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Posts posted by darksidedog

  1. There seems to be a consistent (though flawed), logic here. Farang are supposed to pay ten times more to visit Krabi national park than locals, so the PM simply wants us to pay ten times more for our goods too.

    I don't for one minute think though, that if the tourists stop buying fake goods, that the whole industry will just collapse.

    I was in the market last week, with knock offs all around. There were a lot more Thais there than foreigners, so obviously just another stupid train of logic thought up by a stupid person.

    I wait with baited breath for the next nugget of pear shaped wisdom to emanate from the Ministry of Half Wits.

  2. Oh! This is too funny.

    So the tourists are to blame for all the knock off goods? Thai people don't buy them, is that what he is trying to say?

    I can really see your average taxi driver saying to his customer ,"Ooo! Don't go in there mister. Let me take you somewhere where you can pay ten times more!"

    Especially given that all the "labels" are often made in Asia, so the knock off price is actually the fair one.

  3. " There were also concerns from the Tourism and Sports Ministry that the scheme could severely damage the tourism industry. "


    Common sense finally prevailing. It was a pointless exercise anyway. Any person intending to do something dodgy would simply get a Thai to buy a SIM for them, so easily circumvented.

    Very little gain for much expense and inconvenience.

    I was a little surprised such a dumb idea got off the ground in the first place.

  4. Just now, ocddave said:

    I have a nasty attitude towards criminals, so basically if this happened to me, justice would be served one way or the other.....I don't care if takes me 20 years to recover and get back on my feet, they would both be dead. So when I look at it that way, what difference does it make, really? And are there no self-defense outcomes allowed in Thailand? I find that hard to believe, so  two guys can swing a machete at me, but I am not allowed to kill them in the ensuing brawl?

    Pretty much correct. No. you can't. At least not by pulling out a gun it is illegal to be carrying.

    Might sound nuts, so welcome to Thailand.

    If you beat them with your bare hands, you might get away with it.

    Otherwise, reread the previous posts. It will be murder. You will go to jail.

    Not sure how much clearer we can be on this.

    I don't like criminals either, so you do have my sympathy on your attitude, but your posts are really not helpful.

    Many people do not survive 5 years in a Thai jail, let alone 20, so you would probably be dead too.

    I am dropping this line, if you don't get it now, you probably never will.

  5. 6 minutes ago, ocddave said:

    I guess the alternative is being a victim, and sitting in a hospital with machete wounds...or better yet, a morgue. I would rather live to tell the story, then to just become another statistic, "foreigner killed again".....forgotten tomorrow.

    You can live to tell the story in a Thai jail then.

    Don't get me wrong. I understand your sentiment, but this is Thailand and it is just not going to go down well in court.

    Did you read the earlier post?

    Killing a thief here is Murder. End of story. No ifs, buts and maybes. You WILL go to jail. And it will be Murder.

    Thais do not like a body count, regardless of the circumstances.

    You should understand this quickly, as if you practice what you preach, you WILL be forgotten as you rot in the jail.

    I hope this has clued you up to reality and this is the end of the conversation.

    If you don't believe me or the previous poster, go ask some lawyers, who will tell you how mistaken your theory is.

  6. Just now, ocddave said:

    Since when is protecting yourself murder?!

    This is Thailand. You shoot two people you ARE going to be charged, you are going to jail.

    And bail will be very difficult and very expensive.

    Maybe, if you are real lucky you will get a manslaughter conviction and only do 10 years.

    After waitying in jail 2-3 years for your trial to finish.

    Self defense might work in England or America, but not here.

    Bear in mind, you can NOT carry a gun. Even if licensed, it must be kept under lock and key, in a safe or a gun club.

    This is not Rambo country.


  7. 2 minutes ago, ocddave said:

    I think the only answer is to get your own weapon, make sure you bring a gun to a knife fight though, then the ending to this story would have been poetic justice.

    I fail to see how a Canadian being charged with two murders would  be poetic justice.

    Did you think that comment through?

    Encouraging people to go about their lives "tooled up" is really not intelligent.

  8. Very sad. Very stupid. At 12 months per item, he will at least have plenty of time to reflect on how dumb he is.

    Assuming of course he survives the prison, which definitely is not serving halal food, and is just a little overcrowded and full of really nasty infections.

    In theory, he can pay 11 times the cost to Big C, if they accept, to finish the problem, but to do this to start with suggests he is a serious loser, who should not have been allowed to leave home and probably can't pay.

    Fair play to the Security who spotted this retard.


  9. I once saw a Thai girl pulled off her moving bike by two scumbags trying to steal her gold necklace.

    They failed, but she broke her neck when she hit the ground. I got the Bike number including the Thai letters and gave them to the police.

    Sadly, I don't know if they caught the lowlifes or not.

    Street theft of gold is becoming something of an epidemic though, so I hope the Thai Courts will start to dish out some EXTREMELY punitive penalties to try to persuade people to stop it.

    Especially when people are hospitalised as a result of their actions.

    You should not end up in hospital or crippled from jewellery worth a pittance in the bigger picture.


  10. A needless and very sad death, brought to us by bad taste reporting.

    I, along with I suspect most people posting, have on various occasions, been so unbelievably drunk that I have crashed out in some unusual places and poses, with little or no memory in the morning.

    Yet some seem to think his demise a good opportunity for jokes in as poor taste as the photo.

    Let he who is without sin, and in this case, never been blind drunk, throw the first stone.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jonmarleesco said:

    I trust sympathy isn't expected. Not in the face of such crass ignorance and blind stupidity.

    I'm sorry, but your post leaves me shocked.

    Are you saying you have no sympathy for the kids poor parents?

    Are you suggesting they condoned and were in full knowledge of what he and his friend were doing?

    And decided to just let them carry on?

    They will be mortified at such a loss. I just hope they don't read your post.

    Kids are stupid and ignorant. Even ones from Europe. That is what teaching is about.

    I just hope other kids in Thailand learn from this tragedy, and that you are never left in the position of this poor kids parents.

    Maybe you will remember your words if you do.


  12. The death of a child for whatever reason is always incredibly sad.

    I, for one send my commiserations to his undoubtedly devastated parents.

    One can only hope that something can be learned from this tragic loss of life, to try to prevent its reoccurrence.

    Children do not adequately understand the dangers, and they need to be told this act can kill you.

    Perhaps the Supermarkets should address their policy of whether to sell such potentially lethal products to minors.

  13. " Yingluck’s civil lawsuit responded to an executive order issued by the Finance Ministry seeking Bt35 billion in damages from the former prime minister, an estimated 20 per cent of the losses from her government’s corruption-plagued rice-pledging scheme. "

    So both sides want money from the other and neither case will reach resolution for years to come, due to the inept court system.

    You would like to think that someone would be trying to chart the future for the country, rather than squabbling over who managed to slide a bigger slice of the illicit pie onto their plate.

    I don't think anyone outside the brainwashed masses trusts any of them, and their antics just add to the comedy.

  14. 4 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    If u were a leader of a group or sect of ppl, then when the authorities come, u should step out 1st n stand in front of your disciples n protect them from any harm. Not that I am a Christian, but at least in the bible Jesus stood out n protected all his disciples n gave himself up when Judas betrayed him.

    Any leader that hides behind his followers n not lead by example is not worth following.

    I remember during my army training when we had to disembark from the helicopter, the top ranking officer always has to alight 1st even in enemy fire n lead his man out to battle.

    Yes, but you are talking about people with honour, courage and steadfast dedication to their fellow man.

    This is a story about a suspect in a 1.2 Billion Baht scam.

    Corruption tends to dilute peoples morals in general, to the extent that sending out brainswashed muppets to fight your battles would not seem amiss.

  15. 4 hours ago, nahkit said:

    Probably they want more proof than one monk coming out and telling them he's not there.

    "Police declined to comment on a report in the Bangkok Post newspaper that Phra Dhammachayo escaped the monastery on the first day of the search."

    More than one monk it seems. Countries most respected newspaper think so too.

    I concede no one can prove conclusively where he is till he is found, but, wouldnt it pay to spread the net a little wider, just in case he has slipped the cordon?

  16. "Meanwhile the DSI was giving protection to a senior monk after he decided to come out on order of authorities.

    The defected monk reported to tell authorities that Phra Dhammachayo has already sneaked out of the temple since February 16. He was accompanied by his aids and doctors.

    The defected  monk said he could never return to the temple again after his disclosure.

    DSI chief Pol Col Phaisit Wongmuang did neither deny nor confirm the monk’s disclosure but said DSI has information already."


    If they have information that Phra Dhammachayo has done a runner already, why are there still thousands of police and army there?

    Wouldn't they be better off spread around the countryside looking for him elsewhere, thus preventing more injuries to all sides?


  17. " the revisions would have no impact on people in general.  "

    And yet they are being kept hush hush for now.

    So who is it going to have an impact on?

    More power for the elite? More cash for them too? Less accountability?

    If it is all above board why do the details need to be kept away from 'people in general?"

  18. 4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I see stuff like this all the time here in Pattaya.  Too bad we don't have roving police patrols like other countries do. 

    Agreed. Plenty of police stops to relieve motorists of money for minor infringements, but never do you see dangerous and stupid driving addressed and there is plenty of it everywhere, every day.

    And until we do, the death toll will continue to rise.

    Believing you will be reincarnated and come back in a better life doesn't help promote careful driving either.

  19. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    If you are like me, who doesn't believe a word that is spoken from the powers above, then you would believe that Thailand as a whole has been on the nose from tourist all around the world, as news travels fast on social media, just one incident in Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, could throw off any intending tourists who have never been, and I would suggest that is why the numbers are down and have been down for years, Thai's have been digging their own graves far to long, as the Greeks did in the 80s-90s, what goes around, comes around, Karma.

    Indeed. I have worked here as a prison visitor for many years and have seen some real horror stories.

    When each of thsoe screwed over folks went home, they tell their story and you can cross 100 people off the list of potential visitors.

    For many years I have felt the cops were killing the goose with the golden eggs.

    Tourist numbers in Pattaya seem to suggest that payback has arrived.

    I just wonder if this was an isolated incident, or if they have finally woken up.

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