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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. "Thai goods perform well in the CLMV region because these countries have high trust in the quality of Thai goods"

    Or perhaps the goods are at a price point to be affordable to the locals.


    I wish the Thais well with their endeavors, however I believe their only real interest is Chinese tourists.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    It's OK all will be forgotten and forgiven as the military industrial complexes of the West are not going to stop cashing in on the obscenely rich war mongering barbarians.

    4 hours ago, Morch said:


    Russia and Saudi Arabia 'sign $3bn arms deal' as King Salman visit shows how much relations have changed



    Closer Ties: China And Saudi Arabia Sign $70 Billion in New Deals




    Thanks Morch


    Of course they're all at it, the Saudis are hedging their bets.


  3. 46 minutes ago, toast1 said:

    I have been to many Corbynite ex-communist countries and seen the same boorish, loud, rude and uncultured behaviour. In a state where wearing glasses, reading a book or talking quietly can get you sent to a slave camp to die, it pays to be uncouth.


    One may say this can be seen today in the West where communist affiliated political groups often become very violent in public or attack individuals who disagree with them or attempt do destroy them,  or simply align themselves with extremist religious groups.




    Wow, how's life in your icy cold war world.

  4. The immigration police? There lies a problem, a law enforcement agency involved in the promotion of the tourism industry.


    The Military Junta deputy PM Somkid has a plan to lure the Chinese back that is not a plan at all really just hot air talk. 


    Then there is TAT with their predictions of ever increasing numbers of tourists.


    I suspect the Junta will be under increasing pressure from their elite backers to get the tourist revenue back, of course they are clueless on sound and effective business practices. Clearly demonstrated by allowing Big Joke and his cronies to communicate with the Chinese tourist market.


    What next? Engaging the services of a foreign marketing organisation. 

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