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Posts posted by darksidedog

  1. 3 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

    Why shouldn't he be charged if he was in fact driving recklessly? Say for example, this occurred in Australia and he was found to be driving recklessly, which caused the death.  That being the case would be charged there as Im sure it would be the same in many other countries.  With so much open water, very hard to hit another vessel, unless you are in fact driving too close or playing stupid games. 

    How about the Jet Ski rental company?

    Were they insured?

    Did they give adequate instruction on safety and driving?

    Were their staff properly trained in First aid and emergencies?

    Probably not on all fronts.

    Here you have two young people, who generally believe themselves bulletproof at that age, having a wonderful time and getting carried away.

    In the same way that a learner car driver doesn't understand the handling and turning cycles of their vehicle, nor will a novice jet Ski rider.

    Yet anyone, even kids can rent one and howl off on full throttle. Unlike many countries, you don't need a licence here.

    The Jet Ski industry and its profit before safety, is the real villain.


  2. If they are not going to accept the Insurance, why sell it to them in the first place?

    Utterly disgraceful, and I hope, probably in vain, that Central Government will pick up on what may be practice in a single area.

    Bearing in mind that the Thai Constitution itself, states that every person, regardless of race, origin or religion shall be entitled to the same level of medical care.

    This county has a tendency to ignore, partially or wholly, inconvenient laws, especially if it involves money.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    His executive order IS the law and will prevail eventually.

    Hmm! Not quite so. He has the power to stop any aliens entering the country when it can be shown there is a definitive risk of that person being a danger.

    A blanket ban does not comply with this, as it also stops those who are not a danger.

    Being President gives you an awesome level of power, but it does not put you above the law.

    But worse, to criticise a judge because you don't like his ruling?

    That is just disgraceful. And it is the second time he has done it.

    He previously said the judge in the Trump University case was unfit to oversea the case because of his Mexican heritage. Despite him being born in America.

    Meanwhile over 1.8 Million people in the UK have signed a petition to revoke his State visit.

    Clearly British people can spot a piece of shit when they see it.

    God help America.

  4. 21 hours ago, The man from udon said:

    So the ladyboys have spent the 150,000b in two days? Should make them tell them what shop they sold it in and go get it back off the shopkeeper who would know 100% that a ladyboy with any gold will be stolen gold.maybe then the shopkeepers would be more careful and not be the greedy fence/receivers that they are.ive been in a shop and seen a ladyboy with a chain and camera with no charger/accessories and acting really shifty.

    The pawn shops do not care. They know that most of what comes through their doors is stolen, but are pretty much untouchable..

    They pay a fraction of the true value, and good luck trying to get it back, even if you find out where it went.

    Even if you call the cops and have receipts, you will still have to pay, with interest, to get the stolen property back.

    Tell me when you have ever seen a news story of a pawn shop busted for receiving stolen property.


  5. 7 hours ago, chrisinth said:

    " A concerned member of the public called the Udon cops to a rented room in Pracha-uthit Road where they found the suspect"


    Sometimes the answer is in the OP.......................;)

    A concerned member of the public?

    Very rare animal in Thailand.

    Someone who wasn't being paid or who smells US Dollars, is far more credible.

  6. 8 hours ago, manarak said:

    nope, it is simply illegal because the law explicitly states the lower age limit for prostitutes is 18.

    I thought prostitution was illegal in Thailand.

    What the law actually says is that the legal age of consent is 15.

    However, sex for those aged 15 band over but under 18, is illegal if it is being paid for.

    Hence, had the girl said she loved the fella and wasn't being paid it would all have been okay.

  7. On 1/29/2017 at 1:57 PM, imaderbyfan said:

    I cannot access the highighted original source.......

    Condition of tyres seems to be the key,   though I dont suppose we will ever be told........And should they be found to be a probable cause for this accident, will anyone be held accountable anyway?

    "While on the way back to Bangkok, he claimed that one of the front tires burst and because the inner lane of the road was under construction, making him unable to control the bus which skidded, flipped and overturned."

  8. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    Agree.. should apply to everyone.. red bull springs to mind. But this is a start. 

    Disagree. Many In Absentia hearings happen without the defendant even having been informed of proceedings.

    At that point, you are deprived of your right to have an attorney of your choice represent you, and the court will appoint the first Muppet they can find.

    In Absentia Hearings are a very bad way to dispense justice.

    This is why you rarely find them in civilised countries.

  9. So, the only reason why Transparency International (A Globally recognised and respected, impartial organisation), downgraded Thailand is because of slightly different, though unconfirmed in this article, criteria, means it doesn't matter and shouldn't be considered important? Seriously?

    While I felt shortly after the Coup that things were improving, it was only a brief respite.

    Previously Thailand was 76th. That is a pretty shit ranking and should be telling the Government there is a problem. A serious one at that!

    It gets a lot worse and it is only the criteria to blame, not the people grafting?

    Does this buffoon think that you can spout any old lie or sad excuse and everyone will swallow it?

    Why was he not promising to address all of the issues and the criteria to improve the situation?

    I found this comment almost as stupid as the one by the PM, that Thai could end up being the Lingua Franca (Common world language, currently English), of the world.

    That will only happen when everyone outside Thailand is dead.

    Corruption inside Thailand will probably end when everyone inside Thailand is dead.

  10. 8 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Quote article:- The report said the decline in ranking partly resulted from the current repression, the lack of independent oversight, and the deterioration of rights, which weakened confidence in the country. - end quote


    Unfair report. Not reporting the vast inprovements the present government has made on ending corruption but instead focusing their corruption report on the coup.


    The road to reform and the restoration of a fair, democratic election without vote buying or benefiting the financial status of one family. Is this not an improvement on corruption?

    Ending what corruption? Sure, right after the Coup, the cops were nowhere to be seen. I actually (stupidly), thought a change was coming. Now it is worse than ever. The "fines" are up as now you have to pay the army and the cops. I just had to pay 1,400 Baht today to get my sons bike back from the cops for a no helmet ticket. 500 baht. The extra 900 was not documented, no receipt for any of it.

    The excuse was "Must pay army for move bike." 900 Baht for a 500 meter move?

    Corruption across Asia is endemic. People on low pay see a chance to make a bit extra that someone else was making already and they take it. Now the cops and army are buddy buddy, so it is going downhill, and fairly reflected in the new rankings.

    The people compiling these lists are not stupid.

    We can all bleat and moan, but it is not going to get better quickly. Singapore has the right idea and when countries get serious about tackling corruption that should be their role model.

    I believe there is neither the will, nor the ability to deal with it here. The "haves" will resist every move to put them into their correct pay and lifestyle bracket.


  11. 3 hours ago, Geoffsilverfox said:

    Would someone please tell me what a '' Wolf of Wall Street-style boiler room scam'' is?

    There is a movie called Wolf of Wall Street with Leonardo di Caprio who runs a dodgy Financial company. He has guys on the phones to anyone and everyone, milking them of cash. So selling people dodgy or non existent shares is the scam. The term boiler room comes from the typical operation being overcrowded, unprofessional, and cheap.

  12. 7 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    the shooter looks like Thai. I might be wrong but it was my impression when I watched the video of the murder

    The Registration number of the bike is different from the original report too.

    It was firstly 7992 now 1ขล7994

    So is this bike the one used in the murder and they got the number wrong?

    Or is it a stolen bike that has been found and the renters did the off to avoid having to pay for a new one?

    I mean renting a bike in your own name for a murder really isn't bright.

  13. 4 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    if these 2 guys turn out to be the culprits, then good work by the Thai police to track them down so fast.

    They wouldn't be the first to have their rented bike stolen, sometimes by the renter, and fled to avoid the trouble and being persuaded to pay for a new one.

    I know of more than one person who has done exactly that. Next plane to anywhere, one way please.

    Renting a bike you will use in a murder, with your own documents really doesn't sound too smart.

    Some evidence that puts them at the scene would go a long way to resolving doubt..




  14. 10 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Sounds like someone really wanted to make sure he was dead. 


    Whether suicide or not. 

    Made me think. 73. Girlfriend. Not a bar fine job for the night then.

    OK, you not want see me. OK

    That's it? From a girl here? Seriously? No more money?

    And girlfriend doesn't have a key for the pad?

    And only bothers to knock on the door once? In all that time?

    I sure hope they do a toxicology report, before they rule it as suicide.

    I'd check to see if anything is missing too.

  15. 11 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I have always found that Thai drivers speed up when they see you on a zebra crossing. I have asked many Thais what they are for in the road and they believe they are for crossing when there are no cars coming. So you see the mentality.

    You would have thought they would learn this at the driving test but having done this a few times here you soon realize that these are not taken seriously and people play on their phones, fall asleep and generally don't care. you pay your money and get your license, so nothing will change until the testing changes.


    They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.

    When I think of Traffic Rules here, I am always reminded of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Kate asks about the rules of the Pirate code, and Barbosa says, "They're more like guidelines."

    And hence to be disregarded at any opportune moment.

    I do hope they nail this retard though. And his many of 1,000s of Com-padres down the road.

    Too many accidents and deaths from trying to save like 35 seconds or a minute on the journey.

    Rules on the road are only of any value, when everyone understands them and they are firmly enforced.

    I am hopeful, but not optimistic about seeing dramatic improvement, given that while the really stupid fall out of the gene pool, allegedly, they will come back again.

    In a better life!

    I just hope they learn to drive in that one.


  16. For those of you that think the Baht is weak at 34 to the dollar. Here's a news flash........the Baht has been over-valued for quite a few years. The target is 40 baht to the USD. It was 44 Baht to the USD 10 years ago, but, that was before the US decided to trash the dollar. Also, a great deal of foreign investment has come into Thailand the past 10 years which has added a false sense of euphoria to the economy, thus driving the Baht higher. That scenario has changed.

    And that foreign investment is drying up rapidly. A lot of investors have seen that tourist numbers and infrasturcure development in countries like Cambodia, and to a lesser degree but growing fast, Burma, is growing exponentially fast, and offer better R.O.I.

    At the same time Thailand has many major issues it seems unable to ever get past, which are hurting investor confidence.

    Tourist numbers are declining for many reasons. The strength/weakness of currencies is but one of them.

    Unstable political conditions. Assaults and robberies on foreigners. Corruption. This is not to say that other places in Asia don't suffer from the same, but they at least appear to be trying to address them.

    The "high season" here now seems to flash in and out of existence over about 6 weeks.

    Ask any business owner here, and they will tell you the TAT numbers don't add up.

  17. yes today seemed quite unusual. I rode my bicycle all the way down Jomtien Beach Road and it was really quiet even in the afternoon.

    And then it was just the same along Dongtan Beach walkway- totally deserted even though it was a lovely afternoon with a nice warm breeze.

    And then as I returned home I rode along Pattaya Beach walkway and it was the same there. Usually on a Wednesday when the deck chairs are not out there are big groups of Thai's sitting under the shade of the trees but today there were very few.

    Someone else is not eating their TAT porridge. Tourism is up 40% and climbing.


  18. It's not getting "this bad". This thread has been dragged up by Darksidedog 8 months after the last post and many months since the Thonglor police were stopped operating the alleged scam. It doesn't happen now and hasn't done for a long time.

    With comments such as..."Same as a traffic accident is always your fault as "it couldn't have happened if you weren't here." They can't set you up and extort money from you on spurious charges if you aren't here.

    Take your tourist pennies somewhere else. problem solved."..he's giving a very clear confirmation that he is a rumour-monger who does not know his arse from his elbow.

    I have lived here nine years. I speak, read and write Thai. I work for a lawyer. I visit Nong Plalai several times a week, I visit Klong Prem in Bangkok, (The Hilton.), once a week.

    Actually i do know what I am talking about.

  19. The images and video have been online for 24 hours . You can even see the guy go to the shrine with a backpack in two , sit down take it off and get up and leave without it. Definitely Middle eastern looking.

    The Thai new slinks say He was taken there by a taxi, and while he went to the shrine the taxi waited, after he left the bomb he returned to the same taxi and departed, less then 30 seconds later the bomb went off. The Taxi went to Don Mueang airport and the Taxi driver has said the man spoke english. If he went directly top the the airport , chances are he was on an outbound flight and is far from here now.

    Haven't seen any images from Don Mueang security showing this guy, which I suspect would have been checked swiftly and thoroughly.

    I agree he is probably a long way off by now, but disagree that he is "definitely Middle eastern looking." I worked in the UAE for years, and he looks nothing like most arabs I met.

    It's easy to throw suggestions into the air and some of them can sound great, but evidence is what is going to matter, not speculation.

    Given the inter racial marriages of the last 100 years, he could be from anywhere.

    Hopefully someone, somewhere, recognises the dog and turns him in to be put down.

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