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Posts posted by darksidedog

  1. Regardless of who donated exactly what, the main thread I get is that this was a Muslim initiative, that assisted a Jewish issue.

    The next thing I take from this, is that there are good people from every walk of life and religion, who are at the end of the day just people.

    The average Muslim, Christian, Catholic or Jew is a good hearted, law abiding, respectful citizen.

    Sadly, the majority are often condemned by small minded bigots, who class the actions of a very small minority as typical of an entire group.

    I am sure far more murders were committed last year in America by supposed Christians than Muslims, but publicising that does not fit in with the agenda of right wing nut jobs.

    There are many things wrong with the world. This story shows there is hope for us all beneath the polluted surface, if you just stop and take the time to see it.

  2. 14 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

    I'm a grumpy old farang with a beautiful Thai wife and doting 14 year old step-daughter. You should see some of the looks I get when my daughter and I walk hand in hand through our local night market, even with my wife close by. The assumptions people make!  :annoyed:

    I have the same issues sometimes when I am out with my 16 year old son.

    I don't have to say or do anything anymore, as he will normally rip into anyone himself and tell them exactly what he thinks of their sordid mind.

    It is actually quite funny to see people red faced and squirming, having been rightfully bawled out by a kid.

    They normally get their bill and leave quite quickly.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Revolutionary said:

    I don't understand what all the fuss is about. They are illegally in the country. No different to Thailand penalising illegals or overstayers. Start with any that have committed a crime. 

    The fuss is that the US wants to send anyone illegally in the country to Mexico, even if they are not from there.

    Thailand will send illegals to their country of origin.

    Think of it in this context. If Thailand decided that it would send every person illegally here to the UK, to let them then send those people to their respective countries of origin, do you think the UK would agree?

    Of course they wouldn't. Sure, it makes life easy for America. Dump everyone in Mexico and let them have the trouble and expense of sorting it out.

    Mexico is absolutely correct in not agreeing with such a ridiculous proposal.

  4. Heartbreaking terrible news. My condolences to the family of the little boy that died and I wish a speedy recovery to the others.

    I didn't see any report of the driver being arrested.

    He has 20+ kids in the back and drives into a tree, at a fair old lick looking at the damage to the truck.

    Children being driven to and from school, or anywhere in fact, deserve to have safe transport and a compis mentis driver, aware he is carrying precious cargo.

    Taking the kids to a school isn't a time trial, though many of the Songtaew drivers seem to think otherwise.

    No excuses. The Driver needs to pay the price for what he has done.

  5. 17 hours ago, MarkusAUST said:

    Amazing Thailand!

    How can it be illegal to feed fish in the sea?

    Given the abuses the rivers and lakes in this country receive from pollutants and garbage, I really don't get it.

    Is this some insane move from the Government to ensure all tourists go to the surrounding countries?

    How is tourism going to rise with such lunacy everywhere, everyday?

    Poor woman must be absolutely shellshocked.

    So this happens and today we get a new story saying the waters around Thailand have incredibla amounts of pollution much of it washed down from rivers.


    Fish eat the garbage and the toxins in it, which is passed into the food chain.

    And where did the pollution come from? Thais throwing their garbage wherever they feel convenient.

    This is the real crime, not giving a few hungry fish a few bread crumbs.

    The damage this incident is going to do to the tourist industry is immense.

    Land of smiles? Land of the myopic, is more appropriate.

  6. Many Thais believe us Farang all have money trees at home that grow 50 Pound notes, which is why we are supposedly, stinking rich, which is why they feel no guilt at fleecing us blind.

    Having said that, this guy is a real lowlife scumbag. I hope he is caught and gets hammered by the courts. Utterly disgraceful.

  7. Reading the full article it seems Thailand is one of five nations collectively responsible for 60% of the flotsam found at sea.

    And that the toxins in that rubbish end up being eaten by fish. Most of it washed down from streams and rivers.

    Clearly there is a very real problem, that needs to be urgently addressed, though currently the culprits are getting away with it, largely through ignorance and a total lack of Government action.

    Now take this in context of the Russian lady thrown in the cells for 2 days and having to pay 100,000 Baht bail, for feeding a few fish some bread crumbs!

    Her arrest is totally ridiculous and unwarranted, as her actions were essentially harmless.

    Every scrap of rubbish on the island that washes in to the sea is far, far more detrimental, and that is the issue the authorities should be addressing.

    Of course, this is not going to happen, as that would require the Government to do something that made sense, and get Thais (and tourists also), to universally respect their environment.

  8. 11 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    You are right.

    but prohibiting her from leaving "lawful" Thailand (this way making her lose a lot of money), making her a hard time, put her in prison for two nights... What is this?

    may be not a penalty but a punishmenjt or better harassing and torturing. She deservse compensation money more than those incredibly wrong 100.000 Baht.




    Any time anyone ia arrested in Thailand for anything, the same thing happens.

    Pay bail, normally at a level totally disproportionate to the offence, and then stay in Thailand until the case is finished.

    Also, the system is unbelievably slow.

    84 Days for the prosecutor simply to decide what charges to file.

    Than if you plead not guilty, you can wait a year or longer to finally come to trial.

    Even if you win, the prosecutor may appeal, and you are stuck for even longer.

    It is a terrible, thoughtless and inhumane system, but it is the law and hundreds of foreigners are caught up in it every year.

    Sadly, it encourages a speedy guilty plea to get it finished quickly, even if you are innocent.

    This lady being arrested is one of the most crazy things I have heard of, but this is Amazing Thailand.

  9. He doesn't need to run.

    He is a diplomat and as such has diplomatic immunity. He can't be arrested. Sadly.

    He can admit to staging the whole thing and still be untouchable.

    The evidence is starting to stack up though, that he was assassinated on his half brothers orders.

    No one would touch him without his say so. The repercussions of doing so without the nod of approval would be fatal.

    Stuns me that America can invade Iraq and Afghanistan, but not touch this seriously dangerous psycopath, who represents as big a danger to world safety as anyone else out there.

    USA wont do jack. Too scared of upsetting China.

  10. 10 hours ago, volsfan said:

    Deleted the photos for space....


    Absolutely correct about that. In fact, in 2008 there was a hole in front of Tukcom from the pathetic repair work that swallowed my motorbike, tossed me over the bars and left me with a broken leg. 4 days in Pattaya Intl, and over 100K later, i left the hospital unable to bear weight on the leg for 4 months. Feel the discomfort of their incompetence every single day.


    This incident is no different. They have patched it up multiple times and it always returns. Little further up at Soi Regionland, it is so bad that the underground cabling is actually exposed under the road joint. 

    Yes, but why would they want to do a repair properly, which costs serious money. Thai logic says it is much better to deny the probelm, thus saving money.

    Then do a bodge job on limited budget, come back and do it again. Ang again.And again.

    Ends up costing 10 times more than an original good fix, but good luck in explaining that one.

    Cost of ownership will not be understood by a Thai.

    You can offer a girl 2,000 today or 10,000 next week and they will almost always go for the money today.


  11. This is becoming comical even for Thailand.

    Either go in and find out if he is in there or don't.

    Telling your adversary what you are going to do is not a wise strategy, as they are then prepared for you.

    This is not going to end well, so if they are genuinely detemined to get the fella, they should just bite the bulllet, do the raid and hope they don't completely bugger it up.

    PM seems quite capable of denying facts and lying through his teeth about everything else, so a few monks getting a little bit trodden on should be something his spin doctor can create plausible lies about.

    Then move on.

    I mean there are all sorts of villainous farang out there buying cheap knock off gear that should be high on the priority list of stupid things to do, that this is just delaying.

  12. 2 minutes ago, balo said:

    Not what I think , she was released after 2 days according to the article because she had no money . She had no money like most Russian tourists with a low income , they travel here on cheap planes from Eastern Russia. 

    She was released because a friend paid the bail.

    She can't leave until the case is finished. Passport is held by the court.

    While I am about it, not all Russians are on a low budget. Nor are all Indians, Iranians etc.

    Did you know you can't feed fish? Do you have 100,000 cash in your pocket when you are at the beach?

    I feel sorry for the poor woman. She thought she was doing something good, then a nightmare arrives.

    Totally avoidable situation. Just some stupid official reading the riot act, when a simple, "Please don't do that." would have solved the situation.

    I donm't see a poor/wealthy foreigner as the issue. I see a "Jobsworth" as the problem.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    So from Constable  to  Sergeant  in 3 months.....how does that work ?

    Pay the required fees. Or get daddy, who is high up to order it.

    28KG? I suspect some other coppers will be very unhappy, as that sort of quantity, probably had the hands of some senior police involved somewhere.

    Sergeantt piss- and- a- pong is in deep doodoo, unless his bosses come to the rescue, not only of him, but their merchandise also.


  14. Well we have seen this sort of thing before. Man found hanged with hands tied behind back.

    RTP will undoubtedly rule it a suicide, citing depression at not having a new iPhone or some other nonsense.

    Note that the scene is not cordoned off, and all sorts of folk are in the vicinity of potential forensic evidence.

    Maybe Ronald McDonald should become the new chief, so as to give them some ideas in line with their thought process abilities.

  15. Had they gone through with this stupidity, would they have forced a foreigner arriving without a phone to buy one?

    And what exactly would have stopped that foreigner from throwing the SIM card away as soon as he left the airport?

    And replacing it with one bought for them by a local at 7/11?

    Just as well they woke up and realised it was as stupid an idea as Donalds wall that the mexicans won't pay for.

  16. The ambulance was probably stuck in traffic behind some dumb self centred idiots who wouldn't pull over to let it through.

    I have lived and worked in many places. Even in India where traffic is awful they move aside for an ambulance.

    Here, probably due to the appaling level of road accidents, I see ambulances racing about almost every day.

    More often than not they are travelling at the same speed as the traffic, cos no one will pull aside for a few seconds to let them through.

    Absolute national disgrace, which the PM would be far better off addressing than worrying about a few phony goods in the market.

    My condolences to the family.

  17. 1 hour ago, gdgbb said:

    Whether I believe it or not, or whether you believe it or not, is irrelevant, prosecutions happen,  so "silly" doesn't come into it.  Not every offender is indicted, obviously, but neither does every fish-feeding offender get prosecuted, do they?



    Prosecutions happen for polluting do they? Can you give us some examples? Here in Thailand please? I would love to see these.

    Maybe if the regular prosecutions you believe are happening are revealed, it might encourage others to clean up their act. And their waterways.


    On an alternatvie note, I still don't get why such a minor act of feeding some fish a little lunch requires 100,000 Baht bail.

    The story in the paper gives no explanation. I mean it is a tourist, who really can't be expected to know.

    Someone with more than a handful of functioning brain cells might be expected to tell the lady, Please stop doing that, it is not allowed, and tell her why.

    To arrest her and throw her in the cells seems utter madness.

    I could understand it if it were a resident who was blatantly disregarding the rules whilst KNOWING it was illegal.

  18. Sickening story on so many levels.

    Mum is scared her new husband, who probably only married her to get close to the kid, will leave her.

    Would probably have been the best thing that could have happened.

    His family then threaten the girls family to try to stop very serious charges.

    Suggestions of Police brutality to extract a confession. Yeah, Yeah! I know that happens all the time.

    But it had been going on for 2 years and it took the extended family to bring it to light.

    I thought it was only us foreigners who could stoop to such disgusting levels.

  19. 28 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Perhaps people need to actually read the article rather than just the, badly written, headline. They're blaming the tour guides that take the tourists to these places, not the tourists.


    One hardly needs a tour guide to find knock off goods in Thailand. It is everywhere you look.

    You probably only need a tour guide to take you somewhere that has the real thing.

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