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Everything posted by kwonitoy

  1. You bring a spear I'll use my .300 win mag
  2. I agree with a lot of your posts on ukraine Ted But to this one I give you a big F.U. come and try it on.
  3. And a keyboard appeaser wants to settle by surrendering ill gotten territory russia leaves ukraine, war over. See how easy that was.
  4. He will never negotiate in good faith Ukraine knows this so ................
  5. https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine’s-kursk-incursion-six-month-assessment ISW puts it a 57% Essentially a big push in advance of so-called peace negotiations, grab as much land as you can It's russian territory, they can have it. The incursion by Ukraine has served the purpose of drawing off troops and equipment from other fronts. Has it worked? who knows. Ukraine isn't winning and neither is russia after 3+years
  6. LPC, Liberal Party of Canada = Democratic Party, Trudeau and now Carney CPC, Conservative Party of Canada = Normal 70's 80's Republican Party, not the nut cases of maga NDP New Democratic Party = more socialist than LPC Green Party = irrelevant
  7. For the russian is winning crowd
  8. Alienate your neighbors, always the smartest strategy The loss of the Canadian dollar on us goods is going to accelerate and it's not coming back elbows out
  9. There is a massive non government movement across Canada to Buy Canadian. The grocery stores have maple leaf sticker on all Canadian produce, american produce and products are being left on the shelf. american liquor is being removed and not replaced. Snowbirds selling out the winter homes, people canceling all non essential american travel Give it a couple of months to see the real effects
  10. History repeating itself Like father like son
  11. Fentanyl = non existent problem made up by maga illegals = non existent made up problem by maga unequal trade = United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement signed by maga in 2020, now violated by ....... maga Any more imaginary problems?
  12. It's got SFA with new zealand also, you don't get a say in my countries politics 🍁
  13. It's not trump vs Trudeau, he has resigned as of last Jan. and the new leader will be elected this Sunday, your boogeyman is gone on his own terms. And to turn it around, you're not Canadian, whoever is Prime Minister of my country is no concern of yours or anyone south of the 49 parallel Elbows out🍁
  14. This is not AI, a wildlife photographer came upon a eagle trying to attack a Canada Goose, 20 min later the eagle left Don't mess with the cobra chickens
  15. There IS a drug problem on the Canada/us border, there is also a massive gun smuggling problem I wish the excited states of america would do something about it.
  16. As a born and raised Albertan, currently living in Edmonton I can tell you there is not much of a divide between Alberta and Canada. The media like to amplify a lot of news and our premier (that I didn't vote for) is a very southern looking individual because our major export is oil and gas to the usa. That's her job, to be our salesman There is currently a 90% to 10% divide between idiots that want out of Canada/join the usa. It won't happen, It can't happen. Their is no mechanism for any province to separate, just ask Quebec Thank you president 47 for uniting Canada like no other time. On a Calgary Alberta overpass
  17. It's being removed, not destroyed After all the stupidity from south of the border dies down they might restock. Or not.
  18. Same in Saskatchewan, BC, and Alberta Canada buys about a third of total US global exports of wine and alcohol, plus nearly a fifth of US global exports of beer. Losing the Canadian market will be felt. FAFO
  19. The LCBO is the largest liquor purchaser in North American and no more american Kentucky saw a 40% drop in bourbon sales and were whining about "but it's not tariffed"
  20. I absolutely love Wab and his signing
  21. This is a underlooked and potentially much more important import from Canada. No Potash, no fertilizer and there goes your farm production. The US has limited domestic MOP production and more than 80pc of its potash needs are from Canada — 9mn-10mn t/yr of MOP. No other major potash import market relies so heavily on one source.23 hours ago
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 110 seconds  
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