she is now hi-so and has left her friends behind.

    No one who works in an hotel is high society. perhaps her old "friends" had questionable habits she would best want to leave behind her.

    • Like 1
  6. I don't care if they're Muslims or Mormons, if it's wrong it's wrong and this is MASSIVELY wrong.

    How ignorant and opinionated the person should be to make statements like this?

    Stoning gays and adulterers? You are defending that as in any way NOT WRONG? This isn't grey area, dude.

    Funny these pitiful apologists for total evil calling me ignorant and brainwashed and a hater.

    What are the people throwing the stones? Angels?

    Give us some facts. You don't have any so don't you see you're simply a racist? Not caring if you are right or wrong but just caring about hating someone you know nothin g about.

    Change and your life will be better.

  7. Just an update:

    I have found a lawyer isn't necessary to file many of the papers one might need to expose to a judge.

    Yesterday and today I spent numerous hours filing myself. The judge signed off within an hour.

    I wonder why no lawyer ever mentioned this to me before as filing myself is absolutly free of charge.

  8. Not interested in further communication with a person who is just here to hurl ignorant insults and also to make apologies for regimes that stone people who aren't even real criminals. Cheers.

    Rubbish, I never insulted you but you have just lied about me.

    I suppose that's why you never give any facts; you think a lie is enough so no need for you to know any facts.

    Brunei hasn't stoned anyone so what are you talking about? You aren't coherent. None of the things you speak about or accuse me of have taken place; none of it is real.

  9. Any Islamic state with the type of Sharia law that codifies these kinds of stonings, etc.

    What is an Islamic State? What is Sharia Law? I know that you don't know these things.

    have you some kind of magic that shows you the future and you have seen stonings in Brunei? Of course not so what are you raving about? Stop the hate and allowing yourself to be brainwashed. Did washington share any of the trillions of dollars it has made in her brutal wars? No, so why allow them to control your mind?

    Enough said on this subject. Go your way in peace but as long as you hate you will know no peace.

  10. Some parts of France it's four.

    I did it many years, because I am French, I can tell you that I hate it now , too many kisses, and I am happy to see that it's not a thai tradition

    I have met hundreds of Thai people, I have never seen them kiss each other, even touch each other .

    last new year, I was with several thai women, and when I told them that in my country, when it's midnight, every body ( men and women ) kiss each other to say "happy new year ", they looked at me with horror; of course, when new year came, I didn't try anything ( I mean, no kiss, nothing ... )

    mais cher ami, this is life so take it with abandon.

  11. I was once donating to an NPO that cared for adused children.

    There was a girl, around 13, whose farrang step father was in prison for having relations with her.

    I thought that was horrible of course but one day this girl came to me and tried to seduce me.

    I now ponder at the true guilt of the step father.

    before those with big imaginations post their insults: even if the girl was willing and seduced the man it is still a crime and I do not condone it but did he really do it?

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    I would die at 30 degrees. I keep mine at 18 and it would be lower if the aircons could do it.

    I suppose the draft created by opening the windows would make things feel cooler than a thermometre would indicate.

    Keeping your aircon set at 18 in a country where the average temperature range is between somewhere like 24 - 36 degrees doesn't give your body any chance of acclimatizing. Aircon set the same in your car?

    18 degrees here all the time would make me ill, but everyone to themselves..................wink.png

    I've been here for 2 decades and feel no need to acclimatize. My car is as cold as I can get it.

    I might point out that many of my Thai friends live the same as I do albeit they do use a higher temperature setting on their aircons.

    I've done all the roughing it I need to do. Now I try to relax and be as comfortable as I can. I'm blond hair, blue eyed and have the whitest skin a person can have so no sun for me and my genes must be set to Cold Mountain Snow mode.

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