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About kwonitoy

  • Birthday 12/12/1957

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    Sunny Alberta. Slava Ukraine

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  1. Such an iconic duo that the Edmonton Ice District has a statue of them
  2. Ahh yes the "Gotcha" post The government of Canada jumped on a bandwagon, as politicians do and invited this guy without doing any vetting or background checks. I didn't vote for our current government don't agree with them on most of their policies I didn't invite the man to Parliament. Ancient history
  3. How the Ukraine Sovereignty Bond will work Canadians who participate in the Ukraine Sovereignty Bond are, in effect, purchasing a regular five-year Government of Canada bond at a 3.245 per cent rate of return. To provide investors with confidence about the safety of their funds, the Ukraine Sovereignty Bond is likewise backed by Canada’s AAA credit rating. The bond will pay interest twice per year, on February 24 and August 24, until the bond matures in 2027. For example, a $1,000 investment at a yield of 3.245 per cent should expect to receive $16.23 every February and August through 2027. The bond will mature on August 24, 2027, Ukrainian Independence Day, at which time bondholders will receive the full repayment of their initial investment. There is a return on it, much like Canada Savings Bonds that I grew up with. Not the most astute investment but there is a return on the money, the right thing for me to do as a Ukrainian descended Canadian with the financial means. They sold out very quickly.
  4. You mean like these war bonds in support of Ukraine, from Canada. Took my full allotment last fall https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/financial-sector-policy/ukraine-sovereignty-bond.html
  5. Been happening since Day 1, but the ICC is just now investigating
  6. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/wartime-ukraines-election-dilemma Ukraine’s constitution holds that the country may not hold parliamentary elections until martial law, in effect since February 24, 2022, is lifted, and for six months thereafter. It's easily googled, but that doesn't fit into your FUD narrative that you push out on a daily basis as an "expert"
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