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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. Suegha, I love my forties... life is better than ever, DO NOT be afraid! :D

    Icey... C'mon honey, 18 is just the beginning. Strap on your seatbelt baby!!!! :o

    I was only kidding about sweating bullets! Yes 40s are great, as were 30s and even 20s (not so sure about teens).

    Strap on your seat belt whatever age you are and scream if you want to go faster baby!!! :D

    Okay then Khall! I guess I can take your advice! I'll be screaming all the way! :D

  2. the weird thing is wearing braces has become fashionable.

    maybe the next cool thing will be dentures.

    Braces has been fashionable in Bangkok at least since the early 90s... and it still hasn't gone away. I think dentures are still a little way off :o

    I wore braces at sixteen then I had to wear a retainer for a bit last year and I hated it! I dont know why Thais find them so fashionable :D

  3. Ice Maiden wrote

    "My birthday is on April the 25th 1988...I seem so young!

    Make sure you remember it because it is the big 18th soon! "

    Ice Maiden, Is the above a double typo???

    No, she is turning 18 this year.

    No typos!

    Oh and Kayo you missed something off too. I am a dragon and a taurus (same as Daleyboy!)

    Wow! I can't even remember being 18!

    I'm not even 18 yet! I'm getting excited about it actually :D

    But the other week I was sat alone thinking about it and it suddenly dawned on me I'll be 19 next year and it really scared me to be honest! :o

  4. Ice Maiden wrote

    "My birthday is on April the 25th 1988...I seem so young!

    Make sure you remember it because it is the big 18th soon! "

    Ice Maiden, Is the above a double typo???

    No, she is turning 18 this year.

    No typos!

    Oh and Kayo you missed something off too. I am a dragon and a taurus (same as Daleyboy!)

  5. Icey's back in 'da baan

    Well, we havn't meet yet, but welcome back...BTW where is the host, he didn't socialize with his guests for some time... :D

    I'd like to have my Irish coffee on the rocks now :o ...please :D

    Ooooh I belive you are a newbie. Well hello there :D

    I'm Ice Maiden and I like to eat lotsssss of ice cream :D

    Nice to hear... I guess my iced irish coffee comes with (ice) cream as well... :D

    Want a sip?

    No sharing of drinks now please, germs and all that. If the Ice Maiden wants an Irish coffee ice cream I'll just have to whip one up for her... be with you in a jiffy.

    Welcome back Ice Maiden. Would you like chocolate bits sprinkled on top of your ice cream?

    Yes pwease, lots of choccie bits and strawberry syrup.

    Just wanna wish a big hello to all the Baan Totster's :D

    Icey's back in 'da baan :burp:

    Welcome back in ´da BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (you are younger and you waied first, so I guess it´s okay :D

    Thankyou Kayo! :D

  6. oh yehhh..

    when i meet cute young blokes .. i always ask em ..."hi boy ..do you wanna play "merry go round" with aunty Bambi? i will give you some candies also..just trade your 'lolly pop' with me... okie dokie? :D:D

    never missed a thing !! :o

    LOL! :D

    I'd never pay for such a service! Eeek :D

    Erm, Icey, About that outstanding bill I´m still waiting for.... you can´t pay it all in Icecream and BJ¨s you know. Erm, I mean 99 Flakes...

    Don Juan de Masturb´ar[/b][/color]

    Eeek! I thought this was supposed to be a secret! Okay meet me in the same place as usual tonight and maybe we can work something out? :D

  7. it seems normal for birthdays in April...Almost the whole clique....

    C´mon then, give us your bdays:






    Ice Maiden:






    Kayo 07.12.79 (dd-mm-yy)

    and all forgotten people...(like mods and stuff)

    My birthday is on April the 25th 1988...I seem so young! :o

    Make sure you remember it because it is the big 18th soon! :D

  8. then Bambi start to write new book and her nick is JK Rolling (jerk off 'n rolling) her book 's title is .. Hairy Peter and The pussy cave :o


    Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :D

    Nice to see some of your funny posts again sis! :D

    So...Bambi decided to create a list of characters, the main ones inculding Khall, Kayo, Totster and Glauka :D

  9. I can't get enough of "Grease"

    Got to love that film, musicals are great.

    I really love The Rocky Horror Picture Show that film is just amazing.

    In Montreal a while back (and like many many other places) we would go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show late at night, and we would bring props like toast, and an umbrella to protect against others who would spary water, some would dress up like the characters and go on-stage and play along the movie.

    I must have gone at least a dozen times. It was so much fun.

    That sounds great fun! I've always wanted to try that.

  10. I knew I shoudn't have invited Icey to my town over Chrimbo, show someone a bit of hospitality.

    I can see I'm gonna have to get my camera out eh, I know I'll get a suspension though, suspension not extension Icey..... :o


    No extention alright...Hey! Redrus! Put down those little blue tablets you know they are bad for your heart old guy! :D

  11. My wife is actually a pretty good arguer and will go head to head with me till the cows come home. She really sticks buy her guns and will never back down and usually jumps on her bike in a huff to see her mates with a "sup to you"

    Sounds like me! I will argue until I am blue in the face if I know I'm right but alcohol dosen't make me better either! :o

  12. I just wanted to say thanks. I am not joking nor looking for brownie points. I am being serious. I want to thank the mods for being the ones to help keep us all in line. I have been to places with no rules and the fun is sucked out completely as everything degenerates into fighting and insults. I have met one of TV's former monsters and have been made greatful that there are people who are willing to do such a thankless job so that TV is a place for everyone. That is why I keep posting here, because it's fun and I am made to feel welcome. This is in no small part to the mods of this forum. I say this also as someone who has from time to time been put in his place.

    So, thank you very much for your time and patience. :D


    ... :D ... [@ daleyboy] ... japcheese1rd.gif

    :D"I have met one of TV's former monsters ..." waiingjaplaugh21bd.gif Tell us ! Tell us !


    Thought they were all monsters! :o

    Surely not all :D Welcome back Icey :D

    So you didn't forget my name, thats good :D

  13. I just wanted to say thanks. I am not joking nor looking for brownie points. I am being serious. I want to thank the mods for being the ones to help keep us all in line. I have been to places with no rules and the fun is sucked out completely as everything degenerates into fighting and insults. I have met one of TV's former monsters and have been made greatful that there are people who are willing to do such a thankless job so that TV is a place for everyone. That is why I keep posting here, because it's fun and I am made to feel welcome. This is in no small part to the mods of this forum. I say this also as someone who has from time to time been put in his place.

    So, thank you very much for your time and patience. :D


    ... :D ... [@ daleyboy] ... japcheese1rd.gif

    :D"I have met one of TV's former monsters ..." waiingjaplaugh21bd.gif Tell us ! Tell us !


    Thought they were all monsters! :o

  14. why so popular?

    Because here at TV we have quality topics like "why so popular". :o

    Don't forget "Rain"... :D

    My favourite :D Throw the rest away and keep rain i would be a very happy man :D

    I can say I never posted on that thread!

    But what an intresting one Daleyboy :D

    Nah... ThaiVisa is so popular because...Hey someone remind me why.... :D

  15. Hey Redrus give me a link to that date of birth thread.

    .....And don't you mean six miles bigger? :burp:

    :D shes cetainly got the measure of you peewee :D

    I saw nothing capable of being measured!......Nothing! :D

    You crack me up girl :D Poor ole redrus, this was supposed to be taking the piss out of me not the poor little fella from up north :D

    Nevermind about him, he'll find a some female that looks for the love of her life with a microscope :o

    But nothing wrong with northerners! :D

    Its ok I can live with the <deleted>, she from Grimsby.

    I already found her and, she doesn't need tweezrs either before you add that..... :D


    Nope... A pair of tweezers couldn't even grasp your member! :D

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