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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. Yes. https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/non-immigrant-visa-o-visa-retirement-in-thailand?page=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453e&menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453f
  2. It's quite common in Thailand to find appliances of higher amperage to be connected directly to the incoming tails from the meter unit. The meters are on poles erected externally to the house.
  3. Send a PM to @Crossy He's a competent electrician working in Thailand.
  4. Sounds like an earth leakage fault with your oven appliance.
  5. Savannahket offer the Non O multiple entry visa based on retirement with proof of 800K THB, or equivalent in any bank account. The Non Imm O ME is valid for 12 months, each entry grants a stay of 90 days. It's possible to stay in Thailand for almost 15 months, with 90 day border runs before applying for a new visa.
  6. Not if you both apply for the Non O visa to enter Thailand, then apply to extend your stay for 1 year. Only you would require 800K THB in a Thai bank, not your US spouse. You would apply for an extension based on retirement under section 2.22 of Immigration order 327-2557 which requires 800K THB deposited in a Thai bank account for 60 days prior to submitting an application for a 1 year extension of stay. Your US wife on the other hand would be applying under section 2.20 with no financial requirement. Essentially, you are classed as her dependant. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf
  7. Unfortunately no. Immigration only accepts passive incomes, such as from Pensions, Investments or Dividends. If your spouse is non-Thai, obtain the Non O visa for both parties. You would have to deposit 800K THB in a Thai bank account, but only for yourself for 1 year extension of stay. Your foreign spouse can 'piggyback' your 1-year extensions based on your 800K THB deposited funds.
  8. No you can't. Online it's 14 days before the due date, up to the due date. 'Within' 15 days, is not the same as 'before' the due date.
  9. Why not use the 65K THB monthly overseas transfer method to obtain 1-year extensions of stay. You'll need a passive income to live in Thailand anyway, and you can keep your funds in a US bank. Obtain the Non O-A provisionally, permits a stay of 1 year. Open a Thai bank account and immediately start transferring 65K per month. On expiry of the O-A, apply for the single entry Non O from a nearby Thai Embassy, (no mandatory Health Insurance) which grants a stay of 90 days, by which time you'll then have at least 12 x 65K transfers which qualifies for the 1-year extension of stay, without mandatory Insurance.
  10. Several years ago, taking a 3-week holiday to Thailand, I contacted my house Insurers who offered discounts for travel insurance to existing customers, who were a well-known top UK Insurance company. I gave my travel destination and the fact I may also visit Vietnam. "Ah, what you need is our 'International Worldwide' travel Insurance", exclaimed the advisor, which wasn't cheap, around £70. Arriving in Bangkok, my connecting domestic flight to my final destination was cancelled (due to a technical fault) so I had to book an overnight stay in Bangkok. The costs weren't much, but I kept receipts and on return to the UK submitted a claim. They rejected the claim, referring to small print, which basically stated 'costs incurred due to delayed or cancelled flights were not covered outside the UK'. The bastards get you one way or another.
  11. Speak for yourself. Many Immigration offices are complying with the new TM30 regulations.
  12. If I'm reading your situation correctly, your online 90-day report was rejected due to a one night stay at a hotel that filed a new TM30. Personally, I'd just visit the CM office, file a new TM30 and TM47 to clear the matter up. You have however been given correct information. Immigration changed the regulations for TM30 reporting back in 2020. Prior to June 2020, if you 'temporarily' stayed elsewhere, either in Thailand or a visit to another Country you were required to file a new TM30 on returning to your permanent address. The new TM30 regulations clearly state as from June 2020 if you go to stay 'temporarily' elsewhere, providing you return to your permanent address already registered with Immigration, a further TM30 is not required. CM are simple ignoring the new TM30 regulations posted June 2020. Immigration new TM30 regulations in English and Thai. TM30 reporting regulation (Eng).pdf TM30 reportingregulation(Thai).pdf Note 2.2 of the regulations; 2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place within the notified period of stay that has not yet ended, such householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make a notification again. Basically, a new TM30 should now only be required if; a) You move to a new 'permanent' address, or, b) Your permission of stay expires whilst, say overseas, but you return to your previously register permanent address.
  13. Partners can be defined as a married or unmarried couple. I always thought Australians called their married partners 'Sheilas'.
  14. Your under consideration stamp will state, "application of stay is under consideration of the Immigration Bureau. Applicant must contact this office again in person on XYZ" If you've not heard beforehand, then contact your IO on the given date as instructed. If your local IO accepted your application, then I've never heard of a case being refused by the regional office ........requested further documents, yes, but not a refusal. Your application is under consideration for as long as it takes to approve, and whilst under consideration you cannot be on overstay. If an extension application is refused, you should be given a stamp allowing 7 days to leave the Country.
  15. Towards the end of that 90 day entry from the single entry Non Imm O, you can apply for a further 60 day extension to visit Thai spouse before applying for a new visa again.
  16. I usually apply 45 days prior to my current permission of stay expiring, but the under consideration stamp is dated for 30 days after my current permission of stay expired. I tend to be notified my application is approved a week before the date on the under consideration stamp. The extension stamp is backdated to the extension renewal date.
  17. You're not out of time. You have an under consideration stamp and until your application is approved you cannot be on overstay.
  18. @bogus1965 is correct. According to recent reports, you are now required to provide evidence of the equivalent of 400K THB in a bank account for the 1-year Non Imm O multi entry visa based on Thai spouse/family.
  19. If your aim is to only stay for around 4 months, I'd get the single entry TV, then extend the 60 day entry by a further 30 days at Immigration. A single border run will allow you to then enter visa exempt for a further 30 days, which can then also be extended for a further 30 days. Almost 5 months.
  20. Only for the METV, but at their discretion if retired ignore the first requirement.
  21. 30 day extensions of stay are applied for at local Immigration offices situated in every Province throughout Thailand. The cost of an extension application is 1,900 BHT. If you don't want to visit an Immigration office, you could just use the METV, but would have to exit and re-enter every 60 days. Apart from the initial 60-day entry, you could make 3 further border crossing, the last being just prior to the METV expiring (enter before date) to attain a total stay of almost 240 days, and you could further extend that last entry for a further 30 days totalling a stay of almost 270 days, OR You could extend each entry by 30 days, so apart from the initial entry of 60 days, and a further 2 border crossing extending each 60 day entry by a further 30 days totals almost 270 days. The only difference is comparing the cost of a further 3rd border run against the cost of 3 x 30 day extensions.
  22. You missed the point of the validity of the visa and the period of stay are different. If you exit and re-enter Thailand on the last day of the visas validity (6 months) you'd be granted another period of stay for 60 days (= 8 months). You can apply to extend each 60 day entry by a further 30 days.
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