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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. 44 minutes ago, Briggsy said:



    Kamnan Sia is (was) a very powerful person.


    We have seen this pattern before with very powerful local godfathers e.g. Kamnam Poh. They rise and they fall but they never do time in prison in Thailand. Part of becoming a godfather, apart from the obvious intimidating, killing, monopolising of the local legal and black economy, is to lock yourself into relationships with other power players through the use of compromising evidence. This is one of the reasons the police "have been unable to find him". They are totally compromised. So, they don't look very hard.

    The house of cards! 

  2. 4 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    And if Australia had a population of 70 million, most of which favor seafood, then add millions of tourists and expats, how many sharks would have to be caught so the people could eat "flake?" 


    How long before the shark population decreases to dangerous levels, even despite Australia' vast coast lines????

    Pretty damn soon with the average Aussie redneck that believes the environment is someplace else. Aussie's are loosing their boats and paying massive fines for breaking the rules (bag limits) I'm referring to recreational fishers. 

  3. 2 hours ago, madmitch said:

    I saw three slow loris touts in about five minutes on Karon Beach at around sunset two days ago. I know there's a number to call but theys probably have been home for the evening before anyone arrived.


    It would be so easy to have an incognito presence on the beach but the police just don't work that way.

    If your making a baht or two legal or otherwise I'm sure the BIB are getting a commission.

  4. 1 hour ago, Olmate said:

    Shark is very common, sold as flake, in Oz fish n chip outlets.Has been so for 50 plus years.Totally legal and very sweet white flesh.No idea if illegal here but in Oz sharks are plentiful!????????????


    Yes in WA it is called Gummy shark one of the best eating fish you can get. 

    At the end of the day fisheries world wide are under extreme pressure, the days of plenty of fish in the sea are over. 

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