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Posts posted by healthbkkbkk

  1. Many major hotels have Executive and Head Chefs who are foreigners, right? I am sure they must have work permits. You see their pictures in the Bangkok Post on an almost weekly basis.

    Yes, there are many but they are Chefs which is a highly skilled position that not only oversees the cooking and presentation but is also responsible for the menu planning and making sure the restaurant is making a profit. I just came back from visiting a Belgium Chef I know. These people are also paid at least the minimum required for a work permit. I believe it is 65,000 baht per month but I could be wrong. There are a few exceptions to this minimum salary such as teachers, journalists and missionaries unless things have changed since last I looked.

  2. Sigh. Anything to try to substitute some pill, magic supplement, or injection for the simple effort of actual dieting or of staying fit.

    What you say is true in a perfect world. For some there are verifiable medical reasons to administer medication. No ethical medical doctor would prescribe Testosterone if it wasn't necessary. My advice was to have a lab test performed to determine if testosterone levels were pathologically low. If they are that low then replacement therapy is the most reasonable course of action. Once the patient's health has recovered it is often possible for his body to recommence a normal production of Testosterone and medical intervention is no longer required.

    We left the Middle Ages long ago and there is no reason for anyone to suffer from a condition that medical science can alleviate.

  3. That testosterone is used up is a new theory to me......In my time at military they put us something in the drinks to prevent erections....When they later let us out on weekend it needed approx. 1 day till you could have sex again.

    Other than certain psychotropics and androgen blockers there is nothing that can be put in drinks to stop erections. That is a myth created when so many soldiers in basic training noticed they no longer had morning erections. They don't have the erections because the body has priorities and sex is below survival and physical repair.

    It's a simple question of Maths: testosterone is limited and it goes there where it is most needed. We need to repair our bodies but we do not need to have sex to survive.

    You can find all this information on the internet but I am very surprised you believe the myth about putting something in the drinks to stop erections. Anything that would really stop erections would also stop a lot of other functions and would render the man incapable of military training.

    It isn't a myth and I was for a long time there in the hospital, so surely not too much basic training. It was in the drink. In the times of my father at the army it was openly told and it was in the chocolate "Brom-Schokolade" was the term they used. He gave it his mother (who was beside female a widow). And in this time it was more than enough tested....by mixing it someone unknowingly into the chocolate cake, etc etc.

    It definitely happened and has no other side effects than being exactly the opposite of Viagra. It doesn't stop the desire only you aren't able anymore.

    Believe whatever you like but it isn't true. You are referring to bromide which is a sedative. It is impossible to give this to anyone without the person becoming sedated and incapable of performing military duties. Furthermore, prolonged use causes toxicity or poisoning. It is a myth.

    Why don't you just look it up on the internet?

  4. Quote: Wasn't it called SaltPeter... I thought it was added to food.

    Saltpeter is Potassium Nitrate and some people refer to Potassium Chloride as Saltperter as well.

    Potassium Nitrate has diuretic properties but does not cause impotence because if it did the world's population would be in a negative growth state. it is used in many foods as a preservative.

    It has been added to food for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

  5. That testosterone is used up is a new theory to me......In my time at military they put us something in the drinks to prevent erections....When they later let us out on weekend it needed approx. 1 day till you could have sex again.

    Other than certain psychotropics and androgen blockers there is nothing that can be put in drinks to stop erections. That is a myth created when so many soldiers in basic training noticed they no longer had morning erections. They don't have the erections because the body has priorities and sex is below survival and physical repair.

    It's a simple question of Maths: testosterone is limited and it goes there where it is most needed. We need to repair our bodies but we do not need to have sex to survive.

    You can find all this information on the internet but I am very surprised you believe the myth about putting something in the drinks to stop erections. Anything that would really stop erections would also stop a lot of other functions and would render the man incapable of military training.

  6. I keep meeting farangs in Thailand who profess to be Buddhist. The general consensus is that western religions are corrupt and hypocritical while eastern religions are pure and somehow better...probably just because they are different. The truth is they are all corrupt. Stories like this make me laugh because some people are actually horrified at the behaviour of these monks. The truth is that people are people, all over the world...and people are driven by instinct. Hiding behind a religion will do nothing to diminish the instinct.

    I have met many Occidentals claiming to be Buddhists too but when I ask the simplest of questions pertaining to Buddhism they know nothing about it.

    I don not believe it is possible to convert to a religion while not knowing anything, or just the basics, of that religion.

  7. Buddhism is a philosophy about how you live your life,..

    Are you a follower of this "philosophy" ?

    RandomSand do you think you can be a Buddhist if you don't even try to follow any of the rules set out by Buddha?

    Thanks wai.gif

    In Western Philosophy Socrates is generally given the laureates for developing the idea that if one truly believes then one practices what they believe. Can someone be a Christian if they do not follow the instructions of Jesus? Can someone be a Buddhist if they do not follow the rules? In other words one practices what one really believes so if one's practice does not correspond to the precepts of the religion one claims to belong to is one really a member of that religion?

  8. If you really want to know exactly where you stand you can get your testosterone levels checked at the hospital. I do this periodically by simply presenting myself to the hospital's lab and asking for my levels to be checked. I think it costs me 900 baht. The more abdominal fat the more likely one is suffering from low testosterone levels. Low testosterone makes losing fat more difficult but the more fat one loses the more testosterone one will have thus making losing fat progressively easier.

    If your levels are too low you could consider testosterone replacement therapy or taking an estrogen inhibitor such as Arimidex. Once your fat has been lost then the therapy may no longer be necessary. There are many hospitals and clinics that offer this therapy.

    This is the way I do it so I have no reservations in recommending it to others.

    I think also muscle training increases the testosterone.

    What I always worry is if you add testosterone the body produces less itself and you get more and more depending on the replacement.

    If the therapy is administered by a qualified specialist then one would probably not suffer from dependence and the therapy might only be needed short term until the fat is lost.

    I have done replacement therapy off and on for about 14 years. My doctor is very good and ethical; he will not give any patient more than the physiological dose that one's body would normally produce so no one is going to become a bodybuilder with him.

    Weight training, in moderation, does increase testosterone production but if done beyond moderation testosterone availability will decrease. There's a reason "musclemen" have a reputation for be under performers in bed.

    Well overdoing weight training leads to overtraining which has exactly the opposite effects of what we want.....

    That under performer in bed is a complete different story.....On steroids they a horny like a tree full of monkeys and surely perform perfect. But when they are off steroids they are lack of one testosterone and way too much estrogen and sexual active as a dead fish....

    Beside that in their testosterone time their nuts are shrinking....

    Even natural athletes and bodybuilders will have low serum testosterone levels during their training months. This is because the testosterone they have is being used up to recuperate from the training and the more muscle one has the more testosterone is used to maintain the muscle.

    There a reason soldiers in basic training don't wake up with erections: their bodies are adjusting to the new physical demands required of them and their testosterone is going to their muscles and not to the other body part.

    Take the middle way in everything. Not enough exercise and the body produces less testosterone. Do too much exercise and the body uses the testosterone to repair and other things like sex will have to wait.

  9. I'm of a certain age and where I come from it is customary for men and women to kiss on the cheek. Men also kiss each other on the cheek. It is also customary for women to swim at a pool or the beach topless and for nude advertisement in public. I find all of these things natural and non-sexual in nature but that isn't the case in Thailand and many other places.

    Kissing in public, be it with a wife or a kiss on the cheek with a friend, is not a good idea as Thais do not like it. We can debate the attitudes of the more Cosmopolitan minded Thais but it is still considered rude here.

    Where I come from men take great care in their personal hygiene and appearance. We dress well and wear Eau de Parfum and keep our hair style tidy.

    After years of Thais thinking I'm Gay I decided to concede and maintain a more casual look and my life has been better ever since. This is just to say "When in Thailand do as the Thais do".

    • Like 1
  10. If you really want to know exactly where you stand you can get your testosterone levels checked at the hospital. I do this periodically by simply presenting myself to the hospital's lab and asking for my levels to be checked. I think it costs me 900 baht. The more abdominal fat the more likely one is suffering from low testosterone levels. Low testosterone makes losing fat more difficult but the more fat one loses the more testosterone one will have thus making losing fat progressively easier.

    If your levels are too low you could consider testosterone replacement therapy or taking an estrogen inhibitor such as Arimidex. Once your fat has been lost then the therapy may no longer be necessary. There are many hospitals and clinics that offer this therapy.

    This is the way I do it so I have no reservations in recommending it to others.

    I think also muscle training increases the testosterone.

    What I always worry is if you add testosterone the body produces less itself and you get more and more depending on the replacement.

    If the therapy is administered by a qualified specialist then one would probably not suffer from dependence and the therapy might only be needed short term until the fat is lost.

    I have done replacement therapy off and on for about 14 years. My doctor is very good and ethical; he will not give any patient more than the physiological dose that one's body would normally produce so no one is going to become a bodybuilder with him.

    Weight training, in moderation, does increase testosterone production but if done beyond moderation testosterone availability will decrease. There's a reason "musclemen" have a reputation for be under performers in bed.

  11. If you really want to know exactly where you stand you can get your testosterone levels checked at the hospital. I do this periodically by simply presenting myself to the hospital's lab and asking for my levels to be checked. I think it costs me 900 baht. The more abdominal fat the more likely one is suffering from low testosterone levels. Low testosterone makes losing fat more difficult but the more fat one loses the more testosterone one will have thus making losing fat progressively easier.

    If your levels are too low you could consider testosterone replacement therapy or taking an estrogen inhibitor such as Arimidex. Once your fat has been lost then the therapy may no longer be necessary. There are many hospitals and clinics that offer this therapy.

    This is the way I do it so I have no reservations in recommending it to others.

  12. Animals much larger than human beings get painlessly killed every day, why it is beyond the technical capabilities of the Americans to do this to (sometimes innocent) human beings is beyond me. I really have the impression that they want to make the process as unpleasant as possible. Probably the guy that thought this up was terrified of needles. Solitary confinement for many years, never touching another human being in all that time... and it doesn't bloody well work as a deterrent, it is about revenge.

    Exactly! Veterinary surgeons use Nembutal (Pentobarbital) and the result is a peaceful and relatively quick death for the animal. I have never understood the need to administer this cocktail of drugs in prisons during the death penalty.

    I wonder if you can get hold of Pentobarbital in Thailand; sometimes we need to put down one of our hens and I can't bring myself to dispatch them with a knife.

    As I'm sure you know, pentobarbital is the gold standard for suicide. I truly hope you are not having any dark thoughts.

  13. There is no "My Buddhism is better than your Buddhism" The lessons are interpreted and lived, dependent upon the reader. I took vows in the Sakya teaching of Tibetan Buddhism and my wife is Thai Buddhist. Both of our beliefs also contain remnants of both her Isaan upbringing and my Pacific Northwest American background. The Buddha knew His lessons would be interpreted differently by region and taught lessons accordingly.

    I don't quite understand that last statement.

  14. About 10 years ago I paid 14 million for a house.

    The house still isn't finished and the project has been abandoned.

    I also paid 1.5 million to have furniture custome made.

    The furniture arrived but in such poor condition it can't be used.

    I'm not saying there is nothing you can do but I have learned to never pay for anything in advance.

    Apples and oranges again.

    Foreigners can not own land in Thailand, hence trying to buy houses in Thailand can never be recommended, UNLESS you are in the happy minority in a stable marriage with a Thai spouse.

    In case you missed the title of the post, the discussion is about condos, which foreigners can legally own freehold (up to 49% of any development).

    Well Gee, I guess you told me, didn't you?

    Now can you tell me the purpose of your comment as I see nothing constructive in it other than to add to your comment count?

    The point being that once the money is paid it is very difficult to recuperate it as a general rule ergo the same holds for a condo or house.

    Since you don't know me your silly remark about foreigners owning land is frivalous.

    Many companies building housing projects or condos will form a new company for each construction site. If this company changes hands, goes broke or is dissolved it is next to impossible to obtain any money from them.

    Now woukld you like to comment on the weather or the price of tea in China?

    Apologies, I misunderstood your purpose. As you responded direclty to the OP, it is indeed relevant.

    (In haste, I mistook your post for being one of those general anti-property-in-Thailand posts based on own or friend's bad decisions rather than actual reality.)

    It's already been forgotten; go in peace:)

  15. Congratulations. My children are the light and centre of my life (along with my Chihuahuas).

    Make sure your wife is getting all the nutrition she needs. Make sure she is getting a lot of protein but avoid milk and fish. Do not let her eat soy or soy products. The idea is to insure the fetus has as much exposure to testosterone as possible.

    Choose your hospital wisely and the doctor with even more caution.

    We made our home as baby safe as we possibly could; no sharp corners, took out the bed and slept on a mattress on the floor so there was no risk of the baby falling. Be careful when the child learns to walk but still crawls most of the time as he/she will crawl under a table and then stand up hitting his/her head.

    Start hiring nannies now because you might need to go through many before finding a good one.

    In our home we spoke Thai, Mandarin, French and English, My kids had no difficulty learning all of them and even as young toddlers knew the difference between the French bebe and the English baby.

    You will need to find a good pediatrician. The best we found were at Samitivej and Thai Nakaren.

    Get ready to go a long time without much sleep and accept that you will have to forget yourself and focus all your energies on the child for several years to come.

    Don't neglect your wife.

    I don't want to sound as it I'm preaching but I would be happy if you could avoid the mistakes I made. You will make mistakes too but as long as you are doing your best learn to forgive yourself.

    • Like 1
  16. I sent my children to a total of 10 different international schools in Bangkok and every one of them was substandard and nothing more than a business.

    They have been over-run by interest groups with religious or political ideologies who send their members here as teachers in these schools in order to gain access to children from wealthy families.

    I, and many other parents, found that home schooling is the best solution.

    We found a good home school who sent us the books and lessons and we hired teachers to administer the lessons in our home.

  17. From personal experience I feel it is my obligation to warn you of the dangers.

    We encountered a Pedophile Catholic Priest, North American Neocons, Christian Cults sending teachers over here to clandestinely convert students and of course the general lack of security and quality.

    Please be very careful.

  18. If you had asked me this last year I would have advised you to buy a Monochrome Laser printer (I'd go with Sansung).

    Since then I added an ink well to my Canon InkJet Printer and the quality and economy is superior to a laser.

    If you want to connect directly to a PC then I would suggest you buy an Epson with a factory installed ink well.

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