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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. First Optic is the name of the shop you are referring to. Great service, great prices.\

    All this guy has to do is try a few of the suggestions,he will undoubtedly be disappointed on price and service,the girls it the top whatever are only good at showing their arse through the tight fitting pants ,Euro whatever will sting you 5 times over for a service a one man outfit who is excellent in eye testing service quality and after sales all at no cost try option 5

    I will guarantee it with free spectacles

    Thats the guy,he puts ALL the other places to shame

    LOL .. and you know this because you've been to every other optometrist in town?

    How did you know? but you surely have not.

  2. Can you give me a good directions or location for First Optics ?

    First optics do not know if he is on web but really really genuine guy, if not for Thailand he would be one of the best there is bar none Soi 17 off 3rd road best I can do, but try for Happy dental next door but one opposite the fruit market

    You will not do better than this guy

  3. UPDATE !!!!!!!

    I stopped in at Euro Optics today and was greeted by Dr. Maria. She was very helpful and professional. The only bad thing is the price will be about 18000 baht for some new Glasses.

    Think First Optic was about 9000 for same same top of the range glasses couple of years ago,yes went to Euro Optic,walked out at their pricing

  4. First Optic is the name of the shop you are referring to. Great service, great prices.\

    All this guy has to do is try a few of the suggestions,he will undoubtedly be disappointed on price and service,the girls it the top whatever are only good at showing their arse through the tight fitting pants ,Euro whatever will sting you 5 times over for a service a one man outfit who is excellent in eye testing service quality and after sales all at no cost try option 5

    I will guarantee it with free spectacles

    Thats the guy,he puts ALL the other places to shame

  5. All this guy has to do is try a few of the suggestions,he will undoubtedly be disappointed on price and service,the girls it the top whatever are only good at showing their arse through the tight fitting pants ,Euro whatever will sting you 5 times over for a service a one man outfit who is excellent in eye testing service quality and after sales all at no cost try option 5

    I will guarantee it with free spectacles

    • Like 1
  6. It appears we are all in for a bumpy ride I am sure that those now advocating this course of action will not want to complain when they get considerably less baht to the pound.

    Why would we complain? My pensions will continue to be paid by the FUK taxpayers in FUK Pounds (or whatever they choose to call their currency). wai2.gif

    You may still receive your pension in whatever currency Scotland creates or follows( without any

    control over that currency) what pitrevive is alluding to is how many Bhts will you receive for that currency. If for example you were only to receive half the amount you presently receive will you still take that attitude.

    For your information the £ converted into Bahts at a rate of 76, this was only 10 yrs ago, not a blip as in 1997 with a rate of 97. Today the rate is 51, next year what? And a Scottish currency probably lower, maybe 30.

    I will continue to receive my pension in FUKP, or whatever they decide to call it. I will continue to receive my salary in THB. If the exchange rate goes down to 45 or 40 (or whatever), guess which direction I'll be sending my spare cash. I'm well aware of the historical exchange rates, having experienced them from around 35 in the mid '80s through to 96 in early '98. It isn't a great issue for me, although you appear to think it should be. Your 'woe, woe and thrice woe' stance appears to stem from nothing more than bitter and twisted wishful thinking rather than any likeness to reality. Do you seriously think that folk haven't thought through how they will be affected?

    In scotlands case,no

  7. Don't go to any of the chain shops like Charoen. The best one (and only decent one i've found) is Euro Optic opposite the Garden Plaza Mall on the 2nd road. Dr Maria Abalon there knows what she is doing.

    Damned expensive too.

    There is only one guy that manages top class service with huge experience plus excellent quality that I have found and quite a few others....soi 17 off 3rd south,opposite the fruit market can reach it by passing the rear of tukcom too turning left at the junction Couple of doors away from happy dental

    • Like 1
  8. The English politicians there now in scotland want to get the hell out of it,they certainly do not speak for me or I suspect the majority of English.

    Standard Life announced today they are pulling out of scotland with 6000 jobs going south if a Yes vote, likewise Lloyd's probably upwards of civil servant 200,000 jobs,BAE systems will reverse and go back to Portsmouth,that Grangemouth refinery would shut up shop with no grants. It is all in England's favour,let the scoths go to hell

    We're glad they are here to help the YES campaign.

    Yeah right Cameron knows he is hated there,think there certainly is a motive behind all this. All will be revealed ,yes labour out of existence in England if it all goes according to plan

  9. The English politicians there now in scotland want to get the hell out of it,they certainly do not speak for me or I suspect the majority of English.

    Standard Life announced today they are pulling out of scotland with 6000 jobs going south if a Yes vote, likewise Lloyd's probably upwards of civil servant 200,000 jobs,BAE systems will reverse and go back to Portsmouth,that Grangemouth refinery would shut up shop with no grants. It is all in England's favour,let the scoths go to hell

  10. I know you guys are in a passionate debate, but the News here in Australia has been focused on the Vote next week.

    Prime time Radio (drive time afternoon) and TV discussions (Morning Breakfast News).

    So many Aussies, who may have been unaware the auspicious Vote about to be undertaken are now the wiser.


    I'm in the UK at the moment and I can tell you now, not many people really care. Not in England at least. There's a vague passing interest at best.

    ...and it never will be of much interest

    A NO vote will be a disaster for scothland,cowards all,hiding in the shame of things scotsman in kilt used as a mobile pissing post for englishman,their womenfolk used and abused by any passing Englishman, those loud drunken voices now reduced to a whisper.

    Oh! the utter shame of it No dancing the highland jig up and down those fairy glens

    Shame Shame Shame

  11. Billy Bragg seems to agree with me.....

    "Now that the English are waking up to the possibility that the Scots may leave the UK, I'm getting tired of reading articles by commentators who say they will feel sad if this happens. They need to grow up - respect for self-determination is the mark of a mature democracy.

    While they get all emotional, I'm pleased to see that there are some at Westminster who recognise that the Scots have done us a huge favour by putting English devolution on the agenda."


    Good point

    Yes given a chance the English would have kicked scotlands goolys a fair few years ago,but now scotland cannot accuse England of any wrongdoings now,all down to scotland Serious infighting now for scotland,good for them,if the no wins the vote they will be looked on as cowards,even Westminster will treat them like a leftover from a dogs dinner

  12. England can and would bottle up scotland if it caused problems ,introducing taxes for crossing the border etc. The idiots cannot go anywhere without going through England (airspace included) It will be playing to a merry tune within a few years

    Scotland shafts England. England shafts Scotland right back, so Scotland shafts England, who in turn sock it to Scotland. Standards of living continue to decrease, good, honest people get poorer and poorer while the overlords clink glasses and waggle index fingers reproachfully before the meal service starts. They will always be OK. We should not let them turn us on each other.

    5 million shafting 55 million I think not. The only jocks that stick in my throat are the loud mouthed drunken mob,but that is just about all of them.

    Good riddance,it should never have happened those 300 years ago,and by God I am praying for that YES vote,they will be like poison south of the border

  13. The SNP has provided absolutely nothing to the big questions, only for the shield bashing gun-ho voters that think they have a different life from the other union members which is total rolox.

    Mr and Mrs English, Scottish or Welsh are treated exactly the same in every aspect of UK life, thats it.

    Prove it.

    The Barnett Formula provided more per head for the Scottish by way of receipts of tax revenue.

    Anyway it is a done deal now,the YES vote have it.

    All the headlines ,a waste of time,the union was only in name only,if the English were given the option to get rid of Scotland,Northern Ireland and Wales at one go they would have jumped at it I'm sure

    The politicians ,newspaper editors even royalty want to pipe down,the average English guy in the street could not give two hoots.

    Looking at twitter and the two liners ,most of the English are paranoid at wanting the break up

  14. I sincerely hope it is a yes vote,being English if I was in Scotland right now I would be pushing for the yes camp.

    Scotland is heading for a whole world of trouble,The idiot Salmonman promises many things with those bulging eye sockets,but the truth is Scotland will be dancing to England's merry tune within a couple of years, 5 million population against a 55 million population and the powers that be in Westminster will be after blood

    All the English banks have to do is starve Scotland of currency , the £ ,and how any country can let 16 to 18 year olds vote on something they do not have a clue about

  15. I don't see how it could be bad for Scotland if they get to take the North Sea oil with them. They could be the next Norway. However, Scottish independence would consign the UK to the clutches of the Tories forever. Hard luck for the Brits in that case.

    Scotland's case for oil in the North Sea is debatable,the 70s brought up a deal it was for the UKs use,but I think the Shetland Islanders now will see a sizeable shift in their thinking.

    Was being suggested they too want their own referendum, interesting to see . But a superb result for England even if it did come by default

    No "hard luck" for the English either ,I always vote conservative

    • Like 2
  16. Don't forget that if you have time, you can plan and go to somewhere like the Bumrungrad in Bangkok. I went there for an operation and was very pleased with the result and the bill. They have an 'International Department' who are very good at sorting everything out and you can book a visit from abroad as I did once.

    Yes agree if you have time and can plan,you can also book from abroad (Thailand) and have anything and everything done at a fraction of Thailand's pricing. Mine was less than 1/20th and fantastic service.

    Airfare $230 Oh! forgot India

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