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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. 2 hours ago, Tailwagsdog said:

    Part of the sad reality is the environment in Thailand is starting to make people more unhealthy especially in the cities, mosquito borne diseases, smoking amongst men, chemical overuse in farming & food supply, and with an aging population the cancers & complications are accelerating. There is no easy answer, but i would suggest Taksin was right when he said sell the chinese subs & invest in hospitals.


    Can't argue of the need for hospitals but once again we hit that old chestnut, education.


    They just don't get it do they.

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  2. 6 hours ago, NaamGin said:


    Great argument, I have to remember that one.


    Here is a little test smart guy, name ONE (1) socialist society in the history of mankind that has been a success. 

    I'll give you the answer so you don't hurt your head, there are ZERO, NUCNA, NONE, NADA. 


    BTW, <deleted> you too!!!


    You seem fixated with socialism it doesn't work I think you agree.


    Do you not feel some disappointment or even shame that the only system that works for us is based on self interest and greed.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

    the Russian city called JOMTIEN has been devoid of Russians for  months HOORAY !! and at last the Chinese can see further than their noses, better and more welcoming places  (and cheaper) than Thailand to visit and spend their hard earned money, ( well they must spend it somewhere, but i have never seen them spending it) they arrive here get herded around like cattle, only go into Chinese owned establishments, i am baffled. as to where they do spend their money

    At the 7/11?

  4. 2 hours ago, falangjim said:

    Look to the reason why people in such low positions ask for bribes.  Pay a decent living wage and perhaps the culture of bribery would diminish some.  If I earned a lousy wage for having to deal with snot-nosed travellers all day, I'd want a backhander every now and then, too.  


    Tell me Big Joke has never taken a bribe.  555 It's laughable. He's Thai. Of course he has.


    Yep and how would he have paid for his promotion If he didn't get a little extra from time to time.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    Why do they search for a rape suspect if the victims are Thai, but not if the victims are farang?!?!?

    Having a report of the cops hunting for the perp and actually doing any leg work are two different things.  What I get from the story is they have a video of him and hope someone identifies him. Without further details there maybe little they can do other than circulate the video. 

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