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Posts posted by darksidedog

  1. 1 hour ago, djayz said:

    Call me skeptical if you want to, but that story about his "mate" driving the bus doesn't wash with me. 


    However, the super intelligent, ever watchful and profession RTP probably have a search cordon around the area looking for him!

    This is probably not necessary, as the fella is undoubtedly a man of integrity, who is only wearing genuine, not knock off clothes, and is desperatley searching for the police station, so he can hand himself in.

  2. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    'The driver tells her to stop filming and erase the footage or he will sue her'


    Hmm, where did he get the idea he could sue someone for exposing his crimes? I wonder? 

    Defamation laws and Computer Crimes act.

    You can post something completely true and still be sued by the person you have exposed.


    Amazing Thailand.

  3. 6 hours ago, ukrules said:


    This is what I would like to know. Who made the arrest ? Why is it an arrestable offence ?


    Is it really an arrestable offence ?


    100k Baht bail - very excessive for something which on the surface would appear to be the equivalent of a parking ticket.


    Come to Phuket in Thailand for your luxury holiday in the sun spend some time in prison for feeding fish....


    The real crime is the state of Thailand waters and the dead marine life.



  4. Thai Public Transport drivers drunk. Thats not exactly news to most of us is it?

    I wasn't driving, my mate was, but he has done a runner. Seriously? And I don't know his name. Classic.

    In total contradiction to what the witnesses said.

    The only thing that puzzles me is why the Police didn't apparently breathalyse him immediately.

    One does not have to search too hard to see why Thailands roads are the second most dangerous in the world.


  5. Hmmmm! No ID, but a bag of cosmetics. Where then did the ID and other personal effects go?

    Sounds as though someone may ahve relieved her of such. If so, this may well be more than a suicide.

    Lacerations on the right wrist, but no mention of what caused them.

    Something here is very fishy.

    I would like to think the BIB will identify her and do serious background checks before making a determination of cause of death.

    I hope to win the Lottery too, but that probably isn't going to happen either.


  6. "Thepchai Yong, president of the Thai Broadcast Journalist Association, has led 30 media organisations in a fight against the bill draft out of concern that it would allow political powers to interfere in media affairs."


    Very valid concern. Bit late though. Thai Government has always interfered with the media.

    They are an Intenational laughing stock, but manage to keep the sheep here quiet by preventing the media from independently and truthfully doing their job.

    farang have no faith in Thai Media, and slowly the locals are getting that too.

    I have been handing in UK Newspapers to a Bangkok prision for a long time every month.

    I can no longer do so because "UK newspapers don't say nice things about Thailand."

    Sorry, but the truth is far more important than a Utopian pile of BS.

  7. "It said Thailand supported and valued freedom of expression and respected human rights in accordance with international practices, which was evident in the fact that the press can freely criticise the government."


    That single statement proves Amnestys case. In the recent Constitution referendum, people were prohibited from criticising the document.

    Only positive support for it was allowed. That isn't free speech.

    Thailand has a very heavily censored press. International Newspapers have had whole columns left blank when being printed here, if the material was sensitive.

    Amnesty are a pretty well respected organisation, whose reports are normally bang on the money.

    Dismissing it so lightly shows once again the Thai disdain for anything that shows them to be acting poorly.

    Can't lose face can we? Ignore it, deny it, and the problems will magically disappear.

    One wonders how widely this will be reported in the Newspapers and TV here? Methinks not a lot.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    "Why not publish that he saved many millions of dollars by financing his own  campaign and travel to avoid special interests." I don't know...maybe because that's a complete lie? According to FEC filings, as of the date of the linked article, Trump had just funded a little over $100,000 whereas donors had given $3.8 million, and Trump had loaned, NOT donated, $1.8 million to his campaign (http://ijr.com/2015/11/469588-donald-trump-keeps-saying-his-campaign-is-self-funded-but-that-is-just-not-true/). Trump's campaign spent a total of $322 million, of which he gave only $66 million, and of that, $11 million went back to businesses with his name on them (http://fortune.com/2016/12/09/donald-trump-campaign-spending).


    Manufacturing will NOT return. Those jobs are gone and they won't be coming back for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the inability of American manufacturers to absorb the increase in labor costs were those jobs to return. Additionally, as the linked article points out, manufacturing today bears little resemblance to the manufacturing that most of us are familiar with. New ways of boosting productivity, like robotics and computerization of jobs that used to be done by humans have meant the vanishing of what were once good paying, semi-skilled jobs. For example, whereas it used to be that most of the parts that went into a car built in Detroit were also made in Detroit, or somewhere in the US, now those same parts are manufactured all over the world at costs that American manufacturers can't compete with (http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21714330-they-dont-make-em-any-more-politicians-cannot-bring-back-old-fashioned-factory-jobs).


    Trump did NOT save $700 million on the F-35. Those savings were already in the pipeline. Trump just took credit for it (http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2017/feb/07/donald-trump/trump-overstates-credit-700-million-savings-f-35s/).


    "What is your bias?" My bias is against a so-called President who lies at every opportunity, then, when confronted with the facts, doubles down on the lies and claims "fake news", a claim which is then taken up by his fact-averse supporters. My bias is against people who swallow anything this proven prevaricator vomits up without so much as looking to any source that doesn't agree with his fabrications. My bias is toward anyone, President or otherwise, who lies, manipulates others, cheats, steals, and brazenly dares anyone to try to stop him; who refuses to pay workers and contractors what he owes, then just wears them down with legal costs; who bullies anyone who disagrees with him and threatens to sue anyone who exposes the truth about him. My bias is toward bowing to a coward who refused to serve his country, claiming bogus bone spurs that, miraculously, didn't keep him from playing athletics. My bias is toward a man who called on our enemy to help him by hacking into his opponents computers and who cuddles up to that same enemy for no better reason that to massage his overinflated ego. My bias is toward a so-called President who instructs his National Security Advisor to play footsie with our enemy to curry favor with them (anyone who thinks that Flynn had the cojones to show that level of independence has been sticking their head in the glue bag a bit too much) and then when the feces hit the fan, threw their "bag man" under the bus. My bias is toward having a man-child "leading" this country to ruin.


    Does that answer your question?

    Best post this week. Factually accurate, unlike anything Donald ever says and hits the nail on the head.

    Congratulations Sir, on a perfect response to a question posed by an ignorant fellow human being who one hopes has been uplifted by your brilliant reply.

    Oh and as to the ignorant chaps comment on nuclear Holocaust, Donald is way more likely to precipitate it than prevent it.

    Hey, Redneck Kabula. Smell the coffee! You have been lied to by a professional and have sucked it in.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  9. 4 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

    I don't want them in the men's room either.  How about if we just made a third one with a question mark on the door?

    Yeah! That's a real smart idea, eh?

    Transgender people are trying to fit in with how they feel sexually, but you would have them highlighted as "seriously different."

    How exactly does that work? When I was a kid, we had ONE black kid in the school.

    We didn't make him use a "?" bathroom.

    Please people, try to get your brain functioning before you make posts that are almost as stupid as the ones we get from the PM and the Head of Pattaya Police.

  10. 5 hours ago, chenierkmer said:

    If you were born a man use a men's room , if your were born a woman use the woman's rest room . Enough said you think if I had a daughter I would won't her to see a dong .

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    As stated above, it is not that simple. Some Transgender "boys" will in course of time, not have a "dong."

    And some transgender girls will.

    I would suggest given the total lack of understanding your comment shows that she would see one every day at the breakfast table.

    Assuming you were up of course.

    Oh, and check your spelling please. I believe you meant want but wrote won't.

  11. 4 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    Sadly, over the last few years the BBC has lost its impartiality and accurate well researched journalism.

    Not to the extent that its reporting in this case was not entirely on the nail.

    It reported it correctly, accurately and pointed the finger at those who had even admitted they had done wrong.

    I will believe a story from the BBC every time over Fox propaganda, or even the Bangkok Post.

  12. The whale heard it could get a free meal from Russians at the beach, but later starved to death, as inexplicably, the practice has suddenly stopped.

    Its navigation system was a cheap knock off it got from some market, frequented exclusively by foreigners, which left it unable to find alternative sources of food in the seriously polluted sea.

    Tourists in pattaya, who had come there solely, for the purpose of catching a glimpse of this wonder of nature, had to instead go and shag some prostitutes.

    Fortunately, thye were to be found on every street corner, despite inexplicable deinals from the local Head of Police.

    The Prime Minister considers Foreigners totally responsible for the Whales death, as Thai people couldn't possibly have done such a thing.

  13. 11 hours ago, harrry said:

    But they can.  They are a threat to the US and have no right to remain there.  They have no permission to remain in the US.  The same as here if you have no permission to remain you are detained at an immigration facility till you deport yourself.

    Every one of the 11 Million people who have sneaked into America over the last 20-30 years and all their families and children are a Threat?

    Seriously? To Who? Children who were born there, and know no other place are a threat?

    Did you think your comment through?

    Immigrants, which incidentally is what built America, go there looking for a better life. Exactly what the Pilgrim Fathers did so may years ago. If they arrived today they would be thrown in jail and sent home!

    Trump and his right wing fascists would have ignorant people confuse these generally honest, hard working people with terrorists, who are an entirely different animal.

    Popular policy with the ill educated Redneck "They're takin our jobs." voters, but in reality, the overall majority of the 11 Million present absolutely no threat to America.

    Many of them take the shitty low paid jobs the average American won't do.

    So fine, deport them all and then wonder why you have no nannies for your kids and your garbage hasn't been collected for three weeks.

    You try to have the rats feasting on youir garbage eradicated, but the pest control company has no staff. They all got deported!

    These things should be thought through properly, which is not happening.

    Knee jerk reaction by someone out of their depth, desperate for approval ratings.

  14. 48 minutes ago, Gary A said:

    Why is there a big question about illegals in the US? Why should the US be so different from other countries? If I come into Thailand illegally across  one of the unprotected borders, what happens if I get caught? I don't hear anyone complaining that I got put in jail and then deported. Just because the bleeding heart politicians say how unfair it is in the US, is it really unfair if you compare it to other countries?  In some countries you would be shot.

    How about if your parents came here illegally and you were subsequently born here. Grew up here, went to school here, then University for your degree.

    You get a job, start paying taxes and then get deported for being "illegal."

    Would you accept that happily? Or would you complain? Or maybe you think that is fair?

    That is what is being talked about here.

    What would you do when you were sent to a country you had never set foot in, in your life?

    Where you know no one, and have no relatives or friends and maybe don't even speak the language?

    Do you still think this is a fair policy?

  15. Thailand is having a tough week.

    Police shooting innocent folk, PM saying farangs are responsible for so much counterfeit goods, ladies arrested for feeding fish, untold pollution in the waters caused by rubbish in rivers, Pattaya top cop saying people only go there to look at nature.

    And that only scratches the surface.

    I wonder how this will impact the next TAT report on rising tourist numbers.

    The only reason I can see for people still  wanting to visit, is to see with their own eyes, the amazing things they are hearing at home, as most probably can't believe it can possibly all be true.

    Thailand should publish a book called "How to shoot yourself in the foot and make it sound like a success."



  16. 12 minutes ago, sandgroper2 said:

    Tied behind his back??? 


    Tied behind his back!  Stop talking rubbish.

    The previous occasion that is exactly what it was, and that is what i was talking about. A foreigner in Chiang Mai I believe.

    Nowhere in the article above did it specify where his hands were tied, only that they were.

    hope that clarifies it for you.

    The scene being compromised is as I wrote. Police didnt say they were looking for anyone in connection with it, which suggests they are thinking of suicide..

    fail to see how the comment was rubbish.

  17. And this is exactly how a bunch of shysters managed to get rid of Andrew Drummond.

    They piled numerous spurious complaints against him, becasue he was revealing who these con men were, and what they were doing.

    Each rubbish complaint required hundres of thousands of baht in bail, and they kept doing it until he ran out of money and had to leave to stay out of jail.

    The BBC is known for its impartiality and accurate, well researched journalism.

    Thieves do not like being brought into the spotlight, and this is simply an attempt to shut Jonathan up, so they can continue to screw people over.

    I agree that Thailands laws on defamation and Computer crimes are utterly absurd and really only benefit, in their current form, predominantly those the laws are supposed to protect the innocent public from.

  18. 2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Hundreds? I'd say there are no more than half a dozen places like Club 4 which operate as daytime brothels, unless you count soi 6 which has also been targeted.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Half a dozen? You should get out more. I am aware of a lot more than that, within a mile or two of my house.

    And before anyone gets on their high horse, just because I know of them doesn't mean I continuously frequent them, for more than a beer or two with friends.

    Doesn't mean they aren't there though.

    I also noted

    "Daily News said that establishments like this were damaging the image of Pattaya in the eyes of the world, with the Thai news media referencing the story in the Mirror that has caused authorities at the resort to scurry under pressure from the government."

    So, it is only the fact that a UK paper ran a story that they now care? I mean it isn't as though they weren't aware of them before is it?

    It is only because it is revealed to the world that they are scurrying around, desperatley trying to save some face.

    Pattaya is what it is, and I do not see the whole thing shutting down overnight because of a few raids, the like of which have been going on for ages already with little impact.


  19. "Witnesses said that a ten vehicle pile up on the Sisaket bypass yesterday was caused by a pick-up truck that stopped suddenly to make a U-turn. "



    The pile up was caused by nine cars travelling too quickly, too close together and not paying sufficient attention to what was going on ahead of them.

    The only one I have sympathy for is the lead car that got hit in the rear. He at least had kept sufficient distance between himself and the car making the U-Turn not to hit it.

    The rest of them should be charged with driving with undue care and attention. they are all very lucky no one was killed.

    I was travelling to Pattaya from Bangkok on Tuesday and was pooing myself at the crazy and dangerous tailgating of other vehicles by our driver.

    I will never use that guy again, though most of the rest sadly are no better.

  20. 5 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:



    People should not destroy the natural habitat.  The warnings are there. She was warned.


    You are one of the few who sees the big picture.


    Yes they are. Same idiots who destroy the natural fauna and coral destroy the opportunity for others to see it.


    The Police did not stop this  woman. It was the  Marine and Coastal Resources Department  who have been under  pressure to stop this activity. Critics have short memories. 


    Do you feel the action taken was justifiable?

    Would not a warning and a request for her to cease what she was doing more appropriate, along with an explanation of why?

    How far apart are the warning signs? Every 10 metres or one at each end of the beach?

    I do not believe for one second that she deliberately tried to endanger the coral or the inhabitants.

    The measures taken were draconian by most peoples judgement and totally unwarranted.

    If the habitat is indeed in such danger, it should be very clearly explained to every visitor, prior to them being allowed near the water.

    Only after this should any action be remotely justifiable.

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