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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. 2 hours ago, neeray said:

    "no sense of shame in telling bare faced lies"


    This is the part that always gets me. I was raised to possess a sense of shame. Conversely speaking, I was raised to be proud. Getting caught in a bold faced lie is  shameful.

    Stealing from the very people that you represent is shameful. Let's suppose that a "group" representing a people bought some submarines. For making that purchase, the group was given a million dollar gift, perhaps some expensive watches. Without that gift, these submarines could have been bought for a million dollars less, in my simple way of thinking.

    Thus, "the people" now must pay a million dollars more, even more with long term interest.

    But then the "group" got caught and "the group" showed "no sense of shame in telling bare faced lies".

    Obviously, money "trumps" shame.



    Yeah, but when issues of this nature are pushed harder, from an elected opposite political party for example.  The perp will squirm deny run away maybe get a thug to use violence against their accusers. So what does it mean? Is it a reaction to their guilt or a reaction to being shamed? Face, so juvenile.

  2. 12 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    That seems very likely. Whoever these people are, they have not done anything to ingratiate themselves with the current government which the article says ordered the police to make the latest arrests and asset seizures. The BiB must have got a lot of flack for bungling the zero dollar tour case against them which resulted in acquittal. After that the family sued the BiB saying they had destroyed their businesses and plunged them into billions in debt. Perhaps the powers that be wanted to seize their assets before banks could foreclose on them.


    What is missing is any analysis of the family’s political affiliations. A family with businesses verging on sleaze in many provinces is unlikely not to be involved in politics on various levels, at least as a financier, and all those buses could be useful for transporting  voters, demonstrators etc. With elections coming up it might be to someone’s advantage to have them out of the way.


    It is not difficult to believe they are guilty of all the things alleged against them but getting the evidence against them may be a different matter. Companies like Kingpower have managed to get through countless legal cases for things like defrauding the government on concession payments, operating illegal concessions putting up buildings at the airport without planning permission, not to mention unproven allegations of duty free produce leaking out into Thailand’s thousands of pubs, but still emerge smelling of enough roses to even convince the honest citizens of the UK of their respectability. These guys seem to have played some really bad cards.

    I think your comment on political affiliations, says it all. 

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