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Posts posted by loppylugs1


    I hope you don't mind me jumping in on your thread, CS, but I thought I'd offer a  little perspective. Yesterday I took a day return from a city in the North of England to London. Cost: £216. The return trip was not that quick, either. We were delayed 35 minutes when the train departed late waiting for the "train manager". Thankfully my employer was paying.



    Yes i know there is a " slight difference " If you compare that  Bangkok to Chiang Mai on reasonably fast train but sitting in a 3rd class carriage the cost would be from as little as 231 baht  ( under 5 GBP ) journey time around 12 hours plus! 


    Life in Thailand ( has i have mentioned so many times ) if you are " non materialistic " like myself and you walk everywhere,bicycle or catch the train it can cost almost nothing! It only gets expensive when " women,farang food,booze,pickups,motorbikes " all enter your world ( kindest respect to you all ladies...)


    F.J wub.png  


    Pattaya to BKK,not a bad ride  but 4 hours?  Connected up to the Chiang Mai chuff chuff  never ever again


  2. Can someone explain to me how one distinguishes a Russian tourist apart from people from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia? They all look and sound alike to me and I know tourists from all these countries visit Pattaya. So do Russians have some distinguishing features which make them stand out from these other tourists?

    Yes,bulbous noses,small ones at that, tight t shirts,usually bald,smallish about 5 foot 10

  3. thanks for that at this stage i donnt know what is wrong as now 70 i got glasses good for distance can read and see computer ok without glasses but problem between there and feet walking have i been sold another story from eye glass firm cheers

    Know what you mean. I am +2 distance reading +4 sit in the eye surgery place in India debating,comes up with borderline time after time,would love to ditch the glasses though.

    just go outside order a bucketful of titanium framed progressives with tint and leave it at that for a couple of years



    When I registered with my address it would not let me download any books to that region. Registered using a U.S address and could download all books. Changed to UK address as payment card was from a UK bank so no exchange rate fee. Sister in US has tried to gift me a book using US site and I am not allowed to download with UK address. As stated previously all to do with tax.


    I have been doing this for well over a year and it was from a gift token latterly,ask her to send you a gift token then



    Not used Calibre yet.   I like ww2 stuff  "Battle of Coral Sea" etc.   Martin Middlebrook,do not know if he is into Kindle yet,but got loads from Amazon,hard to put some books down



    Just looked at the account,it is a Mastercard that I have registered that produces the UKs Daily Mail at $9.99,instead of £9.99  and my book ordering comes off my gift token that is topped up


    When I registered with my address it would not let me download any books to that region. Registered using a U.S address and could download all books. Changed to UK address as payment card was from a UK bank so no exchange rate fee. Sister in US has tried to gift me a book using US site and I am not allowed to download with UK address. As stated previously all to do with tax.


    I have been doing this for well over a year and it was from a gift token latterly,ask her to send you a gift token then



    Not used Calibre yet.   I like ww2 stuff  "Battle of Coral Sea" etc.   Martin Middlebrook,do not know if he is into Kindle yet,but got loads from Amazon,hard to put some books down

  6. When I registered with my address it would not let me download any books to that region. Registered using a U.S address and could download all books. Changed to UK address as payment card was from a UK bank so no exchange rate fee. Sister in US has tried to gift me a book using US site and I am not allowed to download with UK address. As stated previously all to do with tax.


    I have been doing this for well over a year and it was from a gift token latterly,ask her to send you a gift token then


    If the $2 are such a hassle, it has been known for people to use proxy servers and order from the American (or any other if cheaper) website.


    And of course, other scoundrels to get from torrent or http download sites.


    Not that I would ever recommend that, just an observation.....................wink.png


    And yes, I believe it does work from Phitsanulok.

    I used a proxy to see Amazon's price differentials and have used them to get to blocked sites, like Puritan Pride (vitamins, etc.), which is now blocked to Thailand for some strange reason.


    But I admit, I do not know a lot about proxies and wonder if making an otherwise secure transaction through a proxy risks compromising passwords, credit card information etc.  Since it all goes though this third party proxy, how does one know whether such information is being skimmed?



    Once the card or gift token is installed there is no need to use vnp  it is between you and the bank how much your account is in the black,or the red,then use the i click on amazon


    Bit more,I am UK ,so no US address,asked Amazon rep ,she advised jokingly to use White House,is it 20500? she backtracked suddenly,but I used just that. Few months later Amazon said my UK card was no good,but changed to another UK one and everything went smoothly.


     Get about 3 books a month from US site  all in $  not £  and no tax excepting US (if applied)



  8. Thank you all who have contributed so far. If you have had cataract surgury experience (positive or negative) in Thailand or India, please share your experience, doctor info, cost etc. This will be extremely useful to others who are considering the procedure. The choice of doctor is critical.

    It has now been a coupl;e of weeks since my surgury and so far so good. I have had two follow up exams and my vision is very good, though I do wear glasses for reading and close work.

    VisionCare Super Speciality hospital Mapusa Goa. India

    I might have a go,prices are above,but for what reason I know not India seems to be way ahead at receiving the latest surgery equipment the world produces. Just rang them and it seems they have vastly improved their procedures from just a couple of years ago.

    Anyway there is a host more procedures that offer a vastly reduced costing than Thailands





    You have to laugh at all the self-righteous folk on here. I bet they all came to Thailand to see the temples and never thought about the opportunities for easy sex. The guy just fancied a bit on the side like most blokes do. He'll get out of it , just tell her to sod off and if the long termer complains get shut of her too. In Thailand it's best to just use the women for sex and don't fall for the ridiculous thought these women actually love you. They love your money and security it brings them , nothing else and if you believe different then you're just another self deluded mug.





    Is that judged off all the women you met in bars or just some of them?



    No , i actually mean all of them. It simply isn't possible to have what the average Western man would perceive as love with a Thai woman. They are from a different culture with totally different thoughts to a Western man. They don't have your education , your logic or anything else that's been your way of life in the Western world. Basically you have absolutely nothing in common with these women. You can't freely speak with them about anything that you'd take for granted that everybody knew. How many guys gasp in disbelief how stupid they can be. Try asking what happened to JFK , who was Hitler. , who's Elvis ... Excuse me tilac but just show me France on that Atlas ... Get my drift !!!


    Now , i'm assuming a very large part of " love " involves deep meaningful conversations , an understanding of each other , a shared joke , a passion for the same things etc etc. You can't have any of this with any Thai woman no matter if she,s a whore or a bank clerk.


    Well , after taking that out of the equation what's left apart from sexual attraction and that's what it's all about in the first place. Most guys i've met over the last 12 years all seem to have one thing in common. They all appear to have much racier younger models on their arm than what i'd normally see them with back in the West. Nothing wrong with that at all. Why run about with a fat old trout when you can have a much younger beauty who loves you too much.


    The ironic thing is , many guys delude themselves into thinking their women love them for who they are and not what they have. Sad really but if their happy that's great.


    Just use them for sex and you'll save yourself a million problems.




    Agree with this one,just have a comfort level with mine...period

  10. Deleted; it simply isn't worth it.
    He can't even read and understand the newspaper articles he uses to support his case properly; what hope is there that he can read and understand other member's posts?


    Quite simply it is all about numbers (again),if the numbers do not stack up in the immgration/visitor quotas the govt.sets  ,no matter if the application is flawless you do not get in,simple,and the revolving door of application after application is sure to be ingested too.


     Yes Right of Appeal removed,and a good move.Think I would look on this period as  a particular generous period as far as whatever guise of immigration is used to enter the UK. The EU renegotiation/get out will be such a fundamental blow to all hopeful and present immigrants for sure, a visa for all,short term ones preferable


    Anyway there is a comfort level here,yes been around the block a few times and acknowledge that people find happiness with their own kith and kin,but more importantly their social and monetary level too,if you do not mind me stating the obvious

  11. http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/04april/pages/is-exercise-to-blame-for-andrew-marrs-stroke.aspx

    "Andrew Marr has described how he felt the symptoms of his stroke after he went on a rowing machine and "gave it everything I had". This, and other references to short bursts of intense exercise, suggests that he was undertaking some very vigorous exercise in the belief that this would benefit his health.

    Most health advice actually focuses on simple, moderate levels of exercise, which raises the heart level and leaves you feeling slightly out of breath. Jogging, cycling and swimming are all good forms of moderate exercise. However, recent research has suggested that intense bursts of exercise may be just as good for you as the recommended 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise."

    Not interested in Marr,or what he was up to and as for getting out of breath, after a two hour session I can positivly state I am totally knackered to the point of maximum exhaustion,unable and fit for nothing , after all is that not the main point of being in Thailand

    Perhaps I should forego the gym side of things and concentrate on the more immediate

  12. To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

    Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

    I don't agree, two aspects. Because I exercise regularly I am very rarely out of breath, I push myself but there's a sensible limit to how far, OK if you're 18 years old, I'm not! If I can fast walk at 7.5 kph at an incline of 3 for thirty minutes, I'm real happy, young thugeries/thugettes can sprint away as much as you want, bet you slow down when you get to my age!

    Diabetics need to exercise but only lightly is the latest advice otherwise the damage caused worsens diabetes. But diabetics need cardio also, again it's all about balance.

    So no, not a waste of time at all.

    I exercise regulary and to get the maximum benefit.

    I want to be out of breath and sweating at the end,take no notice of press reporting of chugging along at 6 or 7 mph or whatever is "recommended" I am all for the other reports of taking exercise,two minutes flat out,resting 3 minutes,then off again,all high intensity,push the HR

    I am 68,can push the HR up to 160, resting about 75 ish,swim like a fish,and have sex as though its going out of fashion.

    Yes get medicals etc etc etc,but I do feel damned good at the end of a session Just felt it was a total waste of time climbing off the machines in the past,without feeling anything,just felt like climbing back on again after hurtling along at 5mph for the last hour

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  13. To most people going to a gym from what I see are guys on crosswalkers or treadmills going at a rate of 5mph for half an hour or so,and that is a workout,useless,no sweating,no out of breath,nothing to suggest they ever had a workout at the end of the session.

    Would not say I have to be carried out,but I sure know I have been pushed to near the limit,just a waste of time and money for the majority

  14. "When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

    I quite agree.

    As an American living in Asia many years, I have come to realize that Americans are prone to quick anger and

    vulgarities. Americans seem to think this is normal behavior, but in Asia if you get nasty and call people dirty

    names as a result of some minor incident, it is not taken lightly.

    As this case demonstrates, Americans who plan to visit or live in Asia would do well to learn a bit of manners

    and civility. Otherwise they would be better off to stay in America.

    It is not just Americans,unbelievable when you see the newly arrived farangs shaking their heads at the driving manners of Thais.

    Thais are always right,never mind if the farang thinks otherwise,the guy got exactly what he deserved. This is Thailand,lived in mostly by Thais,if farang thinks he can come over and change things that suits himself then he is a fool

  15. Most vets will not put them to sleep even if they know there is no chance for them. The one on 3rd road will put to sleep (about 2000 Baht) The govt vet gave me a 20ml empty syringe told me to go outside and inject the dogs vein with air,bloody sickening when you have to revert to such methods

    So many dogs coming down now with distemper,sickening to watch them suffer until they eventually die. Told the vet I am not putting anymore to sleep by pumping air into their veins,he sympathised and sold me a bottle of Nembutal (Pentobarbital)

    Hard to find a vein in a dog let alone when it struggling,lived in another country before here and could get ketamine quite freely which put the dog out until the final injection could be given.

    Anyway giving the dogs suffering at the moment a couple of AB injections a day,but useless excercise actually

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