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Posts posted by healthbkkbkk

  1. Agreed but couldn't you say the same of any opiate related painkiller?

    you're up early (or late).

    Yes, the same can be said. tramadol was released as an over the counter drug in America because, supossedly, it takes a lot to become addicted. I don't know if that is true or not.

    That's why I am interested in Kratom but only if it is legal.

  2. glucose tolerance test is not necessary, and given the prior reading and assuming this was a fasting level, it meets the criteria for a diagnosis of diabetes.

    The only thing that would throw this result into serious question would be if it were not fasting i.e. if the OP had eaten or drunk something within the 8 hours prior.

    Accepted criteria for diagnosis are any of the following:

    hb1AC 6.5% or above


    fasting glucose (at least 8 hour fast prior) over 126 mg/dl


    glucose tolerance test with result glucose over 200 mg/dl, test must be performed in a specified manner


    clinical symptoms of hyperglycemia accompanied by a (non-fasting) glucose level above 200 mg/dl.


    Any one of these alone is sufficient to meet the diagnostic criteria, and the result reported by the OP is in no way surprising given his prior reading and age.

    That said, no harm in doing an hb1AC and he should certainly do them every 3 months until stabilized and then about every 6 thereafter.

    A GTT on the other hand is time consuming, expensive and unwarranted.

    General protocol dictates 2 positive FBT before a diagnosis of diabetes can be pronounced.

    Confirmed diabetes is different from a hyperglycemic crisis. Was the subject stressed and dehydrated, on medication, has an illness, were the machines calibrated correctly ......................

    If he has a doctor not trying to create another life long patient with the income that provides he will further investigate before pronouncing.

  3. "Don't confuse low carb with zero carb. Also the word "low" is a subjective description, not an absolute. Low carbs to one person could be high for another depending on their ratio of carb:protein:fat."

    I was going to say much the same thing when my browser froze.

    If you can get below 10% body fat and maintain a large, dense muscle mass without drugs then you're a genetic monster. I'm not saying you use anything because there are gifted individuals out there but what works for you would be ill-advised for a normal person.

    I was never in the in the body fat percentage game....wikipedia says 6-13 % for athletes (non bodybuilding) and bodybuilder at contests 2-4 %

    While surely very low 10 % doesn't sound impossible to me.

    It's under 10% WITH muscle. It is very difficult to do for 90% of humans. There are some people born with the genetic ability but those are few. usually people only get there with some chemical assistance.

    And you think the athletes have no muscles? And as you say for "very difficult to do for 90% of humans". Why do you think Tropo can't do something that is very difficult, if he is dedicated to do it. Beside it is not that difficult to have a lot muscle and drop below 10 % for a short time. And btw. he never told that it is without chemical assistance.....only we assume that, but it doesn't came from him.

    Please, don't address any more comments to me. You either didn't read what I wrote or you can't understand it. Hypertrophy under 10% but you don't get it so don't try. And BTW, no one serious uses Wiki as a reference source and I am talking about farrang bodies, not S.E. Asians.

  4. "If absolute monarchies are so great, why are there so very few left in the world ... and why have almost all of them been replaced with democratic governments? Also, if the people of Brunei are so happy why are so many protesting in the streets right now because of the initiation of sharia law?"

    I have done a web search and can't find any mention of the protests you mention. Can you provide a link?

  5. "Don't confuse low carb with zero carb. Also the word "low" is a subjective description, not an absolute. Low carbs to one person could be high for another depending on their ratio of carb:protein:fat."

    I was going to say much the same thing when my browser froze.

    If you can get below 10% body fat and maintain a large, dense muscle mass without drugs then you're a genetic monster. I'm not saying you use anything because there are gifted individuals out there but what works for you would be ill-advised for a normal person.

    I was never in the in the body fat percentage game....wikipedia says 6-13 % for athletes (non bodybuilding) and bodybuilder at contests 2-4 %

    While surely very low 10 % doesn't sound impossible to me.

    It's under 10% WITH muscle. It is very difficult to do for 90% of humans. There are some people born with the genetic ability but those are few. usually people only get there with some chemical assistance.

  6. It took me many, many years before beginning to understand when anger in public is acceptable in Thailand.

    I finally devised a plan that protects me from just about everything:

    I never go any place without my assistant and she takes care of any misunderstandings and in the more aggressive situations my driver is a very big man and very loyal to me.

    I usually don't run into a lot of trouble here but I did in the beginning before I understood how to live, survive and get along in this country.

    I am still a firm believer that when we are a guest in another country we have to adapt to their ways and when in doubt just smile and walk away.

    Do you have someone to wipe your bum as well?

    Not worth getting angry over any of the things the OP is talking about, uneducated Thais are generally rude as <deleted> when it comes to queues but then they can also be the nicest people in the world. Take a deep breath, smile and keep on going.

    From someone who calls himself "gooner" I'm not surprised by your attempt at making a comment.

    Making a personal attack based on my success in life speaks for your lack of success.

    I wonder if you would speak to me that way face to face? probably not because men with courage do not write nonsense like yours.

    It's kind of like the private who disses the Colonel for having a few privileges he doesn't. The Colonel has proven his worth and paid his dues. If the private is an equal man he'll get privileges one day too but then again, probably not.

    I'm amazed at the number of rude members here who make attacks for no motif other than to hear themselves speak and attacks on the internet don't prove manhood.

    • Like 1
  7. "Don't confuse low carb with zero carb. Also the word "low" is a subjective description, not an absolute. Low carbs to one person could be high for another depending on their ratio of carb:protein:fat."

    I was going to say much the same thing when my browser froze.

    If you can get below 10% body fat and maintain a large, dense muscle mass without drugs then you're a genetic monster. I'm not saying you use anything because there are gifted individuals out there but what works for you would be ill-advised for a normal person.

  8. I would die at 30 degrees. I keep mine at 18 and it would be lower if the aircons could do it.

    I suppose the draft created by opening the windows would make things feel cooler than a thermometre would indicate.

    I assume that you are house bound, most days are 30 or above outside.

    Not quite but these days I go out as little as possible. I go from my door to my car to the door of wherever I'm going.

    I've paid my dues so feel inclined to avoid some discomforts and for me the heat is very uncomfortable. I'm a winter person.

  9. There are many birds of different kinds and many men of different minds.

    Some of the interesting answers on this thread seem to have addressed a different question than the one posted.

    thailiketoo makes a very interesting observation in his last post *192 ;

    "I have never been insulted more frequently with more anger and ferocity than I have been here for challenging or fact checking people who think they are above fact checking or challenge."

    which could be related to the need to maybe vent or let off some steam on an anonymous forum because of all the suppressed anger and frustration that a "normal "Farang will come across in one way or another either on the roads as a driver or indeed in a line at some store.

    ​Of course I could be guilty of a little "Lateral" thinking here but surely there could be some truth in that the "Nasties" on here do seem to go a bit overboard in their sometimes malicious judgmental criticisms, maybe the two could be related to keeping their gobs closed on the one hand and on the other shouting the odds on this forum, on the other.

    For those who seemingly never ever read a post properly I will summaries what I have just written for the avoidance of any doubt;

    There maybe some on here, no names and no pack drill who can only get angry, rude and indignant when there is complete anonymity and no chance of any confrontation, in direct contrast to their acquiescent behavior in any given circumstance as outlined in the OP.

    Now for all the dissenters to my remarks please read the the question again in the OP;


    What does it take to make a person react to aggressive and rude behaviour?"

    I feel that the word react is exactly what happened with regard to some of the answers in this thread.

    very good observations and no doubt true in many cases.

  10. I do hope with all my heart that there are no foreigners living in this country, I know its there country but oh my the sharia laws are very cruel. It takes away every ones freedom is this what the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah wants,DOES it APPYL to HIM and HIS FAMILY, or are they above the laws,is just the ordinary people in his country that have to suffer

    No one will like or respect him or his family such a shame that he feels he has to have such barbaric law for his people, they would respect and feel more for him if the laws where strict with out the barbaric methods, I feel sorry for him to think he has to do this in 2014, the old ways should be gone and new ones brought in

    Poor poor man he can not have a heart or soul or care about people at all

    You look like another one who was educated via the television and action movies.

    If you want to know if there are foreigners there just do a web search.

    Now, since you're an expert, tell us all about Sharia and where you learned it and give us details so we know you aren't just repeating The BBC.

  11. I thought the low carb fad had all but vanished.

    Really? I would say the opposite is true and everyone is talking about it (where have you been hiding?).

    It's not a fad, but a seriously effective way to lose weight AND help your blood sugar levels at the same time.

    Somehow only half my post was published.

    I usually try to keep track of things and yes, low carb has gone out of style at least in the bodybuilding and athletic circles.

    Eat enough protein which is something many don't do and relatively expensive in Thailand. Eat enough good fats as well as enough of what most call the bad fats because without them the major hormones cannot be produced. eat enough carbs because without them, for unknown reasons, testosterone decreases and who wants that?

    Eat a little less than maintenance, increase physical activity and healthfully lose fat the way it has been done for tens of thousands of years.

    just my opinion.

    Low carb has not gone out of fashion. Everyone talks about it. Very effective too - got down to single digit figures with veins popping out everywhere on low carbs/high protein. It's the diet I would choose if I wanted to get very lean.

    If you have 20 kilos to lose would you do it all on a low carb? The viens showing is you being dehydrated as a low carb does that and most of us find veins to be unattractive.

    I'm thinking about the common person and not specialized cases. And who is talking about it? not the pros.

  12. I thought the low carb fad had all but vanished.

    Really? I would say the opposite is true and everyone is talking about it (where have you been hiding?).

    It's not a fad, but a seriously effective way to lose weight AND help your blood sugar levels at the same time.

    Somehow only half my post was published.

    I usually try to keep track of things and yes, low carb has gone out of style at least in the bodybuilding and athletic circles.

    Eat enough protein which is something many don't do and relatively expensive in Thailand. Eat enough good fats as well as enough of what most call the bad fats because without them the major hormones cannot be produced. eat enough carbs because without them, for unknown reasons, testosterone decreases and who wants that?

    Eat a little less than maintenance, increase physical activity and healthfully lose fat the way it has been done for tens of thousands of years.

    just my opinion.

  13. Is this a joke? Are you trying to explain why Sharia law is OK? <deleted>?

    I guess you are either intoxicated or don't know how to read yet I intentionally kept my vocabulary at a primary school level. Now do all the <deletes> you want but please get some education.

    Are you really just trying to pick a fight because you like fighting as many members here apparently do or can you really not understand what I wrote?

    All righty then. I was just trying to figure out if you're trolling or not. You've confirmed it for me, thanks. Nicely done. Keep on trolling. smile.png

    Dang, you're smart. Rather than addresse the questions at hand you pull out the "trolling" card. If Nixon had done that he would still be president but I guess he wasn't as intelligent as you.

    You're a hater and haters love to hate. It's almost impossible to take away what a man loves so there will be no taking away your hate, your racism nor the vilolence in your heart. If we're lucky some Muslim immigration officer will see this and that will be that.

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