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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. I see this issue as a serious and ongoing problem for Thailand, not that I believe that there will be more altercations with airport security guards, however it is very likely Chinese visitors will be the victims of unsafe transportation, intolerance from locals as their numbers swell and scams of all sorts.


    So far the talk from the Thais to try and rectify the situation is powerless against the power of Chinese social media.


    Will the visitor numbers increase? When planning a holiday to SE Asia there is great choice,

  2. 3 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    37 people said 'haha' to this comment and 17 people 'liked it', it really makes you wonder at some of the people who hang around on this forum, what is going through their mind, what they peruse on the internet, and what they do in their spare time. Worrying. 

    If we were to focus on the history of mankind in a bleeding heart sorrowful way we would never smile, dark humor carries us through. 


    Soldiers, Cops and others who witness first hand the brutality of man all use it.

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