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Posts posted by Oziex1

  1. 3 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    I notice Koh Tao didn't rate a mention?

    I was on a Thai Airways flight yesterday. On the screen was a promotion of Thai islands there were images of the islands one by one happy beautiful sun drenched people frolicking on the beaches a minute or two on each Isle, however when that infamous name Koh Tao appeared it showed a beach the island and then the show quickly moved on, the very brief view of Koh Tao was noticeable, wonder Why? 

  2. On 9/5/2018 at 12:04 PM, steelepulse said:

    >>>budget of B508 million to roll out the ‘Phuket Marine Safety Plan’.


    Sounds like a fantastic earner.  Amazing how the whole of the island can't get any money for proper lifeguards to take care of it's most valuable asset, yet 17 million USD can be thrown around for a "safety plan". 

     The money is always available including budgets for Lifeguards, however it rarely gets spent on the intended project it gets pocketed by the officials who make the request, only a small percentage of the original amount is spent on the project.

  3. Just now, sanemax said:

    Give it a rest about "saving face" , not everything evolves around "saving face ",(hardly anything does actually) , many people put alot of effort into saving the boys , people worked tirelessly under extreme dangerous conditions and the King is just showing his appreciations .

      Its just the Western mentality of trying to find someone to blame  , every situation they need to blame someone , its usually "I blame the Government ".

        Now they are in Thailand , their mentality is now about "blame" and "face" .

    Open your minds a bit , theres a whole lot more things going on, rather than blame and face

    Please enlighten us as to what there is more than blame and face.


    A boat sinks, first reaction blame the chinese.


    A woman reports an assault on a southern Island, response denial and victim blaming.


    A high profile Cop travels the country pointing the finger at foreigners for Thailand's crime problem.


    The PM blames the media or reporting the truth causing face problem for him.


    It goes on and on.


  4. 1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

    It wont surprise me if the male dinosaurs have looked into this and already proposed to therefore stop going after rapists. Because yeah, it will be hard to get a clear statement from an emotional woman to start with, so why even try?


    Besides, the hands of females are too small, so they can barely hold all the bribes that a cop needs to handle on a daily basis. That makes them unsuitable for this job.

    The cops on Kho Tao dont have this problem, no rapes there and anyone who says there is will be arrested.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Don't know why you reach that conclusion.


    We can not leave from Chalong pier before the passenger manifest has been approved by the navy.

    I reach that conclusion based on the story that states "very little progress has been made in enforcing the new ’Phuket Marine Safety Plan"


    As you have first hand experience on this perhaps you can help us out, the Navy is enforcing the new rules, clearly a positive move. 


    So what exactly is this story referring to if the Governor is ordering his people to do what the Navy appears to be doing.

    Who in fact has the responsibility to enforce these new rules?

  6. 1 hour ago, Hayduke said:


    This calls to mind an old television game show where the contestants were given ‘x’ amount of time to run through a supermarket throwing things into a shopping cart. When time ran out the contestant to ring up the highest dollar value of merchandise won. The only objective being to amass maximum loads of swag as quickly as possible, and to get it done before time ran out. The original contestants didn't have glow-in-the-dark uniforms, but aside from this, the similarity here is uncanny.



    Running a country that reminds me of the show,  "It's a Knockout "

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